Werewolf Bite... Chapter 4

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"Hey new girl, couldn't wait to see me could you?" Cooper said with a smirk. That annoying smirk suits him well. He was so hot. Brown hair that was tousled on the top of his head, green eyes (I love green eyes), nice pink lips and a strong jaw line. I wonder how old he is. He was built like a man with nice strong arms, his shirt was tight enough to see a nice six pack and he had to be aleast 6'7''. He was so tall and that was saying something because I myself is 5'10''. I realize that I have not answered his question but instead, i'm checking him out. The smirk on his face turned into a full blown smile.

"Um, what did you say again? I kind of wasn't listening." I said.

"I see you came back for that date, huh?" he said. Is he delusional?

"No, no. My brother, Nicolas, is over here and I just came to meet the neighbors. Are you gonna let me in or are you gonna leave me out here?"

"Come on in. You know I didn't get your name yesterday, seeing that you were playing hard to get." he said. Is he always smirking, like he said something so genius.

"My name is Nisela. I was not playing hard to get, i'm just hard to get period. I'm not charmed easily." we were walking through the house and it looked better than ours. They had expensive artwork and artifacts everywhere. We went through the kitchen and I smelt cookies. Sugar cookies to be exact and it smelt so delicious.

"The cookies will be ready in a minute if you want some. We are going to the game room by the way. My sister and her friends and my friends are downstairs in the basement. It's the best gameroom on this block." he said while we made our way down the steps to the basement.

"You probably have the only gameroom on this block, ya know? Nothing special." I said with a laugh. Cocky much? I heard some music playing from outside the door and some chatting. When he opened the door, I was bombarded with the liveness of everything. The gameroom was two-sided. I'm guessing one for Cooper and one for his sister. The boys were playing Call of Duty on one side and the girls were playing Dance, Dance Revolution. It look really fun.

"Look who I found on the door step. She's just so cute, I had to take her in." I punched him in the arm and he winced in pain. I spotted Nic on the couch with a wii controller in his hand.

"That is my sister, Casey, over there with the sour punch straws. She's addicted. Her friends are Linzie, Logan and Tinsel." All the girls were very pretty. His sister had long brown hair with brown eyes. Linzie was real light skin with dark hair. Logan was a caramel color with green eyes and light brown hair. I might want to get that color highlights. Tinsel had dark, dark brown hair and dark brown eyes.

"Hi you guys. I'm Nisela. Nice to meet you guys." they said hey back. Cooper decided to introduce me to his group of friends also. His two friends were sexy. One had dark curly hair, tall, lean and just right. The other had sandy hair, caramel skin, nice build and gorgeous green eyes. He kind of resembled Logan, must be his sister. 

"That one sitting on the bean bag is Kyle," the one with the curly hair. ", and the other is Lee." sexy eyes is who that is.

"Why hello there cutie. Can I get your number?" Lee said. My player radar just went off. I heard a little growl coming from Cooper, which is weird and impossible. Lee stepped back some just a little.

"No you can not have my number. I don't give my personal information out to strangers. I don't know you like that." I said and the girls laughed. Cooper, still to my right, had a smile on his face. Why is he so happy? He is so strange.

"Nisela, come. Have you played Dance, Dance Revolution before?" Tinsel asked. I walked over to the girls group.

"No I haven't played before. What do you do?" 

An hour later, everyone was sitting around watching the movie Zombieland, one of my favorites. They all had a good laugh at my expense cause I couldn't play the dancing game. It was almost impossible for me to do it, I had no rhythym whatsoever. I got a text from mom telling me dinner was ready and to head home.

"Nicolas, moms home and dinner is already ready. She wants us to head home."

"Okay. See you guys tomorrow." he gave the guys the hand slap thing and I gave the girls hugs. Cooper came up to me and gave me a hug, which was awkward kind of sorta. Nicolas and I walked back home. Nicolas was shivering like it was 30 below zero out here. It didn't feel cold out here, it actually felt good.

"Why are you shivering, it's not cold out here. It's like 70 degrees out here." I asked, confused.

"More like 40 degrees, it's freezing. The question is why are you not shivering because you don't even have a jacket on." That did sound strange. When we go home, dinner was ready on the table. It was taco night and I was starving. I ate like 6 tacos and mom made a chocolate cake so I had 2 pieces of cake also. It was so good. When I finished I went upstairs to put on my pajamas and knocked out for the rest of the night.

Cooper P.O.V

"That is strange. Her brother smell human but she is definitely changing. Someone definitely needs to tell her what is going on before it's to late. I don't think she knows she is turning." Casey said. They all looked at me.

"I don't think that is a good idea. We have to think this through." I know i'm going to end up having to tell her. The only reason they wanted me to tell her was because I'm her mate.


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