Werewolf Bite...Chapter 11

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Nancy Burcoat (mom) ---------->

Enjoy another chapter of the story!

I just realized that I haven't been to the new school yet. If you count the first half of my first day then, yeah I've been but it doesn't count for me. I'm not ready to go back to school but I would like some normalcy. After Nicolas asked Cooper a lot of questions about Cooper's and I 'relationship'. We explained that we were being friends for now. We may be mates but I don't really know who he really is. We were all in my room watching tv on my bed. 

"Nisela, where are you?" I heard my mom yell. What was she doing home? She usually went to work real early and left work around the time I would be sleep. Weird.

"MOM, I'M IN HERE!" I shouted to her. The boys on the bed all cringed at my loud shouting. Cooper was practically about to cry with his sensitive werewolf hearing. I laughed to myself and they glared at me.

"What? She couldn't hear me all the way from downstairs. Haha." They went back to watching tv. Mom decided to walk straight into the room without knocking.

"Mom, why did you just walk in here without knocking? I could have been naked or worst, masturbating." Cooper was the only one who thought it was funny because he busted out laughing.

"Nisela! Watch your language. Now tell me the reason you haven't been to school these last couple of days and who is this young man on your bed that I have never met?" She said with the 'tell-me-now-or-else' look.

"I came down with the stomach virus thing last night so I didn't want to go to school and spread germs. I was in terrible shape, isn't that right Nic?" I look at him expectantly.

"Yeah, horrible. Throwing up and sweating. It was just nasty. I think it is still over there..." We all looked to the side of my bed and there it was, the puke stain. I should clean that up.  

"Anyway, this right here," I said patting Cooper's head ",is my personal assistant who does everything for me. He loves the job and the pay." He chuckled and shook his head. Cooper got up and walk towards my mom.

"Hi Mrs. Burcoat, I'm Cooper Smith. I'm a friend of Nic and Nisela. I live next door." He said with the same smirk on his face that he always have. He's charming my mom, gross. She's falling for it to. 

"Okay mom, you can stop cheesing, your jaw might break off at any moment." When Cooper turned around to sit down, mom was pointing at him behind his back and giving me thumbs up. She then left the room. Mom was a strange creature. She was strict at times and then she would be hanging out with us like we were her friends. I love my mom to death but I hate the fact that she wants me to have these lady-like manners that I will never have. A mom being a mom I guess.

"Nicolas and Nigel, it's time for you to leave my room. The fact that I let you stay in here for this long, you should be happy. Move it." They started mumbling.

"I have a date anyway. Her name is Tabitha, I think. A petite little blond with nice lips. Bye NiNi and see ya Cooper." Nicolas said on his way out. Tabitha is such a slut. Hope she doesn't give my brother anything. She was just on Cooper the other day. Nigel walked out my room without a peep. He's so quiet sometimes.

"Earth to Nisela. What are you thinking about?" Coop said as he lay his head on my pillow with his arms crossed over his chest. I wonder if Cooper can read my mind since we are mates. I turned towards him and gave him a deathly stare. I was gathering up some anger and rage inside me and directing it towards him to see if can read my thoughts. Cooper gave me a confused look.

"What are you angry about all of sudden?" I gasped.

"You can read my mind!" He didn't that being a part of this mate thing.

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