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When they get to the amusement park Renjun is in awe.
"Wow it's so pretty." They can see the lights reflecting in his beautiful eyes as he takes it all in and they love seeing happiness on his face.
"What do you want to do first baby?" Jeno asks softly in his ear.
"Well I did some research and I think we should eat something now, then play games, then ride some rides, then eat some more." Jaemin chuckles and squishes his cheeks.
"Ok, let's go." Jeno says as he takes Renjun's hand and Jaemin takes his other.
"You guys really don't mind being seen with me like this?" They both kiss his cheek at the same time.
"Do you mind?" He smiles softly and shakes his head.

When they find the food booths he can't believe all the choices. They grab some different fried sausages on a stick and take turns feeding each other. Renjun's giggles are sweet music to their ears.
"These are so good." Jaemin smiles softly.
"Have you never had them before?" Renjun shakes his head with a shy smile.
"I have, but these are better because I'm sharing with you." Jaemin leans in slowly and kisses him.
"You have really pretty lips, so soft and kissable." He almost whispers.
"You aren't supposed to seduce me at the carnival." Renjun says softly, still holding his stare. Jaemin grabs the back of his neck and pulls him in for a steamy kiss.
Jeno looks on with a smile and when he sees his opportunity, he takes the sausage right off Renjun's stick and eats it up contently. Renjun pulls away from Jaemin with a sigh. He smiles softly at Jeno before trying to take a bite of his sausage. Of course he's met with a bare stick, and Jeno's giggles. He holds out the one in his hand and offers it as a peace offering.

When they finish eating those, Renjun spots the cotton candy booth.
"Ooh, I want that." He says excitedly.
"What shape do you want sweetie?" Jeno asks as they walk up. He looks at the pictures and smiles.
"I want a flower, a yellow one." Jeno orders for him while Jaemin stays back and holds his hand.
"I'm having the best time, thank you." Jaemin nudges his shoulder.
"We are having the best time with you baby." Renjun smiles shyly.
"Promise? I really want this to be a good memory." Jaemin turns him so they are facing each other.
"I promise. This is a precious date for us, it's our first, first of many to come." Renjun looks away awkwardly before smiling so bright he lights up their world.
"Oh, it's so pretty I don't want to eat it." He says excitedly.
"Go stand by Jen." He takes his fluffy yellow sugar flower and kisses Jeno's cheek.
"Thank you." He says softly as Jaemin snaps a few pictures.
"There, now you can eat it." Renjun calls him over and they take a sweet selfie with goofy grins and one where the two kiss his cheeks as he holds the cotton candy to his lips.
"Send those to my phone please?" He asks sweetly.
"Done." Jaemin says as both Jeno and Renjun's phones light up with a notification.

They walk slowly toward the games taking turns eating the delicious candy, and sharing sweet kisses. It's the perfect date. Renjun is happy. He knows deep in his soul that these two love him but he also knows that he is coming between them. He knows that the possibility of them getting hurt is greater with him in the picture. For tonight though, he's setting these doubts aside to enjoy every precious moment. He's going to absorb all of the love and affection he gets from them. He thinks he may be selfish, but just this once is fine.

He tries a few games but the one he likes the most is the water shooting game. He giggles when he beats one or both of them in a round. They each win a few small prizes and Jaemin and Jeno decide to exchange them all for a large prize, for him.
"But then you won't get anything?" He says with a soft frown. Jaemin takes his hand and kisses his knuckles.
"We've already gotten so much from this carnival baby." He sighs.
"I suppose you've probably been here a lot?" Jaemin nods.
"A few times, but that's not what I mean. I mean we have gotten to see so much happiness in you, and that's the best gift of all." Renjun smiles shyly.
"He's right, and since it's your first time, we want you to have it. Now pick your favorite." He smiles and pecks both of their cheeks before shyly looking over the selection.
"This is too much pressure, they are all so cute." Jeno puts his arm on his shoulders.
"How about? We choose one for you?" He nods with a bright smile.

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