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After Mark's beautiful proposal they all go out to celebrate. Jaemin shares that he got the whole thing recorded and texts it to everyone.
Haechan sits cuddled in to Mark's side staring at his ring.

"So how many of you knew about this?" He asks.
"Just Jaemin. He knew they were going to this event and was scrolling through the website to see what all was there and seen the open mic thing and called me and suggested I do something. He told me to just get on stage and profess my love but I wanted to do more, so I sang." Mark says softly.
"It was perfect." Haechan whispers before kissing his lips.
"I thought you were leaving me. I heard what you said to Jaemin about not wanting me to be your boyfriend anymore and got scared." Mark pouts.
"I'm sorry baby." He smiles and pecks his lips again.
"It's ok, I now know what you meant and everyone told me I was crazy anyway."

They continue to eat and drink happily, well almost everyone. Renjun is sitting there staring at his plate, playing with his food.
"Baby, are you ok?" Jeno asks quietly, he gets a nod in response before Jaemin taps his leg.
"What's wrong love?" He shakes his head no and stands.
"I'm fine, I just need to go to the bathroom." The two both try to stand but he shakes his head again.
"Please, I'll be fine." He says as he walks off. They look at each other with concern.
"I'll go." Haechan says as he stands. They both nod and allow him to check on him.

When he walks in the bathroom Renjun is desperately trying to wipe tears off his face.
"Why are you so sad Junie?" He shakes his head but when Haechan engulfs him in a sweet hug the flood gates open more.
"I, I'm not sad. I'm ok." Haechan gives him the, I obviously don't believe you, look.
"Really, I'm fine." Haechan scoffs.
"You are crying in the men's room of a restaurant, how is that fine?" Renjun shakes his head.
"I'm not crying. Not for any reason you are thinking. I'm just really happy for you." Haechan leans on the edge of the counter.
"You know, you aren't the best liar." Renjun shakes his head.

"Really, Haechan I'm just embarrassed that I can't control my emotions, that's the only reason I came in here. I was just so moved by your love and his proposal was so perfect." Haechan smiles happily.
"It really was wasn't it?" Renjun smiles widely as he nods.
"I didn't know he could sing like that, he's amazing." Renjun says softly.
"He really is. Sometimes he will sing me to sleep, sometimes I catch him practicing and watch while he doesn't know I'm there." Renjun makes a pouty face.
"You guys really are so sweet." He squeezes Haechan's shoulder.
"Please just tell them im fine, because I'm sure they are worried, and let me pee please?" Haechan nods with a smile.

"Ok, hurry, the food will get cold."
As soon as he walks out Renjun leans on the counter. He can't tell anyone how he really feels. How selfish is it, to be jealous because the men you love are already married and will never have a reason to do something like this for him? He knows they treat him special every day and he loves them for it, but seeing this brought up feelings he didn't know he had. Feelings of wanting to be married.

He takes a few deep breaths and heads back to the table. When he gets there he walks up behind Jeno and hugs him from behind then kisses him on the lips when he makes eye contact. He then goes over and Kisses Jaemin before hugging him too.
When he sits between them they both lean toward him and kiss his cheeks at the same time. He smiles softly and takes each of their hands.
"I love you." He says to both. They respond with I love you's and they all begin to finish their meals. He notices that they didn't touch their food while he was gone and this warms him up tremendously. He wonders sometimes why he's so foolish to have these selfish thoughts when they are so incredibly sweet in everything they do.

When they get home Jaemin spins him around and wraps his arms around his waist.
"Baby, are you sure everything is ok? Before you answer, remember we all agreed to talk things out so we didn't have anymore misunderstandings." He sighs.
"It's nothing really, Mark's proposal got me feeling emotional. I just needed a minute to take everything in. And just so you know, I love you both more every day." Jaemin smashes their lips together as he pulls him closer.
"Me too baby, me too." He says as he rests his forehead on Renjun's.

Renjun looks over to see Jeno leaning against the wall with a soft smile on his face and walks over and cups his cheeks as he pulls him into a sweet kiss. Jeno smiles against his lips.
"I love you baby." He whispers.
Renjun backs away and heads to the kitchen. When he comes out he has a pint of ice cream and one spoon. The two smile at his cuteness.
"I thought we could have dessert and watch a movie or something?" Jaemin nods.
"Sounds great. We should go change? I actually would like a shower first if that's ok?" Renjun looks at Jeno and shrugs.
"Im fine with that but if you take too long there won't be any ice cream left." Renjun teases. He sets it on the table and heads up the stairs after the other two. He smiles to himself as he watches Jaemin hurry to get into the shower as Jeno finds renjun a cozy sweatshirt of his and Jaemin's.

"Wear this. When Jaemin and I were living together, when we were just starting college, he bought this for me and we would share it. It was especially nice when he was interning at the hospital. He would be gone all night sometimes and I'd have to leave in the morning. I would sleep in it, then I'd leave it on the bed for him and he would sleep in it that day. Don't worry I washed it. It wasn't about smelling each other." He says with a giggle.

"It was just our way of having a little piece of each other when we couldn't be together." Renjun smiles as he sees the fondness in his eyes as he stares at it.
"Jeno, that is special between you two, I couldn't." Jeno shakes his head as he walks up and softly kisses his lips.

"This sweatshirt has been through a lot, it's lived a long life but it has more to give, I'd be honored if you wore it and so would Jaem. I still wear it every now and then when he has to work an overnight and I miss him and I thought, on those nights or even days when you're here alone and you miss us, you can wear it. Or you can even wear it just, whenever you feel like it, because you are a part of us as well." Renjun wipes the tears forming in his eyes.

"Just when I think you couldn't possibly do something sweeter than the last, you prove me wrong." He pulls Jeno into a sweet kiss.
"You sure he won't mind?" He asks as he takes it. Jeno shakes his head.
"I'm sure he will love it on you." Renjun nods and sets it on the bed as he takes off his clothes. Jeno goes about getting some sleep pants for himself and laying a pair out for Jaemin. When he's done he looks Renjun over with a huge grin.
"You look so fucking cute in that." He says as Renjun stands there in the somewhat big hoodie and no pants.
"Do you guys really have to be topless all the time?" He asks as he stares at Jeno's upper body. Jeno giggles.
"Same could be said for you, legs." He says as he pats his butt.
"Let's go so we can get a head start on the ice cream." Renjun giggles and takes his hand.

When Jaemin gets out of the shower he puts on the pants that Jeno so sweetly laid out and heads downstairs to be with them. When he gets there Renjun is sitting on Jeno's lap straddling his waist as he kisses him. He smiles, he loves his two boys beyond words.
"Am I interrupting?" He asks as he sits beside them." Jeno shakes his head no.
"We were just kissing." Jaemin looks at the two, his smile never leaving.
"I wouldn't mind a kiss or two?" He kind of asks.
Jeno leans into him and kisses him softly on the lips. Renjun smiles then moves in to kiss him a few times too.
"Wait, is that?" Jaemin asks as he stares at the sweatshirt on Renjun.
"It is, I wanted him to wear it." Jaemin looks in Renjun's nervous eyes and smiles widely.
"It's perfect, this is so special and you look fucking adorable." Renjun looks away shyly as Jeno lightly pinches his cheek. He swats his hand away and grabs the ice cream off the table to offer Jaemin a bite.

Renjun sits in the middle and spoon feeds them and himself as they look through movies. They end up
Watching two before going to bed. Renjun clings a little tighter tonight. His heart is so full. After having the bad thoughts plague his mind earlier in the day, he almost feels silly because they really do go out of their way to make home feel special.

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