Chapter 7 Epilogue: Seeing Red

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Night came upon the somewhat empty hotel, as the residents had been going about their nightly routines. Tina had been serving up some dinner with Alastor's assistance as most of them had been enjoying their meal.

Though things had been awkward between Husk, Xavion and Decimo, especially with what had happened earlier that day. To their own surprise however, Alastor had kept quiet about today's events---At least that part where Dream was almost kidnapped.

Dream on the other hand, felt a little uneasy after today's events, especially with what she had heard. Decimo had half expected for Dream to ask him all sorts of questions.

Though wouldn't you know it?

She didn't.

By the time Decimo and Xavion had gotten back, she had been doing her own thing like a doodle in a sketchbook she had gotten from her bag.

As the moon rose she had been watching a movie with Angel, with Weston and Ulrica, while the triplets, Emma, Olivia and Calla had been playing a board game.

It looked to be a detective movie of sorts.

Dream had been sitting on Angel's lap on the couch while Weston and Ulrica sat on the floor with the triplets.

"Why would you kill that man at the cracker factory Bob!?"

"Why? Why? It's because I wanted more pay that's why! And they put too much salt in the crackers!"

".... Man, people would really kill for less in these things huh?" Angel said eating an ice cream popsicle.

"That's B-Detectives movies for ya." Ulrica said eating a chocolate bar

"I predicted this like---At the beginning of the film." Weston said as he ate a bag of chips.

"Right?" The triplets said as they were each eating a piece of candy.

"You'd think this guy would plan better." Dream said, drinking a can of soda before her eyes sparkled, "This is so much better then the Nitro Vanilla Pepsi!"

"Told ya Dreamer!" Angel said, tickling her a bit as it made her giggle.

Vaggie and Tina soon noticed them eating snacks. "Hey! Hey!" Tina said, "What did we say?! No junk food before your curfew!"

"It was Angel's idea!" Olivia said.

"Damn straight!" Angel said.

"Yeah Mom! Let us have this one night where Decimo doesn't try to kill us!" Weston added. "We basically earned it."

"Angel----" Vaggie said.

"Hey, be lucky I didn't give em any alcohol for them to drink." Angel said, "Now hush up, it's getting to the good part."

"Say why hasn't that weirdo made a move? He was all strange after he came back." Ulrica said. "Xavion and Husk too...." she soon said with a blush "NOT THAT I CARE FOR THAT HITMAN! HE NEARLY BLEW ME UP TODAY!"

"Oh he's sulking over there." Tina said pointing over to the corner of the lobby where he had been

"How do you know he's sulking?" Dream asked.

"Because when he is, he makes swords---Look." Tina said as she gestured to what he was doing. Much to Dream's own shock---He had been indeed making swords. With the ore, a hammer, a portable fire oven, a large bucket of water and even protective gear.

He looked to be making a buster sword.

Dream just looked plain stunned, "... So that explains the fire smell..."

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