Werewolf Bite... Chapter 19

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"Ugh! Coop, these college applications are annoying. They ask the same thing over and over again. I'm tired!" I said. I was exhausted from filling out these applications. We were sitting in the living room with me on the computer. My mom thought it would be a good idea to start now. 

"Nisela, stop being a baby and get over it. We will get this done and get a bite to eat...in your kitchen." He said with a smile.

"Cooper! We are not staying in this house all day! We can't be locked up in the house all day everyday. If he wanted to kill me, I think he could get in the house." 

"I won't let that happen!" He said with a locked jaw. He has this idea that we are going to hide out in my house all the time. Well, correction, he thinks I'm going to stay in this house all the time. Coop is sadly mistaken.

"Coop, you've been around me for quite a minute and you know that telling me to do something that I don't want to do, won't make me do it." I said with a huge smile. I turned around to face him. He sighed and I walked over to him. I sat on his lap and laid my head on his shoulder.

"Cooper, there really isn't anything to worry about. Yeah, he killed that chick but I got bodyguards." I kissed his cheek and jumped up. I wanted to have a girls' night and I convincing Cooper was going to be hard.

"Whatever it is Nisela, the answer is no. You have a look on your face that means you are planning something." He knows me well. Thing is, he can't resist sexual attraction and that is what I am counting on.

"Hey, Coopy bear, you know what?" I said, walking seductively towards him. I think I was being seductive, kind of hard.

"Nisela, its not going to work this time." I stopped.

"I just wanna hang out with your sister and the girls. I want to have a girls' night out." I said with a frown, trying to make tears come. One tear started to roll down my face. He hurriedly came towards me.

"I'm so sorry for making you sad. You can go out with them, its no trouble. I won't even bother you while you are with them. Just don't cry." He said giving me a tight hug. Yes!

"Okay," I said sniffling. ",I'm going to go get ready." I turned around with a grin on my face. Cooper is such a sucker.

Filler* Just wanted to upload something.

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