Chapter 18: Lighting Strikes Twice

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(Second Opening Theme: Blood-C Opening-Spiral Performed By DUSTZ)

    The group had been in the limo on their way towards their next destination as Alastor had been humming to himself while making a book appear from his hands. He had gotten Red to scooch over as he had been looking through the pages as well.

    Though they were pondering on what he was doing---

    Dream had been filled with questions.

    "Ring of Wrath!?" She said, "You mean to tell me this entire city isn't the entire realm of Hell?! There's more then one place?!"

    "Well technically speaking their are seven rings of Hell." Tina said, "Each one representing the well known sins."

    "That's a thing?!" Dream said shocked.

    "Well---Here--" Charlie said before she soon started to work her magic, literally, "---This might help explains things."

    Dream had been taken back by a rays of light each forming as Charlie started to explain. "As you may have figured out, my father is the one in charge of all Hell--" She said, "---But being King means you have to keep an eye on a lot of people. And unfortunately due to---" She moved her hand a little, "---Certain things he can't keep everything in check."

    A set of rings made from clouds soon formed as Dream watched closely.

    "We have a total of only Seven Rings each one having a theme---" She said, as the ring lit up with each name she spoke of "---There's the Ring of Pride the one we're on right now, the Ring of Greed, the Ring of Wrath, the Ring of Lust, the Ring of Sloth, and the Ring of Gluttony. Each one is lead by a different Demon to keep things in order and provide---"

Dream soon noticed that she made a face. "Let's call it business!" She said.

"... That's a lot of things to run." Dream said, 

    "And alot of targets." Decimo said as he programmed Robbie.

    "AGAIN, We're not killing anyone." Vaggie said.

    "Sides you tried to get into that elevator and you went to prison, remember?" Jaxon said, "You're lucky they kept you there for six months---Before you murdered the Warden."

    Dream looked confused, "Wait, wait, wait---Why would they send you to prison? You guys have all those other places and you can't even go there?"

    "Because Sinners like Decimo---" Tina said, "---Aren't allowed to travel to any of the other rings. Not even Alastor can travel below, and he's an Overlord. Hellborns like myself, my kids, Charlie or Yukito however are the only ones allowed to."

    "Well that sucks." Dream said.

    "Wrong." Red soon said as the group looked to him, "Sinners can travel there so long as you know how to hide the way you look."

    "I find that unlikely---" Xavion said, "---It's not like you've been down there before!"

    "Actually---He has." Husk said drinking from a bottle of whiskey.

    "WHAT?!" Xavion and even Decimo shrieked.

    "You've been below to the other rings?!" Charlie asked.

    "That's impossible!" Yukito added.

    "It was one of the first things I had to learn." Red explained, "Shortly after I became Deer Boy's Scion he got me to pretend to be an imp by changing my appearance completely to fool them. Messed up on the first two tries but by the third I was able to fool the Imps in charge of running the elevator and got down to the Ring of Greed. It became easier after that."

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