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Jaemin stops to get coffee at his hospital cafeteria before heading to his office. He greets the nurses on shift at the station and wishes them a good day since they are about to go home, the next shift starts in ten minutes. He has one surgery scheduled for seven AM and he should be done by lunch. He reads through the case carefully as the prep team should already be starting on the patient. This is just a simple appendectomy so he's not too worried about the outcome.

"Knock knock." He hears spoken as Dr. Li walks in. He is a little older and very well respected.
"I heard your emergency surgery was a success." He says as he sits in front of him.
"Yeah, Dr. Jun was running a bit late so I ended up with it. As soon as I get done with this file I plan to do my rounds before my next one starts, would you like to come along?" He smiles.
"I just came to say congratulations. You did a great job and his family wants to thank you personally." Jaemin smiles softly.
"I suppose I should probably make my rounds now then?" Ten nods with a chuckle.

He walks around, starting at the first patient on rotation, its protocol. When he gets to the room he sees a woman with three children, ranging in ages from seven to maybe fourteen. He knocks quietly as Dr. Li stays in the background watching. The woman walks up to him with tears streaming down her face.
"Your the one? You saved him?" He nods and starts explaining his procedure but is quickly interrupted with a tight hug to his leg. The little boy who was previously holding his mother's hand holds on tight as he cries.
"That's my daddy. Thank you." Jaemin pries him away and gets down on one knee.
"Your daddy should be home in maybe a week or so if everything goes to plan. So I need you to take really good care of him when he gets there ok? But for now you need to just wait as his heart heals and you know what?" The boy shakes his head no.
"You can help him heal by being here with him and talking to him, even while he's sleeping. Even if he doesn't hear everything you say, he can feel your love." The boy nods and hugs his neck once more before going over and holding his dad's hand.

He receives hugs from the other two kids and the wife before checking on the patient himself. He walks out to see Ten holding out his hand to shake.
"Good job Dr Na." He smiles.
"Thank you Dr Li."
He goes to scrub in for his next surgery and has to clear his head of the whole situation. He can't lose focus and make a mistake because his thoughts are with that family.
When he finally finishes his surgery he heads to his office to regroup, then he plans to go get lunch.

When he walks in he sees his beautiful husband sitting in his chair smiling like the angel he is.
"What are you doing here? I thought you had to rest today?" Jeno makes a pouty face. I slept until 11:30, I wanted to get lunch and thought I'd see if I could get a date." Jaemin smirks.
"Oh yeah? Did you have a sexy surgeon in mind?" Jeno nods with his cute puppy grin.
"I did but alas, Dr Li is busy, so I figured I'd get the next best thing." Jaemin raises his brow and walks quickly over to attack him with tickles.
He stares at his beautiful face as his eyes disappear when he laughs.
"Why am I so in love with you?" Jaemin asks making the other frown.
"Why is it that even though we've been together for eight years, you still take my breath away?" Jeno leans forward and kisses him softly.
"Because I'm irresistible." Jaemin smiles onto his lips.
"You really are baby."

Jaemin takes an hour and a half lunch today so he can spend more time with him, he didn't see him last night and tonight won't be much better.
"I'm going to miss holding you tonight." Jaemin says with a pout.
"This is why I need you to come to Milan with me. I'm going to be there for a week and I'll miss you so much." Jaemin smiles.
"I put in a request for leave, hopefully I'll get it, but I think Ten already requested leave for that time and we can't be down two surgeons at the same time." Now Jeno pouts.
"As long as you try, I will be happy." Jaemin smiles and kisses his lips.
"Do you want me to drive you tonight?" Jeno shakes his head no.
"I'll be fine Nana, you need your rest for work." He sighs.
"I just don't like the thought of you in that area in the middle of the night." Jeno smiles softly and takes his hand.
"There are going to be so many people there and we have security. I will be fine. Don't worry so much." Jaemin touches his cheek and feeds him his food.

In the evening when Jaemin gets home he only begs a few more times to drive him but Jeno is independent when he wants to be and Jaemin won't pressure him too much.
It's ten PM when Jeno kisses him good night and promises again that he will be safe.
Jaemin goes to bed and tries to sleep but he still thinks about the love of his life driving alone at night and worries.

Right about the time Jaemin falls asleep, Jeno is under the lights inside the warehouse. It's a little colder tonight because of the rain and wind outside but they do have heaters set up to warm up between shoots. He's the only model here as he's shooting an exclusive so it shouldn't take too long, especially since he's so in sync with Quinn.
"Great job tonight Jeno. We only have one more location. She points out the window to a cement ledge.
He warms up and does a quick change. He goes out with his umbrella over head but at this point the rain is almost horizontal. He keeps the umbrella open until Quinn is all set up then takes it off to be pelted by rain. As hard as it is, he doesn't falter, as the true professional he is, he never once bats an eyelash at the horrid rain.

When it's over they go back into the warehouse and quickly help him undress and put on warm clothes while he stands by the heater. One of the crew brings him a hot cocoa and by the time he's finished he is completely warm again. He looks at the shots of him in the rain, the dim street light illuminates part of his face as his own expression captures the mood perfectly.
"Wow, Quinn, those are amazing." He says softly.
"Hmm, well I couldn't have done it without you. Not just any model could have pulled this off. He smiles shyly and looks at his phone.
"Thank you. I should get home now it's already 2." She nods.
"Get some rest. I'll send you a copy of the finished product right before it gets uploaded." He smiles and backs away as he waves goodbye.

As he gets to his car he hears tires screeching to a halt before he hears a scream and what sounds like a door slamming. He frowns and looks around before getting in his car. He shivers. Jaemin was right, this is a sketchy neighborhood. He pulls away and drives through the row of abandoned warehouses slowly. They are all pretty dark and gloomy looking but there are plenty of streetlights. He turns the corner just before getting to the road to take him away from here when he sees a person curled in a ball on the sidewalk. His instincts tell him to ignore it and keep driving but his heart tells him to stop.

He gets out of his car and looks around cautiously before he walks over.
"Hey, excuse me, are you ok?" He asks softly. He gasps when the person looks up with his face covered in bruises.
"Oh my god! What happened?" He asks as he checks him over.
"I'll call and ambulance." The person yells out "no". Come on then get in my car, I'll take you to the hospital ." The person rapidly shakes their head.
"No. I'm ok, just leave me." The shaking of his head appears to make him dizzy which only proves to worry Jeno more. He's scared for this person but contemplates leaving but he is too soft at heart to do that. He's not sure what to do but he's not comfortable standing out here either, in case whoever hurt him, comes back.
"It's ok, I'll take you to my place. My husband is a doctor and he can check you over without you having to go to the hospital." Jeno says. He tries to help him up but he is too weak so Jeno scoops him up and lays him in his back seat. He covers him with a jacket he has in there and carefully drives him home.

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