Werewolf Bite...Chapter 14

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Marco ------------>

I decided to keep my revalation to myself. I know that he would go down there and kill that man without a regret. I stopped Cooper from his mindless pacing and dragged him back to the party. I wasn't spending my party time worrying about some random guy. Before we got back to the dance floor, Cooper stopped me and pulled me into an empty bathroom that was downstairs.

"Why are we in here? I don't have to use the restroom." I said, confused. It was one of those half bathrooms with just a toilet and a sink in it. A restroom that is not fit for two people.

"I have something to ask you. I wanted to ask you earlier at the house but I got interrupted. So, I was wondering--" He was interrupted by a knock at the door. I opened the door just out of curiousity and Tinsel was standing there with a drink in her hand, jumping up and down to the music. Can werewolves get drunk?

"Can werewolves get drunk?" I whispered to Cooper, still staring at Tinsel who was now swinging her hair back and forth.

"Yes but we have a very high tolerance for alcohol because our metabolism is very high. That's why we eat a lot." Makes sense.

"But why is Tinsel so drunk? By the way, I'm not drinking any alcohol no matter how high our tolerance is. Such a nasty beverage."

"Tinsel is not a full werewolf because she is 16. Werewolves females change when they are around the age of 18. Male werewolves turn around the age of 16." With the exception of me. I don't think Tins realize she is still dancing in front of the bathroom door.

"Umm, Tinsel, are you okay?" I asked. She stopped and stared at me. She jumps on me, making the restroom unbearable.

"Tins, what are you doing? I...can't...breathe..." Tinsel proceeds to kiss me on the mouth. What do I do? What do I do? Cooper helps pull Tinsel away from me and my lips. That was super awkward. I hope she doesn't remember that in the morning because I do not want to relive that moment. I was going to save my girl experience for college but I can check that off my list of things to do. 

"How was the kiss?" Cooper teased. 

"That is not funny, it was super awkward. Who kisses random people when they are drunk?" I pulled him out to the dance floor before I got kissed by another person. They were playing my favorite song by Sleigh Bells. When no one is home but me, I play my music extra loud and jump all around the room. When the song came on, I pretended to be in my room. Cooper was laughing at my ridiculous dancing. 

After they played a couple of fast paced songs, they played a slow one.

"May I have this dance?" Cooper said holding out his hand.

"Yes, you may." I said with a smile on my face. I put my hand in his and it felt right, like we belonged hand in hand with each other. He circled me around and brought me to him. I laid my head on his chests, listening to his steady heart beat. It was a magical moment. We stayed like that to the end of the song. 

"Let's go out back to get some fresh air. It's getting a little stuffy in here." Actually, I just wanted some alone time with him. We make our way through the swaying bodies. When we reach the outside, I realize I am really thirsty.

"Coopy, can you bring a drink, non-alcoholic please?" I gave him puppy dog eyes. No one can resist the eyes.

"Oh alright, stay right here please." He walked back into the house giving me a good view of his back side. Nice... I turned around to look out on the backyard. I took a seat on one of the chairs and took off the heels. I don't wear heels often but when I do, they kill my feet. I heard the back door open and close, I expected it to be Cooper with my drink but it was that guy, Marco. He spotted me in the chair and he came over to sit across from me. 

Danger. Let me go...let me take over... My wolf, who I am calling Ella, was trying to get out and be loose. I didn't know what her problem was, he was only slightly creepy.

"Hey, what's a cute girl doing out here by herself." He said with a creepy smile on his face. Ignore him, walk away, or answer his question? I guess it won't hurt to answer his question.

"Umm, just waiting for my boyfriend to come back with my drink. He should be back any minute." Squeeze in the fact that I have a soon to be boyfriend and make sure he knows that he is coming back so he doesn't get any ideas.

"Haha. You don't seem to know who I am? Should I refresh your memory?" He went from creepy to kind of psycho. 

"Should I know who you are?" I said, baffled.

"I would hope that you remembered me but it seems you don't know me in this form?" I stand up, backing up to the back door.He stayed where he was and with a blink of an eye, he transformed into a brown and white wolf. I knew he was the wolf that bit me. I had a feeling. But I couldn't help but compare his small stature to Cooper's. Speaking of Cooper, where is he? 

Let me out...he will hurt us... I couldn't just change at the party. What if a human walked out and seen to wolfs go at it. They would try and hurt me. I know Cooper can't exactly read my thoughts but he can sense my distress. I tried to send him my feelings. The wolf was decreasing the space in between us. 

A boy and a girl came out of the woods, the girl hanging on the boy giggling away. Marco got distracted and I took the chance to get through the back door just when Cooper was at the door. I jumped on him and gave him a tight hug. I didn't know that I was that frighten until I was out of that situation.

"Where in the hell were you? It takes you 10 minutes to get me a drink. That Marco dude was about to eat me. Gosh!" I said with my hands on my hips but ended up giving him another hug. When I finally relaxed, I could tell something was wrong with him. He wasn't reacting to anything I had said.

"What's wrong Cooper? Did something happen?" I asked him. I was worried because his face showed no emotions at all.

"I sense that something was wrong with you so I sat the cups down and quickly made my way to you. My phone had been ringing the whole time we've been here but I ignored it. I answered it just to see who it was and it was my mom. She called to tell me that my dad was murdered tonight."


Another day, another chapter! Tell me what you think of the chapter. I hope you enjoyed yet another chapter of my story XD

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