Werewolf Bite...Chapter 12

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Carla Smith--------->


"So, have you heard about the party on Saturday?" I ask Cooper. I had just came downstairs to find Cooper sitting at dinner table eating pepperoni pizza from a pizza box. I sat down and grabbed a slice.

"I have." Simple response.

"So are you going?" It better not be a one word response or I will punch him.

"Maybe." He said with a shrug. I punched him in the arm. I don't know what his problem and it seems he doesn't know what his problem is by the confused look he is giving me.

"That really didn't hurt but I would like to know why you hit me?" Him and his werewolf strength. I wonder if I'm that strong.

We are stronger than you think... What was that? I'm confused, did my mind just speak to me?

I'm your wolf...This is weird. I guess since I have changed today, she has come to life.

"Nisela...Earth to Nisela.What were you just thinking about?" I was snapped out of my conversation with my wolf.

"You can respond to me in more than one words."

"I was just lost in thought. I wasn't really paying you any attention," I raised my eyebrow giving him a questioning look. ", I mean I was paying attention, just not very closely." Uh huh.

"What were you thinking about a few seconds ago? I could feel that you were confused about something." He asked.

"Well, after I gave you a well deserved punch in the arm, I heard this voice in my head."

"Are you going insane? Haha, you're hearing voices in your head. Sorry, continue." He was still chuckling.

"Anyway, the voice in my head was saying that she was my wolf. Can you tell me what that is exactly?" I grabbed a slice of pizza. I just realized that I am nearly starving. How haven't I noticed that?

"Your wolf is basically the other part of you. When you are about to change, your wolf slightly takes over. You can't let it take over all the way or you would become a rogue, someone who has succumb to their wolf. They become so vicious that the alpha has to band them from the pack." He explained. Wow, werewolf life was brutal sometimes. I hope my wolf don't try and take me over.

"Now that we have that little lesson out the way, can you answer my question again? Are you going to the party Saturday?"

"Nisela, I am going to the party. Is that better? Are you going?" Smart ass.

"That is better and I am going. Casey and the other girls told me about it, we're going to get ready over here. Casey doesn't trust me to look party ready on my own after I told her I was going to wear a t-shirt and skinny jeans. She did not like that all." In fact, she was kind of demanding and bossy.

"You can leave with me then. We can call it a 'date'." That sounds like a good idea. I hope the girls don't get mad.

"Okay, I'm coming over around 5 to get dressed and who knows how long we will be up there. I have a feeling you sister is one of those girls who likes to dress up."

"I feel sorry for you because she loves dressing up the other girls. She dressed me once for a dinner party a while back and I was trying on clothes for two hours. I don't even have that many clothes." Aww, poor Cooper. I love clothes but I would not spend two hours on trying them on.

"Since it is," I checked my watch.",10;30, I am going to head home to get ready for school. You are driving me to school so pick me up at 7:30."

"What is the magic word?" Is he joking?

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