Werewolf Bite... Chapter 6 Cooper POV

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Cooper's P.0.V

Tabitha just ruins everything. Now i'm stressing about what Nisela thinks. She acted as if she didn't care but I doubt that. She looked pretty pissed when Tabitha gave me a hug. I'm still debating on whether I should tell Nisela about everything before or after her transformation. She will be freaked out either way and won't believe me. I wonder how she is turning and her brother isn't because he is older and would change before her. Well it is not important now but what is important is how i'm going to get Nisela to like me. Man, I sound like a chick.

"Earth to Coop, it's lunch time man. I'm hungry and I don't have time for you to be day dreaming about Nisela right now." My best friend, Lee, said. He could be a pain in the butt sometimes.

"I was not thinking about her. I was thinking about...what...kind...of food my cat needs. Yeah, that's it." I'm horrible at lying.

"Dude, you do not have a cat. Haha. You suck ass a lying. I'll teach you someday but right now let's go. I have nachos and burgers to kill." We left the hallway, where we were standing the whole time. We made our way to the cafeteria and got in the lunch line. My eyes immediately scanned the cafeteria for Nisela. I found her in the corner by herself but then a dude walked to her table. I listened hard to find out what they were talking about. Being a werewolf helped me in the listening department.

"Hey there, foxy momma." the dude said.

"Umm excuse me. Do I want to know you?" Nisela said, looking up from the book that she had been reading.

"Duhhh, you need to know me. I'm on the football team and one of the most popular guys in this school. It would be an honor to know me." He is so full of himself. David has a way with the ladies.

"Listen here, I would love to finish this very irritating conversation but i am reading and you are interrupting my reading so be gone please? I do mean now if you don't mind"

"I'm doing you a favor by talking to you, new girl. You should show respect to the kings of this school. That means you and me will be going on a date and I won't take no for an answer." He said with a smirk. I was getting irritated quickly with his attitude. At that moment, I noticed Nisela looked up from her book that she was reading but instead of her chocolate brown eyes, it was replaced with a golden color. She then produced a low growl and that's when I started to make my way towards the far end of the cafeteria to prevent her changing in front of people.

"Leave. My. Table. You have made me more than angry." She said in a low, menancing voice. David started to get the point and he backed away slowly. 

"Nisela, I know what is happening to you so I need for you calm down. If you don't then it will be very bad." She was breathing really hard and her eyes were still glowing a little. Slowly though her eyes changed back to its chocolate brown. Then the waterworks started. Ugh, I hate when girls cry.

"What is happening to me? I'm a big weirdo. Who growls besides animals? I have a super appetite, I have super speed and I have super hearing. Not to mention I just growled. All these things didn't even start happening until I got bit on the arm the other day by a wolf." That suprised me. Werewolves in our pack know that it is forbidden to bite humans and anyone who breaks the law is put to death. It must have been a rogue on our territory again. They've been on our land a couple times now. My dad, who is the alpha over the pack, doesn't know what to do about them. He sends a group to find a suspected stray and question them. They may join if they like but they are otherwised asked to leave the land. You can say we try for the more diplomatic way of dealing with a situation instead of killing them on the spot.

"So wolf bit you? Tell me what happen...it is crucial." The problem needs to be dealt with immediatedly.

"Well I was in the woods just walking around trying to avoid unpacking. I'm kind of lazy but anyway, it got dark outside so I was going to start heading home. I got lost and then heard strange noises so I ran. I soon heard the growling behind me and noticed it was a wolf. I tripped, it jumped on me and then it bit me. Whoosh, there it is. You said a couple of minutes ago that you know what's wrong with me. Can you explain?" I guess it will be now rather than later that I tell her the truth.

"Alright. I know it's your first day but do you wanna skip? I will explain everything while we get a bite to eat."

"I'll skip. I don't think I would be able to focus in the rest of my classes. Will this be like a date?" She said with a sly smile.

"Haha, yes it will. Come on, we will leave before the end of lunch ends." I was estatic that I was going on a date with my mate. 


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