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The two are careful not to wake Renjun as they softly kiss him goodbye.
"I'm not gonna lie, I'm having a little ptsd leaving him like this."
Jeno says as they head to their cars.
"We have to trust him." Jaemin says before kissing Jeno in the lips.
"I love you angel. Have a good day and be safe." Jeno smiles and pecks his lips.
"You too."

When Renjun wakes up he finds himself cuddled into Nomin. He smiles knowing they put him there. He decides to start his day by washing the sheets and blankets and hanging them up to dry. He eats a small breakfast then washes the dishes before he goes upstairs to carry out his plan.

He takes all his things from the guest room and moves them into their room. He knows Jaemin said this is his room too but he's hoping he isn't being presumptuous.
He piles everything on the bare mattress. Once he gets everything sorted he goes to the closet to grab some hangers and starts to cry when he sees the big empty space between their clothes and a piece of paper with his name on it. There are empty shelves and drawers labeled for him too.
"God damnit! Why are they so fucking sweet?"
After getting over his emotions he goes about hanging everything and putting everything else where it should go. When he's done he sends them both a picture with a caption saying, you ruined my surprise. Jaemin sends him a bunch of heart emojis and smiley faces while Jeno simply says I love you. His heart is so full.

He goes outside to grab all the bedding so he can make the bed. When he gets to the bottom of the stairs he hears the doorbell and sets the basket down.
He looks out the peephole and frowns, but opens the door anyway.
"Hello Mrs. Na, Jaemin is at work at the moment." He says softly. She shakes her head.
"I actually came to see you. I know if Jaemin was here he wouldn't let me speak to you but this is important." He shakes his head.
"If this is about me leaving them, I won't." She smiles softly and nods.
"Can I come in?" He reluctantly nods and allows her to enter.
"Would you like something to drink?" She smiles sadly.
"Even though I was horrible to you, you are still so polite. I'll just have a glass of water please?" He nods and gestures for her to sit while he gets two glasses of water.

"I want to apologize. It took me too long to realize that what Jaemin is feeling for you must be real. Him and I used to be so close but he won't answer my calls, and I know I'm not welcome here. I was going to come back the next day and offer a fake apology just so he could forgive me but I wanted to be genuine, so I took some time to reflect on my words and my actions and I'm very ashamed of myself. I'm sorry for being so awful to you. I know I caused a lot of heartache. Mrs. Lee told me what happened and how broken those two were because of me. I know you must have been hurting too and I'm sorry for that as well." Renjun clears his throat.

"Do you know the story on how we met?" She shakes her head no.
"Not really, they just said you were a friend." He nods.
"I don't know if you know this but I used to be a dancer, at a club, a gay club. It was the only way I could make enough money to get out of my parent's house. I didn't have a happy childhood like them, you must be a good mother, I've heard a lot of stories from their childhood's and it sounds nice." She smiles to herself.

"Don't get me wrong, I was never hit as a child and I always had food to eat and clothes to wear but I missed out on all the fun stuff. I was never smart enough for them so they wouldn't let me do anything fun. The first time I went to a carnival was with Jeno and Jaemin the night before I left them." She gasps.

"My dad found me stripping and paid for a lap dance with me, I don't know if he really didn't know it was me or if he wanted to trap me but he beat me badly that night and told me when he found me again he was going to kill me. Jeno happened to find me on the side of the road and when I refused to go to the hospital he took me here so Jaemin could examine me and make sure I was ok. They offered me a place to stay and hide until I felt safe to leave. We grew close and developed feelings. At first I tried to distance myself from my feelings because they are a married couple and I never wanted to come between them. I never came here with intentions to fall for them but I did, we did and we are happy and now that everything is resolved I want to keep it that way." She nods and wipes her eyes.

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