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Jeno and Jaemin are not well. Jaemin is angry and bitter, his coworkers have had to endure the brunt of his short temper. Most don't feel close enough to ask him what's wrong and Ten hasn't been around for the last few days.
Jaemin's been working longer hours, trying to avoid going home. He's not trying to punish Jeno or avoid him, but his home isn't happy anymore.

Jeno hasn't had much work over the last week so he's been alone. Really alone, he barely sees his husband anymore. He's quiet all the time. He has no one to talk to and when Jaemin is around, neither will bring up the topic of Renjun.

This hit them too hard, how do they deal with the fact that they went from the most perfect couple, to falling in love with someone else and losing them. In all the years they've been together, this is the worst that their relationship has ever endured. They always talked about everything before, yet now they can't. They want to console the other, to take their pain away but both feel at fault, both feel like they must have done something to drive him away.
Renjun has only been gone for two weeks but their lives are unraveling. They haven't told anyone what happened, they are suffering alone.

Haechan has had enough of their silence. He's been trying to call and text them and even stopped by a few times but he figured they weren't home.
He decides to just check in on them regardless if they answer the door, he knows the code.
He knocks and hears nothing so he puts in the code and walks in.
"Jeno? Jaemin? Renjun? Where are you?" The house is dark, it doesn't look lived in.
"Hello? Why are you all avoiding my calls?" He walks through and sees the patio door open and decides they must be out by the pool.

When he gets there, his heart stops.
"Jeno? What the fuck are you doing?" He sees him lying on the cement with his legs over a chair. There is a broken wine bottle that he is still clinging to, and blood.
"Jen? Jeno speak to me." He runs over.
"Oh my god, Jeno, what did you do?" He looks up with a dopey expression.
"I tripped." Haechan tries not to show his panic when he sees blood on his face.
"Ok, I'm going to help you up." He takes the broken glass from his bloody hand and tells him to push himself up with his other. He screams out when he tries to.
"Shit, roll to your back." Haechan says as calmly as possible.
"Ok, babeeeee." Jeno slurs out.

"How much did you drink today? Where is Renjun?" Jeno cries and shakes his head.
"Come on, what will your men think of you when they see you this way?" He asks as he finally gets him into a sitting position.
"I don't have any men, I'm alone." Haechan frowns and sits on the edge of the offending deck chair.
"Jen, what's going on? Why are you like this?" Jeno lets his tears fall freely.
"Renjun left us and Jaemin hates me because of it. I'm all alone, nobody loves me." Haechan gets down to his level and holds him the best he can.
"I love you. Now we need to get you to a doctor, I think you broke your arm." He shakes his head no.
"I don't want him to see me. He's already mad at me, this will only make it worse." Haechan stands and helps him to his feet. He wraps his arms around his waist to hold him up and takes him directly to his car.

As soon as they start moving he calls Jaemin, who of course, still isn't answering calls. He spams him, he's not even sure how many times he's called him but finally he answers.
"What the fuck Haechan? Can't you take a hint? I'm at work. I don't have time to talk." He says angrily.
"Maybe not but you have time to listen. It's about Jeno." He stays quiet so Haechan just tells him.
"I went to your house and found him drunk." He's interrupted by Jaemin scoffing.
"And? I'm not his babysitter, he can drink if he wants." This angers Haechan.

"Obviously you aren't much of a husband either." Haechan says with disdain.
"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" He asks getting more irritated by the second.
"I'm currently driving your husband to the ER. He would have just laid there forever had I not shown up. Maybe you should get your head out of your ass and treat him better."
"W-why are you taking him to the emergency room? What happened? Is he ok?" Haechan sighs.
"No, he's not ok. He's blaming himself for Renjun leaving, he thinks you hate him. He's broken, and I don't just mean his arm. He's hurt Jaemin, you need to fix this, you guys need to get through this together before you are completely torn apart." There is more silence on the other end.

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