Werewolf Bite... Chapter 10

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After hunting small animals, Cooper told me to wait by this tree while he went and change back into his clothes. I was quite exhausted from all the excitement today and the change did not help with the strain on my body. I was so deep in thought about my change that I didn't even notice Cooper standing right in front of me. He was staring at me intently.

"Why are you staring at me? Anyway can you take me home? My body feels a little weak and I want to sleep."

"That's the effect of your first change. It drains you but after a good day of resting, you'll be good. Come. No one should be home so you're safe." We were walking with each other to the house in a comfortable silence when we reached my house just in time because I don't I could walk anymore. The bad thing is, is that I don't even know how to change back. I didn't even think that far ahead. We walked into the living room where I collapsed. 

"How to do I change back? I need a shower and a nap."

"What I want you to do is imagine yourself in your human. Imagine all the features on your body like your ears, eyes, arms, feet. You will feel a tingle in your body which means you are close to changing." We were just sitting here in silence for a couple of minutes while I mustered up the strength to accomplish this task.

"Okay, I'm about to try this. It may take me awhile because I don't know what I'm doing. Here goes nothing." I got on all fours and start concentrating. I imagined my long dark hair, my chocolate brown skin, my dark brown eyes and my slender body. I started to feel a sensation flowing through my body. I soon felt a cold chill go though me and I realized I was in my human body again. I was also very naked. I tried to cover the important parts of my body and snuck a look out of the corner of my eye to see Cooper staring at my body. Darn hormonal teenager.

"Cover your eyes Cooper! I am naked!! You forgot to mention that part of the changing back!" He quickly turned around when I mentioned him staring. 

"Oh I forgot about that part of process...or did I?" He said as he chuckled. 

"I'm going to run upstairs while your back is turned. You better not sneak a peek, pervert." I said. As he stayed turned around, I scooted back and got up, still covering my goodies, and ran up the stairs. If that wasn't embarrassing, I don't know what is. He saw me in my birthday suit for goodness sake. I grabbed my bra and panties, an oversized t-shirt and some skinny jeans and laid them on my bed. I then took a long over due shower. I have to say, it was the best shower in my life. It released all the tension in my joints. As I walked out of the shower with the towel around my body, Cooper decided it would be fun to scare the living out of me by jumping out of nowhere. Me being scared of my life, dropped the towel that was around me and held my hands up like I was surrendering.

"COOPER, I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" I bent down and pulled my towel tight around me. He is such a pervert.

"I thought it would be funny. I didn't think you would drop your towel and show me ALL of you." He said with laugh at the end. Oh, he thinks this is funny. I walked up to him and shoved him with the hand that wasn't holding on to the towel. I got close to him so that we were toe to toe.

"What are you doing little girl?" He said as I stared him down. He started to shift under my gaze. I was going to make him uncomfortable with my stare like he was making me uncomfortable. I wanted him to break eye contact before me. I guess he caught on to what I was doing when I got closer to his face without breaking eye contact. He then raised one eyebrow basically say 'bring it on'. Time to play dirty. 

"I hope you know that I am a alpha in training and breaking eye contact is like submitting to someone. I never back down so just look away little girl." He said. Cocky much? He doesn't know that I never back down from a challenge. 

"Is that right Coopy? You never back down? I bet you a kiss and five dollars that you will break eye contact first. Deal?" Being a guy, I bet he doesn't want to be beat by a girl.

"Deal." We stared at each other and I backed up a little so that he could have a view at what I was about to do. He quirked another eyebrow at the space I put between us. I started to slip my towel down so that my boobs were exposed. I know it's very slutty of me to show my privates but we are mates, its bound to happen sooner or later. Plus I'm a werewolf, I'm guessing nakedness is not an issue. I could see him straining to look down, he was sweating and his eyes had turned a bright green color. That's strange.

"Don't you want to give up Coopy Bear? It will be worth it." I said taunting him. He then looked down and pumped my fist in victory. I pulled my towel back up. I then notice Cooper had this intense stare focused on me and his eyes were brighter than before. He started walking toward me while I backed up with every step he took. I felt the back of my legs touch the side of my bed. Trapped. He pushed me down with his index finger. He climbed on top of me and looked me in the eye.

"You shouldn't tempt me Nisela. I'm a young werewolf with a small amount of self control." He said with a smirk. Right now, that smirk turned me on, slightly. I was at a lost for words. His noes skimmed the base of my neck. It was the best feeling ever. Granted, I don't have experience with these things.

"W-what are y-y-you doing?"

"You smell magnificent."

"Cooper, you should stop while you are ahead. We don't want to do anything that we will regret." He rolled over so that he was beside me rather than on me. Cooper then got up and went to the bathroom. I'm guessing to cool off. I quickly pulled on my clothes so that he wouldn't get tempted again. I layed down on my bed and clicked on the t.v. Cooper came in and sat beside me watching whatever I was watching. The only thing good on at the moment were Jersey Shore re-runs. I'm a sucker for Jersey Shore and all reality shows. I slid over so that I was l across Coop's lap. 

"Ni-ni, me and Nigel are home. We bought you some soup and medicine. I'm hoping you are feeling okay?" I wasn't sick to begin with, haha.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I would like votes please and I promise to upload sooner. 

Sorry if there are errors in the story. I hate to proofread :D

Comment and tell me if I should continue on with the story or to make it more interesting....

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