Werewolf Bite... Chapter 16

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"Sorry Nisela but I have no clue how we are getting into either house without being questioned. My sisters are going to grill me on why I am naked. Nakedness is normal for werewolves bit I have never walked in the house with absolutely nothing on. I know your family wouldn't be too pleased with your condition either."

"Tell me something I don't know Coop. By the way, how are you feeling? About your dad, I mean." I laid a hand on his tense shoulder. I know he is strong and he will come out of this horrible tragedy stronger.

"I know it's wrong to hold everything in but I feel if I break down just a little bit, then I will lose it. I have to be strong for the family." He said. He won't have to go through it alone because he will have me with him. His eyes connected back to mine and his stare was intense. I was feeling the same need to kiss him coming back and we had no time to fiddle faddle.

"I would love to make out with you right now," His eyes brighten up. ",but we need a plan." He pouted like a toddler not getting what they want. Just then I remembered that I left my window unlocked the other day and I don't remember locking it. With Cooper's great strength he could probably give me a boost to see if it was open. I shared the plan with Coop.

"Sounds like a plan. I'm starting to feel a little shy standing in front of you with friend staring at you." I chuckled and I sneaked a glance down at his 'friend'. We walked from his house to the side of mine, where my room window was located.

"I want you to lift, with my feet in you hands, and boost me up to my window. I'm pretty sure that it is open." Coop nodded his head and looked nervous for some reason.

"Why do you look nervous? You're just lifting me, I way nothing at all."

"We are naked and I'm going to try and lift you. I don't think I have the self control to do so." He said with a worried look in his eyes.

"Come on stop being a chicken. I don't plan on standing out here butt naked while you get yourself together. Now lift me!" I said with a hand on my hip, full of attitude. Coop had the stupidest smile on his face.


"You are really sexy when you boss me around." He said, getting closer to me.

"Coop, I'm going to have to ask you to think with the head up top, not the one below. Now, hold your hands out and put them together so that I can put my feet in it." He did as he was told and I set my right foot into his palms. I used the wall for support as I set my left foot beside the right. Cooper then lifts me above his head, stretching to the fullest. The tip of my fingers barely touched the window glass but I pushed it in slightly and it opened.

"It's open Coop. Just push me up so that I land through the window. I would like for you to stop staring at my ass please!"

"Sorry Ni, it's right in my face. How can I not stare at peachy booty?"

"I'm going to pretend I didn't to hear that. Push me throu--" He didn't even let me finish my sentence before he threw me through the window. I'm going to have to give him a piece of mind when I go back down. I went over to my dresser and pulled out my undergarments. I decided to take a shower and let him wait out there. 

 Cooper's POV

I wonder what's taking Nisela so long. All she had to do was throw down some basketball shorts and a shirt. She's been in there for ten minutes. It feels really awkward standing out here naked, looking around. I probably look like some naked creeper standing out here. I guess I'm going to take matters into my own hands.

I looked around and noticed that they have a huge tree in their backyard. It wasn't big enough for it to reach Nisela's window but it was large enough to get me on the roof. I ran over to the tree and jumped and climbed to the top. I jumped from the tree to the roof and made my way towards Nisela's window. I heard the shower running and she was in there humming a song. I guess she was in no hurry to bring me some clothes. I held on to the edge of the roof  and slid into her room. I tried to be as quiet as I could. 

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