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When Renjun wakes the next day he feels like his head will explode. He covers his head with a blanket and tries to go back to sleep but his door is soon opened.
"Renjun? Sweetie, how are you feeling?" He groans.
"Really stupid." He whispers.
"You seemed fine, then you just threw up? I was worried about you." Jeno says as he gets him some pain medicine.
"Oh god, where did I do that?" Jeno chuckles.
"Don't worry, you made it to the garbage in the kitchen." He opens the water bottle and pulls the blanket away from his face.
"Here take these." Renjun tries to sit up but he can't, it hurts too bad. Jeno helps him so he can take his medicine.

"Thank you, I'm sorry about this." Jeno shushes him.
"No worries, we all get drunk every now and then. I just never expected you to drink the whole bottle." Renjun sighs.
"I was in a bad place." Jeno frowns.
"I'm sorry, was it because of us? Did it make you uncomfortable? Or think it was gross?" Renjun chokes on his water prompting Jeno to pat his back.
"No, it wasn't you. I drank half in the tub just because it was delicious, then I was feeling good you know? Then I saw you two and no it wasn't gross, it was hot." He covers his mouth.
"Shit, I shouldn't have said that." Jeno chuckles.
"It's ok. But why did you go all out then?" Renjun sighs.

"I started thinking about how fucked up my life is and about my father and I wanted to drown in it you know?" Jeno hugs him.
"Despite everything you've become family to us in just this short amount of time. I know that can never take away from what happened to you but you can always fall back on us." Renjun wipes his eyes. Jeno stands and helps him lay back down and covers him with the blanket before kissing his forehead.
"You rest, Jaemin is making a breakfast that will cure your hangover." He walks to the door and turns.
"Hey Junie, no matter what it is? You can talk to either of us ok?" Renjun nods with a soft smile. He doesn't know what he did to deserve them in his life but he is so great full. Most people would have kicked him out by now, or never helped him in the first place.

"How is our little Renjun today?" Jaemin asks as he stirs the food. Jeno smiles.
"Our little Renjun, is ok. He also said he wasn't bothered by what he saw which was a relief. I don't want to make him uncomfortable, I was just challenging you because you were so damn confident." Jaemin chuckles.
"I'm still pretty confident, want to test out the counter now baby?" He asks watching Jeno purse his lips.
"Stop it. Now kiss me." Jaemin smirks.
"Challenge accepted." He whispers with his hands on his hips before kissing him sweetly.

"So I booked our hotel, in Milan." Jaemin says as he holds him close.
"I got us a honeymoon suite." Jeno hums.
"Sounds nice, it must have been hard to get." Jaemin pecks his lips.
"It was about double the price it normally would cost but, anything to make my baby comfortable after working and partying so hard." Jeno giggles.
"I'm so excited, I mean I'm honored that they invited me but I hated the thought of being away from you for a whole week." He says with a pout.

They share a few more sweet kisses until they hear a throat being cleared behind them.
"Hi, sorry to interrupt, but I need to talk to you guys. I've been doing a lot of thinking since yesterday and I want to get a job, but I need to look somewhere that he won't be able to find me. Do you have any ideas?" Jaemin shakes his head and guides him to sit.
"You really shouldn't be worrying that pretty little head of yours, you are hungover, it will make you hurt worse." Renjun smiles, his cheeks warm from the compliment.

"I know, I'm just feeling useless at the moment and I know you don't think I'm being a leech, which I appreciate but it's just me you know? I am an adult and need to help at least, while I'm here anyway." Jaemin grabs their breakfast and sits down and gestures for Jeno to as well.

"Did you have a place of your own before? Like is there rent due or do you need to get some things?" He shakes his head no.
"I lived with them. I was so close to having enough money saved for my down payment on rent for a little place I found." Jaemin hums.
"Do you still have the money? Or access to it?" He shakes his head no.
"Well, a small part of it is in my account but a big portion was in cash because I wouldn't spend it that way, but I'm sure my parents have probably destroyed my room and it's likely they took it." He says sadly. Jeno puts his hand on Renjun's.

"I have an idea. How about, instead of paying that cleaning service, we pay Junie to clean? He could do it whenever it needed it and we can pay him an hourly wage." Renjun shakes his head.
"No, I've already taken so much from you." Jeno smiles softly.
"But you wouldn't be taking anything. That money is already allocated to cleaning, you could pay us for room and board if you want then save the rest for a place to live. This would ensure you are safe and also give you a chance to get started over." Jeno says with a shrug.

"I agree with Jeno on this one. I think it's the perfect idea to keep you hidden for the time being. I can look up the price for room rentals so you are offered a fair price, although we honestly don't think you need to pay, you can if you would be more comfortable." Renjun frowns as he thinks it over.

"But won't you get tired of me being here all the time? I don't want to be a burden on your marriage. You need time alone." Jaemin hums before Jeno speaks up.
"If we need time we can go out or we will tell you but we were talking last night and we both really like having you around." Renjun smiles softly.
"I don't know what brought Jeno to me that night but I'm so happy you found me." He says with wet eyes.
"It was fate." Jaemin says softly.
"Now eat up, then let's relax by the pool today. It's warm out now and you can go in the water." Renjun frowns.

"Really? That sounds like fun." Jeno smiles widely at his enthusiasm.
"We will do that right after breakfast." Renjun nods with a smile.
"Thank you for inviting me." He says softly, before taking a bite of his food.
"Of course." Jaemin responds like it's just a given.

After breakfast they change into swim shorts and head to the back patio. He's never really seen it up close before because it was covered and he's never wanted to seem nosy. It's a big pool with crystal clear water and a few deck chairs at the side. They sit on the edge, adjusting to the temperature while Jeno rubs sunscreen on him then he goes to Jaemin who gets his when he's done.

While Renjun is so great full for their offer, he's still really nervous about his feelings. He's hoping it's just rescue romance. Something he's seen in tv shows and read in books where people fall in love with someone who saved them. They usually figure out after a while that their feelings aren't real, he doesn't want to be falling for two very unattainable husbands.
Every little touch lately, or sweet word spoken affects his heart.
He pushes it away as he grabs both their hands and pulls them into the water.

Renjun is having the time of his life. Jeno and him are currently playing tag while Jaemin sits this one out.
Jaemin is watching the two fondly. He's tried this whole time to find Renjun as a threat to their marriage, he figured that would be a normal thing to feel but he always goes back to his fond stare. Jeno notices and waves cutely just in time for Renjun to pounce on him and take him down.
After a couple hours of playtime they are exhausted.
"I'm so hungry." Renjun says.
"Me too, let's order in." Jaemin says as he grabs his phone to look up a good restaurant to deliver.
Jeno and Renjun head upstairs to shower and change while Jaemin is left to order the food. He rolls his eyes fondly at the pair.

He gets to his room and Jeno is just coming out of the shower.
"That was quick." He says while he plays with his butt making him jump.
"I know, you should hurry too. I'm so hungry." Jaemin kisses his lips softly.
"Food is on the way angel." Jeno wraps his arms around his neck.
"I love you." He whispers.
"I love you." Jaemin returns before kissing him again.

They eat like ravenous animals when it comes and proceed to end up in food comas after.
"Oh, I'm so full." Renjun whines.
"Me too." Jeno says as he sprawls out over the two. He flops his legs in Renjun's lap, giggling when he groans. He has his head in Jaemin's lap getting petted as he stretches out.
"Want to watch a movie? Or a drama?" Jeno asks.
"Or we could just pass out." Renjun says making the two laugh.

They end up flipping through the channels and stopping on an old movie but they only make it through a few minutes before they start falling asleep, one by one.
When Jaemin wakes up and sees it's one AM he figures he should wake the two. Renjun ended up curled into Jeno, while Jeno has his arms wrapped around Jaemin's waist. They look quite comfortable but his neck is starting to hurt and he has to work at five.
"Baby, wake up." He says gently as he pets his hair. He stirs a little and in the process wakes the other. Renjun looks around and jumps back as he sees how he was cuddling the other.
"Sorry." He says as he groggily gets up and starts to go upstairs.
Needless to say, they will all sleep well tonight.

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