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When morning comes they are awakened by Ten coming in to check him.
"Good morning." He says quietly. I need to check my patient before I go home." He says with a smile.
Jeno stands and hugs him.
"I'm so glad it was you." He hugs him back tightly.
"Me too. Now, how are you feeling Jaemin? I see your vitals have been steady all night and you look to be in bright spirits this morning?" Jaemin nods with a huge smile.
"Of course, I've got my boys here unharmed and I'm alive. I'm happy." Ten smiles softly.
"You know I admire you, all of you actually. Having the courage to admit your feeling to each other must have been difficult but you did it, and you all look so happy together. I'm so happy for the three of you." They all smile, although Renjun's is a little smaller, he may not be liked by Jaemin's mother but they have so much love and support from everyone else.

"Ok, well there will be a few nurses coming in to move you to your room soon. Enjoy your quiet time, you've accrued quite a group in the waiting room. It will be noisy for a while and don't be afraid to send them away so you can rest." He walks closer to Jaemin and touches his leg.
"I don't know if I would have survived if you wouldn't have. I can't be the only sexy doctor here, that's just too much pressure." Jaemin chuckles.
"Thank you Ten, thank you for your support and for sewing me back together."

When he finally gets settled Renjun kisses him deeply.
"I think I should go." He says sadly. Jaemin and Jeno frown deeply.
"What? No, I want you to stay here. I can't heal without my boys." Renjun looks down.
"Your parents don't know about us. If I stay, as long as they are here, I can't act like your boyfriend. I have to be your friend. Can you manage that?" Jaemin sighs.
"I'll just tell them." Renjun shakes his head vigorously.
"Not now. Not while you're in here, please? They are so worried about you and they don't want to have this kind of news dropped on them at a time like this." Jaemin purses his lips.
"Fine but don't go, and give me one more kiss please?" After kissing Jaemin Jeno walks up to him and holds his waist.
"I think I need a few of those too, to get through the day." Renjun smiles and kisses him with just as much passion.
"I love you both so much." He says softly just as there is a knock at the door.

"Here goes." Jaemin says with a sigh. He's not unhappy to see his friends and family, he just hates the thought of pretending not to be with Renjun.
His parents walk in first.
"Oh, Jaemin, my baby. How are you feeling today?" His mother asks sweetly.
"I feel great, really." She frowns.
"Great? Really? How could you be great? A stranger violated you, walked into your house and hurt you, how can you say you are great?" She asks kind of angrily.
"Because I'm alive, and my lo.. my husband and Renjun didn't get hurt in the process. It could have been so much worse." She looks over to Renjun who is sitting on the couch with Jeno.

"Why was he there? At that time of night?" Jaemin looks at Renjun who looks uncomfortable.
"Because mom, he's a friend who's been staying with us. Together they fought him off and called for help. Who knows what would have happened if it wasn't for their bravery?" She frowns again but doesn't say anything. His dad comes over and hugs him.
"Well, I for one am happy that you are feeling great and." He pauses and looks back at the two on the couch.
"And I'm forever greatful for those two hero's." He offers them a genuine smile.
"Renjun here did most of the work. While I was trying to hold him off from taking him, he called 911. And even after he took him." Jeno pauses, visibly upset.
"I grabbed a knife and I felt so helpless because I didn't know what happened to Jaemin and he was kidnapping Renjun, but he was brave and told me to stay back but I got close enough to hand him the knife and he stabbed him in the back. He got him good, I don't even know yet if he's alive or dead but I hope it's the latter." Jaemin is sitting with tears in his eyes, this is the first time he's heard these details.
"He took him?" He asks sadly.
"He tried, but he's here." Jeno says as he grabs Renjun's hand. Jaemin nods with a sad smile.

"But why would he try to take him? Did you know this person?" His mother asks.
"Yes. It was my father and he hates me and wanted to kill me." Renjun says stone faced before getting up and leaving the room.
"Junie? Don't go." Jaemin tries. Jeno waves his hand and goes after him.
"Why can't you just drop it mom?" She shakes her head.
"I'm just concerned for you and Jeno. You brought this person into your house, saying he's a friend when I've never even heard of him before and now look what happened." Jaemin glares at her.
"This person has a name and I don't have to introduce you to everyone we know. None of this is his fault. His father is a monster, there is nothing he could do to change that. Maybe you should go home now and get some rest." He says looking away with his arms crossed.
"Jaemin." She tries but his father steps in and shakes his head at her.
"We will come back another time." He says softly to Jaemin who only nods.

"Renjun wait!" Jeno says as he finally catches him.
"I'm sorry." He says softly.
"Don't be, nobody needs to be sorry. I understand but it's still hard to talk about." Jeno shushes him and pulls him into his chest.
"I know sweetie." Renjun shakes his head.
"No, you don't. You will never will know what it's like to have your own father threaten to rape you and murder you and hurt someone you love, because your parents love you and I wouldn't want it any other way. I wouldn't want anyone to ever have to go through this." He breaks down in Jeno's arms and holds on tight. He's surprised when he feels arms wrap around him from behind. Haechan over heard what he said and it broke him.
"I'm so sorry this happened to you. You only deserve good things in life. You are a precious angel." He says into his back.

They stay this way for quite a long time in the hallway. Trying to offer what little comfort they can with just their presence.
"I'm ok now guys, thank you. We should be with Jaemin though." Jeno pulls back and kisses his cheek.
"I know I don't really know how it feels but I just want you to know that when it's too much, Jaemin, all of our friends and I will be with you. Never be afraid to come to us." He nods with a small smile and kisses his cheek. He then turns to Haechan and kisses his as well. He holds his cheek and smirks at Jeno.
"Ooh, I'm gonna steal your man." He teases.

When they get back to the room, Mark and the others are there talking with him. Renjun tries to sit on the couch but Jaemin notices right away.
"My parents left, come and hug me baby." He goes to him and hugs him softly.
"I'm sorry my mother was being so pushy. I love you." He smiles softly and pecks Jaemin's lips once more.
"I love you." Jeno walks over and kisses both of them softly.
"Uh, guys? We're still here." Chenle says with fake annoyance.
"But seriously you all look so happy together. I love this." He says right after.
"We are, I mean aside from Jaemin getting stabbed. We are so happy to have Renjun in our lives and your acceptance means everything. I know there will be times that people will judge us but knowing we have your support will make it all ok." Jeno says while holding both of their hands.

The group of friends stay for a few hours, the three welcome the sense of normalcy they feel with just their presence alone.
After they leave Jaemin tries to talk them into going home for some rest too but they won't leave him alone in the hospital. Having a little pull he's able to request a cot which is pretty small but they still pile together so they can sleep next to him.

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