Chapter 19 Epilogue: Something New

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The group returned to the Hotel that night.

Each of them was tired after today. Though Dream knew deep down---It had been now or never at this point. With the time she spent with them... With the trust she had with them, the last thing she wanted was to betray that trust after all they were doing for her. So their she sat, in the foyer with the rest of the group gathered. Rai and Ikari had been present as they had decided to stay in the hotel for the night as they both listened in.

Though nervous... She had been ready.

"Okay---" Dream said, "---Now that we had some time together---There's something I gotta show you---"

With a deep breath she moved her shirt slightly before she pulled on the chain. The group had been shock as they saw the strange pendant she had. She removed it from her neck before placing it on the table.

"This is how I got here." Dream explained, "Before I passed out, I remember music playing from it before being engulfed in a strange light. I think it's some kind of a musical pendant, and I tried to use it to get to get back home the same way I got here... But its broken. I never took it off since."

"May I?" Jaxon asked, earning a nod from Dream.

He picked it up from the table as he examined the strange pendant thoroughly, noticing a couple of runes inscribed on it.

"... Lady Carmilla often showed me artifacts and items that made it to the human world. But most of them were destroyed since the Salem Witch Trials---" Jaxon said, "---These runes---They look similar to the ones they used to harness a particular element."

"Do---You think you can translate it?" Dream asked.

Jaxon shook his head, "The runes on this pendant are from a dead language. I can't make out any of these... I'm sorry."

"Wait a minute---" Xavion said, "---There's one part here that isn't in runes--" He soon pointed a clear image of a word that read,

"--Lilium." He read aloud, "It--Sounds Latin."

"Have you guys seen anything like this before?" Dream asked.

Each of them took a turn to look at the pendant and exam it. Though she noticed the expressions on their faces, even with Alastor's smile on his face. "Sorry Squirt---" Husk said as he was the last to examine, "---But this is the first any of us have seen this." He soon handed it back to her.

"I'm very sorry---" Sir Pentious said, "---If one of us had information on this peculiar item, we would tell you."

"Well... It was worth a shot I guess." Dream said.

"Dream---" Charlie said as she took her hands, "---As the Princess of Hell, I'm making you an unbreakable promise. I promise no matter what happens, we'll find you a way to get you back home, whatever it takes."

Jaxon soon placed his hand on her shoulder, "Like I told you---If one of us has to make a deal with an Overlord, then so be it."

Dream smiled as she couldn't help but hug the both of them, "Thanks you guys."

"And you're not alone in this one." Decimo said as he patted her shoulder. "Consider me your right hand, you pull the trigger and I'll shoot at anyone that tries to hurt you."

"Hey hey!" Angel said. "She doesn't need a psychopathic hitman as her right hand."

"Nor does she needs a horndog." Decimo said.

Yukito shook her head, "What is it with boys and dick measuring?"

Dream only giggled as she hugged the two. "You guys can be my right hand."

"Aww Dreamer." Angel said.

"Stop, you're making me blush." Decimo said as he turned his head.

Angel returned Dream a hug as he repiled, "I love you too kid."

"Deer Boy---" Red said as he pondered, "---What can you make of this?"

Alastor appeared to be pondering, "I believe I can try to translate the words on the pendant."

At this the group looked shocked. "You can?" Dream asked.

Alastor nodded, "It'll take time---But I'm sure I can come up with something!"

Dream smiled before she hugged Alastor taking him back, "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" The group couldn't help but look shocked by Dream's sudden gesture.

"... Is she allowed to do that?" Angel asked.

"I'm---not sure." Decimo replied before asking Xavion. "Can she?"

"I've seen him give hugs, but never the other way around." Xavion whispered.

Alastor only cleared his throat as he gently broke out of the hug. "Well---There's no time like the present! I'll go and research!" He soon picked up the pendant, "Would you mind if I borrow this?"

"Oh no by all means." Dream said.

"Alastor---" Charlie said shocked before she smiled, "---Thank you for this, really!"

"What are you playing at Radio Demon?" Rai asked.

Alastor chuckled. "Don't worry, I don't have a trick up my sleeve!"

"Really?" Ikari said, "That's unlike you."

"Rest assured, I have no hidden motives!" Alastor told them as he went to his room, "Now if you'll excuse me---I have some research to do!"

"Al---" Dream soon said as he stopped in his tracks. She soon gave him a smile... A real smile.

"... Thank you." She said.

Alastor had been a bit taken back---It was almost as if, he felt something click in his chest. He turned his back yet he said still with his smile.

"Of course my dear!" Alastor said, "There's nothing to it! The moment I find something you'll be the first to know!"

Dream's expression brightened before she nodded. With that, Alastor went over to his room, though not before... He placed his hand over his chest. Wondering why it felt... Warm? He thought about her interactions with her thus far, and the things he did that were... Out of character.

He sighed as he placed his hand on his face, speaking aloud as he had been alone in the hall.

"... Just what is this girl doing to me?" 

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