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"Hey, babe?" Jaemin questions as he comes out of the bathroom.
"What is it honey?" Jeno asks cutely. Jaemin smiles softly, he is so in love with his angel it hurts sometimes.
"I was just wondering what time you are getting done today?" He asks as he walks up and grabs his waist, pulling him closer. Jeno blinks slowly as he looks up at him.
"I have my last shoot at 3:30, then I'll be home to get dinner ready." Jaemin smiles.
"God you're beautiful." Jeno smiles shyly.
"Ok, i might be a little later than usual so maybe you
Should wait a little while to cook? If that's ok sweetie?" Jeno turns in his arms and puckers his lips after he finishes adding a smidge of Jaemin's favorite pink gloss. Jaemin quickly comes in and claims his lips.
"Where are you shooting baby?" He asks as he squeezes his waist.
"The old warehouse's down by the pier." He frowns.
"Be careful, I hear there are a lot of weirdo's in that area and I don't want you to get hurt." Jeno smiles softly.
"I'll be careful, I love you." Jaemin kisses him softly.
"I love you too my precious baby."

Jeno drives his Porsche to the location, he sighs. It's going to be a long day. A lot of people think that being a model is easy work but it's long days in locations where the weather doesn't always cooperate. From extreme heat to severe cold he's been through it all. Jaemin worries about him most on these occasions, he's come home with heat exhaustion or severe colds many times.

"Good morning Quinn." He says as he sees his photographer for this shoot out taking test shots. Quinn is an Irish beauty. Blonde hair, striking green eyes and perfect bone structure. Everyone wonders why she spends her time behind the camera instead of being a model herself, but she's passionate about her job and wouldn't want it any other way.
"Ahh Jeno, how is my favorite model doing today?" She asks while coming up to hug him.
"I'm sure you say that to all your models." She shakes her head no.
"Only the ones that give me the perfect shot every time." She says with a wide smile.
"How is your insanely attractive husband? When will he model for me?" Jeno chuckles as he starts to walk away.
"He will quit his day job and model about the same time you do." She purses her lips and follows behind.

After his long day on set Jeno is exhausted. The weather today wasn't bad which is good but he's just tired. He stops at the grocery store to pick up some needed items before heading home.
They live in a big house in a gated community, it's the biggest house on their street and every time he pulls in the driveway and doesn't see Jaemin's car he gets a deep feeling of loneliness. He loves their house, they worked very hard to achieve their financial goals and he of course doesn't take it for granted, he just wants to be in his lovers arms.

He takes a hot shower, trying to relax away his tiredness from the day. He gets out refreshed and more awake and dresses in his silk pajama bottoms and no shirt, most of the time they wear little to no clothing as they usually can't keep their hands to themselves anyway but he's cooking, therefore he needs something on. Jeno never used to be able to cook. Before he lived with Jaemin he rarely ate at home but he's taught him the basics over the years and he's just improved from there. He gets it done and plates it up before going to sit in the living room to watch a little tv before Jaemin gets home.

After sitting for hours and no returned calls or texts from Jaemin, he throws the food out and heads to bed. He's tired and he's lost his appetite since he's all alone. He knew Jaemin was working late but he didn't think it would be this bad.
He crawls in and hugs Jaemin's pillow close as he falls asleep.

Jaemin feels terrible. Not only did he miss dinner but he knows Jeno hates to sleep alone. He sighs as he loosens his tie and kicks off his shoes. He hangs his jacket up and puts his shoes on the rack before he goes to find his husband. He quietly opens the door and sees him sleeping with his pillow in his arms and sighs again.
"My beautiful, sweet husband. I love you, I'm so sorry." He says softly before giving Jeno a feather light kiss on his temple.
He takes a quick shower and crawls in behind him, holding him tightly as he kisses his neck.
"I love you baby, I'm so sorry." He whispers. He lays there only for a little while before succumbing to a much needed sleep.

Jeno wakes to Jaemin's alarm as he's snuggled into his chest. He inhales deeply before kissing his exposed skin.
"Mm, good morning angel." Jaemin says in a husky voice that gives the other chills.
"Good morning. Where were you last night? I missed you." Jaemin sighs.
"I know, I'm sorry, I missed you too baby. We had an emergency come in and I was the only qualified surgeon on at the time so I had to stay." Jeno hums.
"What was it? The emergency I mean." Jaemin hugs him close.
"It was a factory worker who was working with metal machinery, it kicked back and he got a piece of metal right into his heart." Jeno gasps.
"Oh my god. Did you save him?" He nods and kisses his head.
"Yeah, he will make a complete recovery." Jeno smiles as he looks at his face.
"Wow, I married a hero." Jaemin shakes his head.
"I'm not a hero baby." He kisses him softly.
"You're my hero." Jaemin pushes him back into the bed and kisses him deeply.

"Tonight, I'll make it up to you. We'll make love all night long." Jeno hums and runs his fingers through his hair.
"I'm working over night tonight. I am supposed to stay home today and sleep as much as possible. Sorry babe, but hey I'm up for a quick round now if you have time?" Jaemin raises his brow and looks at the clock before attacking him.

"I always have time for you baby." He says as he hovers over him and starts kissing his way down his body. He makes quick work of opening him with his fingers as he sucks him into his mouth.
"Oh, Jaemin, fuck." He says as he is already on fire for his husband. Jaemin takes this as a sign he is ready and pushes his knees up before he enters him slowly.
Jeno moans lowly as he stretches around him, loving every minute of this. His hands travel the expanse of his lover's back as he snaps his hips forward.
"My perfect baby, the only person who holds my heart. I love you so much baby." Jeno moans deeply as he lets go, letting the soft sweet words fill his heart.
"I love you too Nana." Jaemin fills him as he lays down on top of him and kisses him senseless.

After, Jaemin washes him with a wash cloth before he kisses him and whispers to go back to sleep. He showers and dresses all while watching the love of his life sleeping so peacefully.
"I love you baby." He whispers before kissing his hair and leaving for his day.

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