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After a week of staying in the hospital, the three are ready for home, but unfortunately they can't stay there just yet. The first few days they were collecting evidence, including all the security camera footage. Then Jeno hired special cleaners to get the blood out of the carpet but was informed that it still stained so now he's having it replaced. He doesn't want to even set foot in the house with remnants of that night and he knows it wouldn't be good for Jaemin and Renjun's mental health either.
"I booked us the best hotel in the city. I want you comfortable." Jeno says as they prepare to finally leave.
"Thank you baby. I appreciate all you are doing for me." Jaemin says with a sweet kiss to his lips.

When they get to the hotel Renjun seems withdrawn, both notice and try to engage him in conversation without pushing him too far. But by mid day it's gotten to be too much.
"Junie, baby? Want to talk about it?" He sighs.
"I think I should call my mother. I've been avoiding it this whole time but I'd like her to hear my side of the story. I'm just scared." Jaemin hums.
"You know we will support you one hundred percent. Why don't you send her a text saying you want to meet for lunch? You can meet downstairs in the restaurant, Jeno and I can eat with you or we can sit at another table and just be silent support?" Renjun shakes his head.
"I don't know, you really would do that for me?" Jeno hugs him from behind.
"Honey, we love you. We would walk through fire for you." Renjun giggles.
"I guess, I mean you did get stabbed for me." He says to Jaemin.
"And you helped me twice when I needed someone most." He says to both. He gets tears in his eyes as Jeno continues to hold him.
"I really do love you both so much." Jeno pulls him to the bed where Jaemin is resting and has him lay down. He hands him his phone.
"Text her, we can do it tomorrow, today we will cuddle." He smiles softly.
"I think I can handle that." He cuddles into Jaemin's neck and waits for Jeno to join them.

They spend their day cuddled in bed, watching movies, ordering room service and sharing lots of kisses until they fall asleep one by one.

It's almost 12 now and Renjun is shaking. The only response he got from her was "ok" so he's not really sure how she will be.
"Ok, I think I'm ready." They both take his hands as they go down to the restaurant.
As soon as they walk in he can see her waiting. She looks tired but well dressed. He slowly walks up with his hands still firmly held.
"Mom?" She turns slowly and nods at him. He sits across from her and gestures for Jeno and Jaemin to sit as well.
"Mom, this is Jaemin and Jeno. Guys this is my mother.
"Oh? Hello. I assumed we would be alone. Not that I mind." She quickly corrects.
Renjun coughs and looks to them for support and gets a nod and smile from both.

"So, uh, I guess I wanted to talk to you about father." She frowns.
"Which part? The part where he's laying in a hospital bed almost dead and you haven't visited once? Or the fact that you are responsible for it? Or maybe the fact that if he makes it out of this alive he will no longer have a job over false accusations?" She asks angrily. Renjun's tears are non stop, he knew this was a likely outcome but was hoping for better.

"Do you even know where I was for those months? Did you even care? Did you ever try to find out?" She shakes her head no.
"Your father told me." He scoffs.
"Oh yeah? What exactly did he tell you?" She frowns.
"That you ran off with some guy to another country, some stupid backpacking excursion." He cackles sadistically.

"Before I left mother, I was dancing in a night club, a gay night club. I was trying to earn enough extra money to move out. The last night I danced was the night that dad watched my whole show then requested a lap dance from me. HIS OWN FUCKING SON!" He shouts at the end. Jaemin takes his hand while Jeno rubs his thigh. It works enough to calm him so he can finish. He looks at her face, stricken with anger and knows it's directed to the wrong person.

"I was wearing a mask during the show, he didn't know who I was but he liked my body enough to pay a lot of money for a private show. When I seen who it was I left. I got dressed and was trying to leave out the back of the club and he beat me, badly. Then he took to a random street where he dumped me off and told me he was going to kill me next time. I think he wanted me to fear him before the final blow." She shakes her head in disbelief.

"No, your father was an asshole, this much I know but he was your father he wouldn't." She says.
"But he did. Jeno found me on the street. These two took me in and cared for me and kept me hidden, protected. But he figured out where I was and attacked us. Should I have let him just kidnap me and kill me?" She frown as tears fall from her eyes.
"No, I can't, I won't believe it." Renjun sighs and stands.

"I'm not hungry, I think we should call off lunch. Thank you for your time. Oh and I'd like to reintroduce you to these two.
"These are the men I love, and they love and care for me more than anyone ever has. Jaemin got stabbed at the front door and left to bleed out while he came upstairs to find me. Jeno, blocked him from getting me as long as he could until my father shoved him into a wall and came over to assault me.
"Want to know what that fucker said before he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder?" She shakes her head but he tells her anyway.

"He touched my ass, I wasn't wearing any clothes. He said he was going to fuck me before he killed me. Then as hard as I fought I still got picked up, and carried away by my father who planned to rape me, mother. Then Jeno gave me the knife and I stabbed him to get away. You don't want to believe me then fine. It's all in the police records and a lot of it was caught on security camera. You sit here and you defend that monster all you want, I don't need you anyway." He pulls a wad of cash out of his pocket.
"Here, buy yourself lunch."

He walks away quickly. Jeno and Jaemin don't even spare her a glance as they follow him. When they get to the elevator he collapses into them.
"I knew she would take his side, she always has." They hold him as tightly as possible.

Once they calm him down he falls asleep, the emotional toll is just too much.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
Jaemin asks as he softly strokes his hair.
"I didn't think he would want me to say it front of your mother and after that,  I didn't want you to have that on your mind. You needed to heal." Jaemin nods.
"Are you mad?" He shakes his head no.
"No, I understand. It just hurts to know that he had to go through that fear you know? Like, I can't even imagine how terrified someone would be knowing they were about to be taken, raped and murdered by a stranger, but this was his father. And you, you've held onto this a long time. You are so strong for that. This time, we will protect him from every harmful thing. I will protect you, you two are my babies and I don't know what I would do without either of you in my life."
Jeno leans over Renjun and softly kisses his lips before kissing Renjun's head.
"Love you." He says softly.
"I love you baby." He then kisses Renjun's forehead.
"I hope you will always know how much you are loved Junie." He whispers.

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