Werewolf Bite... Chapter 5

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I wish summer lasted longer, like the rest of my life longer. The last week before school start is torture. I have to go to sleep earlier so that I won't be up til the break of dawn on a school night. My mom still likes to go school shopping so she doesn't feel old. We get new clothes and school supplies. I am 17, the only school supplies I need is paper, pencils, and notebooks and I am good to go.

The alarm clock blaring beside me every morning does not make me happy either. Ugh, 6:50 a.m. on a Monday morning. Postponing getting up won't make going to school anybetter so I might as well get up. I got up and made my way to the bathroom to start of my day. I took a nice hot shower til there was steam everywhere and got out. I brushed my teeth and washed my face, which woke me up tremendously. I walked out the bathroom with my towel wrapped around my body and went to lock the door of my bedroom. My brothers are known to barge in on me at my weakest moments. They barge in when I don't have clothes on, they take pictures when i'm eating, and they even caught me making out one time. Can you say embarassing?

I picked out my clothes and accessories for today. I decided to wear a baby pink pullover with black leopard spots on them put together with a pair of gray tweed shorts over lace tights. I went to the bathroom and applied my eyeliner and mascara. I took my rollers out to have loose curls. I was almost finished getting ready for my first day at a new school but I needed a good pair of shoes. Being the shopaholic I am, I bought a large amount of shoes. I decided to go with a pair of black studded ankle boots. I went to my full length mirror and saw that I looked very cute for today.

I went to my accessory drawer and put on a pair of silver hoops and a pair of pearl earrings and I put a bundle of silver spiked bracelets. I grabbed my all black shades and bookbag and went downstairs to the kitchen for breakfast. It was now 7:32, I only had time for a piece of bread and an apple. I know it is weird to eat just plain bread but I'm addicted to eating it that way.

"Nigel, get your butt down here now or we are gonna be late!!" I yelled. I listened for his response and instead I heard him singing along to the radio. He is so slow sometimes and I have no patience for slowness. Nigel's phones started ringing. He answered it and then the creepiest thing happened which spooked me out. I heard the other side of Nigel's conversation. When I started panicking, I could no longer hear the conversation. Weird things have been happening to me lately and I don't like it.

Nigel came bounding down the steps still on the phone. I walked out to the car without saying anything to Nigel, still a little shocked from what happened. Nigel walked out the house with a banana in his hand. He locked the house door and got in the car.

"Come on Ni, you are going to make me late if you don't come on." That snapped me out of it.

"We are going to be late because of you. Now if you every make me wait on you again, I'm going to chop your balls off in your sleep. Shut up." I said, making him be quiet. Nigel can be so annoying sometimes. Maybe it is the last child syndrome, always wanting attention. I cranked the car and headed for Nigel's school. Once there, I dropped him off. I drove fast to my school. I parked in a parking spot close to the exit. I hate school traffic.

I walked into the school looking for the main office to get my locker number and schedule. As I was walking I spotted the office to my left. I adjusted my bookbag and stepped into the main office. The secretary looked really mean, like she didn't take anything from anybody.

"Um, I'm new to the school and I need my schedule and information please." I said in my nicest voice.

"What is your name sweetie?" Now that is a total shocker. She sounds nice.

"My name is Nisela Burcoat. My brother probably has already been in here."

"Ok, Nisela Burcoat. Oh yes, I did see your brother. He is quite sexy I might say." Can you say awkward. She's like 50 years old and that is just gross.

"Okay...if you say so." I don't even know how to respond to that type of statement. She finished printing my stuff and handed it to me.

"There you go sweetie. If you have any questions, come back at the end of the day and I will gladly answer them. Tell your brother I said hi." 

"Alright ma'am." She is really creepy but I can't help but laugh at the situation. I stepped back into the hallway searching for my first class. I had a pretty good schedule. 

1st: Anatomy

2nd: English

3rd: Pre-Calculus

4th: Creative Writing

5th: Study Hall

6th: Weight Training

7th: P.E.

I hate that I have all academic classes in the morning but I'm glad I can take it easy for the rest of the day. I'm glad they gave me weight training. Luckily I didn't have to have a social studies class since I received my required credits at my old high school. I found my locker on the second floor of the school. Locker 2193, 2194, 2195. Here it is, 2196. 22 32 12. Easy combo! 

"Hey Nisela! It's me, Logan." I heard a female's voice behind me. I turned around and saw Logan skipping down the hallway.

"Oh, hi Logan. Good to see someone early this morning who can help me. Do you know where room 246, um, Anatomy 101?" I asked.

"Follow me, I can take you. I'm in the classroom next to you but Cooper has that class. See you after class." She walked off. I walked into class and went straight to the back of class. I do not like all the attention on me. I sat down in an empty desk on the last row in the back. There was an empty desk on either side of me so I guess the people are not here yet. More and more people were coming into the class when a blond chick came struttin' in and then she spotted me. Uh oh!

"Hey new girl, why don't you get your ass out of my desk. I mean now or are you deaf? Uggh." Who does this chick think she is? I could beat her with my pinky. Haha. 

"No I am not deaf, I can hear just fine. There are other desk around that you can occupy because i'm not getting up." I pulled out a notebook and pencil and started doodling. I still sensed her presence beside me.

"Listen new girl, you are new here--"

"Now that you have established my newness to the school, can you please leave?" I was getting annoyed real quick and a little angry. Usually I can stay calm in this kind of situation but something about her irked me. Just then Cooper walked in looking as sexy as he looked in the deli. The blond chick turned around to see what I was staring at, and saw that I was staring at Cooper. She strutted her way to him and gave him a tight hug. Something inside of me became jealous at the situation but I dismissed it quickly. I didn't know Cooper like that. Speaking of Cooper, he pulled the slut off him and he made his way towards me.

"Hey Nisela, it's not what you think. Tabitha and I do not go out whatsoever." he tried to explain.

"Cooper, I don't know you that well so I don't care who you have and haven't dated." I said when the bell rang for the beginning of class. 

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