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"Jaemin? Jaem?" Jeno tries to wake him softly but it isn't working. He finally kisses him before he yells his name louder. Jaemin wakes with a start and tries to make sense of what's going on. He looks at the time and jumps out of bed.
"Are you ok baby? Did you get hurt?" He asks frantically as he wasn't expecting to be woke up at 3:30 in the morning.
"I'm fine. I'm sorry for waking you but I need your help." Jeno says softly. Jaemin frowns and follows him out of their room, only to be led to their spare bedroom.
"What is it baby?" He asks as Jeno kind of blocks the door.
"I found something? I uh, I just need you to look at it?" Jaemin looks suspiciously at him as he crosses his arms.
Jeno opens the door and ushers him inside. All he sees is a lump on the bed and shrugs.

Jeno pulls the blanket back and Jaemin is not believing what he's seeing.
"What? Who is this?" Jaemin asks as Jeno turns on the bedside lamp.
"Well, I don't know but he's hurt and I need you
To check him over." Jaemin is trying not to lose it.
"So what? You found a complete stranger passed out on the sidewalk and brought him home? This isn't like finding a stray puppy Jeno, this is a human life, you should have called 911 and let them handle it." Jeno frowns.

"He asked me not to take him to the hospital, I thought I was doing the right thing." He says softly.
"The right thing? The right thing would have been to leave him and call an ambulance. Fuck! What if he has severe injuries?" Jaemin snaps. Jeno can't help it when he starts to cry.
"I'm sorry." He whispers. Jaemin sighs.
"There is no time to be sorry now. Just go get the first aid kit please." He nods and walks out.

Jaemin walks over slowly and checks for a pulse before he tries to wake him gently. He starts to stir so he backs off a bit and watches him close.
"What? Where am I?" He wakes up and asks startled. He looks at Jaemin and crawls back toward the wall until he screams out in pain.
"Shh, I'm Jeno's husband." He still looks confused.
"I'm a doctor, the man that found you on the sidewalk brought you here." He looks around skeptically and only shows slight relief when he sees Jeno walk in.
He stares at his face for a long time before Jeno finally speaks up.

"Hey, how are you feeling? M-maybe we should take you to the hospital?" He questions again as Jaemin sighs. He can hear the hurt in his voice that he caused and feels awful but he can't deal with it now.
"No, please, he'll find me." Jaemin interjects.
"Ok, listen, if you just let me check you over to make sure you aren't hurt too bad we can let it go. But you have to let me examine you." He reluctantly nods as Jeno starts to leave the room.
"Please don't go?" He asks meekly. Jeno smiles softly and walks over to sit beside him on the bed, he is quite surprised when he grabs his hand.

"First of all can you tell us what happened? Or at the very least, where you are hurting?" He looks away for a moment.
"My face, my arm and my stomach hurt the most but I'm pretty sure every inch of me is covered in bruises." He says softly.
"Ok, can I remove your shirt? Or at least lift it?" He nods and tries to sit but it hurts too much.
"It's ok, relax. I'll just lift it up. Don't move too much ok?" He nods and allows Jaemin to go to work.
He lifts his shirt and sees purple marks covering his torso. Whoever did this is a monster. He pushes gently on his belly to see where the most pain is. As he moves further down he thinks he sees the cause.
"Was there a weapon involved?" He asks slowly.
"Y-yes, a knife. He didn't stab me though he just sliced me." Jaemin gently pushes around it until he screams out.
"Ok, it doesn't look too deep so I think we can just glue it and bandage it." He moves on and checks his arm which seems to hurt the most in his wrist area. Jaemin moves it in all directions before determining it's likely just sprained. He carefully touches his face to check for any sign of broken bones and luckily finds none.
"Can you tell me your name? I'm Jaemin by the way and this is my husband Jeno." He nods.
"Renjun, Huang Renjun." Jaemin smiles softly.
"Ok Renjun, we're going to fix you up, but first I have to clean this wound and it will probably hurt like a bitch so squeeze Jeno's hand when it hurts ok?" He nods.

Jaemin digs through the first aid kit and finds all the supplies he will need. He starts to wash him carefully and Renjun seems to be taking it well. He squeezes Jeno's hand with tears streaming down his cheeks but he manages to keep the screaming at bay. Jaemin glues it shut and applies cream before expertly bandaging it. He finds a wrap for his wrist and puts it on gently.
"Jeno honey, can you go get a couple ice packs and some pain medicine please?" He asks softly, hoping Jeno isn't still too hurt by his harsh reaction.
Jeno nods and leaves the room again.

"Look, Renjun. It's fine to help you like this but for mine and my husband's safety, you need to tell us who did this and why they would be looking for you." Renjun stares blankly at the wall in silence. Jeno walks in and hands him the medicine and a glass of water before he hands Jaemin the ice pack.
"It was my father. He said he was letting me go this time because the hunt before the kill is so much more fun." The husbands look at each other.
"Ok, im sure he won't think to find you here, but just for your personal peace of mind, we do have a very good alarm system and security cameras around the property. You are safe here." He nods as a new set of tears run down his face.
"Get some sleep, tomorrow we can talk more and I'll check your wound again." He nods.
"Thank you." He whispers, looking at the pair.
"You are very welcome. Now sleep." He looks at Jeno.
"C-can I leave the lamp on?" He asks quietly.
"Of course."  They help him get comfortable then Jaemin places the ice pack on his face.
"Keep it there for around 20 minutes. Then you can take it off." He nods as Jeno covers him with the blanket.

Jeno walks into his room and crawls straight into bed facing away from Jaemin's side. He sighs as he sees him this way.
"Jeno, honey please look at me?" He shakes his head no.
"I'm sorry for getting upset, but you woke me up at 3 in the morning to show me a stranger, who could very well be a criminal for all we know, that you brought into our home. Not to mention he was badly injured." Jeno  sniffles.
"Can you stop telling me how stupid you think I am?" Jaemin frowns and pulls Jeno so he's on his back.
"I never once thought you were stupid, don't ever say that again." He shakes his head.

"I wanted to call an ambulance, I really did but when he looked at me with that terror in his eyes I knew he needed protection. I knew, or at least thought I knew that you would understand. I'm sorry for bringing him here. I will kick him out first thing in the morning." Jaemin sighs.
"Baby, you don't have to do that, just be careful ok? We need to get his full story, find out if he has a place to go that is safe before we just toss him out. I only want you to be cautious, I love you with my whole soul baby and the thought of you getting hurt scares the hell out of me." Jeno finally turns in his arms and allows him to hold him properly.
"I love you." He whispers, still fighting tears.

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