Werewolf Bite...Chapter 15

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Another day, another chapter...ENJOY!

"Umm, what do you mean?" I don't handle death that well. When my nana died, I was completely crushed. Even now, when Cooper spoke of the news, it made me sad and I didn't really know his father at all.

"It's what I already said Nisela, my father is gone, murdered. He is not coming back." Cooper said in a snappy tone of voice. It really put me off because he is usually so sweet to me and is always smiling at me.

"Nisela, sorry for snapping at you but I think some time to myself. This is a lot for me to take in. I'll see you later." He didn't even let me get a word in, he just left me standing here by myself. I was beyond confused. Since the party was only a couple of blocks away from where I lived, I decided to walk home, to clear my head.

Walking can sometimes be therapeutic, walking in the dark, not so much. Maybe I should have hitched a ride from someone at the party. At least it feels good out here. A nice full moon and clear dark skies.

I understand that Cooper is really upset but why would he shut me out? I haven't known him for long but I felt really close to him. It feels as if I've known him longer which makes his rejection that much worse. Maybe I will call him tomorrow and see if he is feeling better. Will that seem to needy? I'm not very good with these relationship issues.

While I was thinking about Cooper and I, I missed my turn and end up on a street that is unfamiliar to me. I turn around to retrace my steps. The atmosphere isn't so calming anymore, now it has an eerie feeling out here, like something is about to happen. I kept walking at a faster than normal pace, ready to get home to my bed. I made it back to the correct street and I let out a sigh of relief. I'm almost home.

I wonder where Cooper is? I'm going to call him when I get home to make sure he is safe at home. Who ever killed Cooper's dad could possibly kill Cooper and that would devastate me to the fullest. This mate thing is serious business. 

I'm almost home, I can see the lights on in the house but the huge wolf is in the way. It was Marco in his wolf form. Ella, my wolf, was practically ripping at the edges to break free. I see he isn't going to leave without a fight. I let Ella free and turned into my beautiful chocolate wolf. I took no time in standing around. As I was running forward, Marco started to charge towards me. We were both running at a very fast pace and the next I know, I was no longer running. I was thrown to the ground by something hard and whatever it was pinned me to the ground. I am really confused??

I regained my senses back and noticed that Cooper, in wolf form, was on top of me. He was staring at Marco with an evil glare and mouth pulled back, bearing his teeth. Cooper growled and Marco took a step forward from the spot that he was at. 

Nisela, change and go home. I mean it, just do what I say! He said menacingly without looking at me. 

I don't think so, Coop! You think I'm going to let you get yourself killed over this douche? You don't know me very well then.

Marco took another step forward and Cooper sent him a warning growl to him, making him stop in his place. 

Nisela, please. He is not going to wait for you to leave. Why do you have to be hard headed? I laughed, well I guess I did. I don't know about this wolf body. I was getting rather annoyed with him on top of me. I started to get up, struggling to get off under Cooper. He was stronger than he looked. It was like trying to move a wall, it was impossible.

Off in the distant I could hear a siren. I don't think Cooper or Marco heard it over their irritating growling. It sounded as if it was making its way towards us. I kept struggling to get free but Coop wasn't having it. 

Cooper... Cooper... COOPER! He was still not listening to me. The sound was getting closer and I fear that someone called the cops on the excessive growling that was going. 

Coop, let's go! I think cops are coming. They might call animal control on us if we don't leave. It seems as if Marco started to hear the sirens because he backed up. He turned around and ran into the woods. Cooper waited a couple of more seconds and he then decided to get off of me. Finally, I thought I was going to have to go Hulk on him for a second. Before he could say anything, I sprinted towards my house before we were caught. I could hear Cooper right behind me. 

We made it to his backyard. I tried the technique that Coop told me to do to change back. It focused on changing back. I pictured my body and what I looked like as a human. I felt a little tingle and I was back in my body. My very naked body at that. If I'm naked after the change then wouldn't that make Cooper naked also? Wasn't he right behind me on the way here? Okay Nisela, whatever you do, don't look in the southern region. We can not have any hanky panky going on here.

I slowly turned around. I could feel Coop's presence right behind me so there was no escaping this. I mean, wouldn't I see him naked eventually? Hmm...that would be nice. Dirty thoughts are a no no. I was completely facing him now and I was trying really hard not to look down. He was standing with a smirk on his face. One peek won't hurt... I let my eyes travel down his body. He had a very toned six pack, a six pack that I had a need to touch. I let my eyes travel all the way down. I feel like a pervert. Coop had a huge, umm, 'piece'. I don't go around looking at men's private's but Cooper was huge.

"You can take a picture, it will last longer." Cocky much?

"It isn't much down there." I shrugged and looked the other way. We were just having a conversation in our birthday suits.

"Oh really?" He started walking forward which made me take steps back so we wouldn't have any body contact. He now had me up against the wall. What will the neighbors think? Our bodies weren't quite touching but it was closer than I wanted.

"You know, I was about to ask you something earlier but I didn't get a chance?" He said putting both of his hands on either side of my head. I was now trapped. I'm anticipating some action going on in a minute and it's starting to make my body feel weird.

"And what was that?" I said, my voice barely above a whisper. I'm getting a little bit too turned on by the proximity. I was leaning forward every minute.

"I was wondering, that maybe, you know...maybe you want to be my girlfriend? I mean, we've gotten closer these last couple of days and I think it is right to make it official." Coop said. He was being all shy and nervous about it which made it really cute. Do he think I will reject him? I leaned up and kissed him. He was shocked at first but then he started to kiss back. I wrapped my arms around his neck and grabbed me by my waist, making us close enough that our bodies were one. Cooper has great restraint because I was about to full on attack him but he pulled away. I no longer felt his extremely happy manhood so my body calmed down a notch.

"We don't want to do anything rash. Especially here, outside." Aww! Always thinking rationally because I could care less.

"Alright, another time then."

"Oh, most definitely. Preferably in the near future." He said with a smirk. I pecked him on the lips, making sure to keep it at a peck. I then realize something.

"Coop Bear, how are we going to get in the house completely naked?!"


Sorry it took so long to upload but...ENJOY! read, comment, vote :D

Comment on how you feel about the characters. From what you've read, who do you like the most in the story. I'm the author of the story but my personal fave in Cooper of course, lol :D

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