Werewolf Bite...Chapter 7

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Nisela POV

"Now eblain po me putt tis goin on..." My words were coming out all slurred because I was now stuffing my face with my club sandwich. Cooper took me to his place of employment, Cosmin Deli. This time I ordered two club sandwich. I know I need to be focused on what is happening to me but I didn't eat lunch so I was super hungry.

"I'm just gonna be blunt about it and you probably won't believe me. Hear we go, you, Nisela, are becoming a werewolf." He said and then he stared at me waiting on my reaction. I can either believe him or not believe him so I have to think rationally. I mean, there would be no reason to get me out of school on my first day just to play a joke on me so he may be telling the truth. Twilight is not really a fact book but the symptoms I'm showing are similar to the werewolves in the story. I eat a lot more than I did before I got bit and I growled. Let's not forget that important fact. Alright, I'm going to listen to here the rest.

"I'm trying to think about this rationally so continue. I eat, you talk." He agreed and I picked up my sandwich once again.

"Well, like I said, you are turning into werewolf. You are showing some of signs, increase hunger, increase speed, and your wolf is becoming pronounced hence the growling. You will become less and less sensitive to the temperature around you and your sense will be heighten. These different things will happen a couple days before your transformation, it varies with each werewolf. Anyway, your first transformation is going to be very painful. The male wolfs go through it alone but female wolves have their mate----"

"What is a mate?" I said interrupting him.

"A mate is when one werewolf is destined by fate to be with another wolf."

"Do you have a mate?" I asked. I hope he doesn't. That would just crush me cause he seems like a really fantastic guy.

"Yes, I do," Bummer. I hope his mate appreciate him. Why did he have to be so cute. ",it's you." I sat there staring at him. I was shocked but kind of ecstatic.

"Really. How do you know that?" I said with a smile. He smile back and it made him light up. Why was I not running away from all of this. It seems unreal.

"Well, werewolves can sense their mate by their mate's scent. Your scent smells like apples and vanilla with a hint of cinnamon. When you came into Cosmin Deli, I knew you were my mate. You had this wonderful aura around you when you came in that day. I didn't even know you lived beside me until your brother came over."

"So we are mates. Destined to be together forever. I can deal but this is all crazy. Can you explain more?"

"Well, in order to become full mates, I must mark you with a bite and then we have...to get...intimate." Aww, he's trying to avoid eye contact. 

"Then what?" trying to get him to look at me. It worked.

"We then have a ceremony celebrating the mating. It consist of family and friends, nothing big. There is a lot more to explain about werewolves and stuff but I think you have had enough for today. What do you think about of all of this?" He said with a worried look like I'm going to run away at any moment.

"I'm a little in shock and it is a lot to take in. I got bit by a rogue werewolf, I'm turning into a werewolf and I have a werewolf mate. It all sounds insane but it's nothing I can't deal with. I'm adapt to change real easily and this is a big change." I said getting a little louder with each word. I guess I'm not handling this as well as I thought.

"I really don't know what you are going through because I was born into this werewolf thing. If you need time to cope, I can give you time if you want." He said but it's like he didn't want to give me time.

"I think that would be best. Can you give me like a day or two to let it sink in..." I asked.

"That's okay, I can wait for you. Let me take you back to the school so you can get your car." Aww he sounded so defeated. Maybe I will just stay alone for a couple of hours then I will ask him to come over. That sounds like a plan. We made our way to his car. It was really nice. What little I did know about cars, I knew that it was a BMW M3. It was black on the outside and inside and it was cool driving in it.

"Maybe you can give me your number and I can call you later on?" I said with a small smile. I didn't like for him to be upset and I know I made him sad when I asked for space. He instantly lit up at my request and searched for a pen and paper to write his number.

"You can call anytime and I will answer. Don't hesitate." It's like I made his day! Maybe it's the mate thing.

"Alright, I won't." We both fell into a comfortable silence. I have a tendency to fall asleep sometimes when I'm not in the driver's seat so I fell straight to sleep when he drove me back. He woke me up when we arrived at the school. It was now 3:30 so school has not been out that long.

"Man, you are a deep sleeper." He said getting out the car. Before I could even touch the door handle, he had made his way to my side and was opening the door for me.

"Thank you. You are such a gentlemen. You even paid for my lunch." 

"It's no big deal really. It comes naturally. So I will see you around?" He said with a hopeful look. He just had to look adorable. I opened my car door and put one foot in.

"Definitely maybe. Ha ha." I said with a laugh and got in. I cranked the car up and drove off.

Cooper P.O.V

She was going to kill me. I don't know if she felt the connection but I did. It was getting stronger each minute I was with her. When I first saw her walk in, the connection was mild. She was gorgeous. Her long dark hair, dark chocolate eyes and her light brown skin. Not to mention her body. She was petite with slight curves. In other words perfect. 

I made my way to my car and inspected it for any scratches. One thing about me is that I'm obsessed with my car. My dad bought it for me since he and mom wasn't around enough to raise me and Casey. I clean the inside and outside of my car every week making sure no one or nothing messed up my prized possession. 

I am so glad that this my last year of high school. I don't think I can deal with school anymore but now that Nisela is here, she will be motivation for me to come to school. I didn't even ask her for her schedule. We might have one or two classes together since she is a junior. Just like Casey. Casey, Casey, why do I have the strange sense that I was suppose to do something for her? Oh man!! I was suppose to help her with her party planning. I didn't want to but she begged and gave me the puppy dog eyes and I couldn't resist. She is never going to forgive me.

After I finished my inspection, I got in the car and raced home. Maybe if I buy her some flowers or chocolates, she will forgive me. No she won't, she hates that stuff. Maybe she won't even mind at all. I guess I will see. I got out the car and locked it. I found my house key and walked up the steps, only sweating slightly. My sister was vicious when she wanted to be. Before I could even put the key in the lock, Casey threw open the door.


Alright, another chapter. So Vote Vote Vote and Comment.

Thank you for reading :D 

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