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As soon as their plane lands Jeno calls to check in on him. He tells them that he is fine and that he's already stripped their bed to shampoo the mattress. As much as he wanted to sleep in their scent the whole week, he knew he wanted to get this done for them.

He took down all the curtains and after washing them he hangs them outside.
He brings them in just before it gets dark and starts hanging them back up. He hears a knock on the door and it spooks him, it's only his first day alone and he's already scared. He walks over quietly and peeks through the whole to see Haechan and Mark standing there with take out.

"What are you doing here?" Haechan smiles brightly and holds up his bag.
"Your boyfriends figured you would need some prompting to relax and eat so here we are." Renjun shakes his head.
"You shouldn't say things like that." He says and Haechan has already pickup a sadness in his voice.

"So, what have you been up to?" He asks as he spreads out the food.
"Just cleaning." He says kind of awkward.

"So, I have questions." Haechan says in a matter of fact tone. Mark gives him a look but he ignores it.
"We've been friends with Jeno and Jaemin for years. How is it that you walk in here and they instantly love you? I mean you fucking live with them." Renjun shakes his head.
"It's personal." Haechan frowns.
"Look, I'm not trying to be an ass, I just want to know more about you and I'm just curious to know how you met them." Renjun sighs.

"I was attacked one night after work. Jeno happened to be working in that area late at night and he saw me bloody and bruised and he brought me home. I couldn't go to the doctor because the person who attacked me said when he found me again he would kill me. So I've been hiding here ever since." He shrugs.

Now that he's gotten everything out with the other two it's not too hard to say out loud anymore.
"So that's why we never see you at the club anymore."
Renjun nods uncomfortably.
"Who would want to kill you? What did you do? Are you a criminal?" Mark slaps his shoulder.
"You sure are being nosey tonight." Haechan sighs.
"Sorry. I'm like this sometimes, you don't have to give me your whole life story." Renjun purses his lips.
"You know what? I'll tell you."

After laying it all out, Haechan and Mark are silenced. Now they understand why the two are so protective of him and seeing how strong he is about this whole situation makes them understand a little more how they could fall for someone else.
"So, what are you going to do?" Mark asks. Renjun shrugs.
"I honestly don't know. I have no doubt that he was serious and my gut tells me, one day he will find me. I don't want Jeno and Jaemin getting hurt because of me so until I figure out a plan I'll just stay here and not show my face in public." He sighs.

"I'm happy that they got to get away. I feel like they are holding themselves back because of me. They don't go out much and they always stay here and eat with me. They should be out on dates and getting alone time you know? I just don't want to be a burden." Haechan puts his arm around his shoulders.
"I wouldn't worry too much about that. They absolutely adore you. Jeno has called on more than one occasion to tell me how happy he is that you are here and I can tell by the way Jaemin looks at you that he's just as happy. If they want to be alone they will find the time, so just relax." He nods with a sigh.

They stay for a couple hours talking and getting to know each other but when they see Renjun yawn they know he's had a long day already.
"Next time we come, we will bring Chenle and Jisung and booze." He nods with a soft smile.
"Thank you for spending the evening with me. It was nice getting to know you." He says as they head toward the door.
"You too. Remember to call me if you need anything."
Mark says as he holds out his hand to shake.
"I will. Have a good night."

After locking all the doors and windows and making sure the security system is on he goes upstairs to shower and go to bed. His mind inevitably wanders to the other two. He imagines they are probably making love right now. He truly is happy for them. He takes a long warm shower then brushes his teeth before crawling into bed, completely exhausted. He cuddles into his blankets and closes his eyes only to hear his phone ring. He grabs it from the night stand and smiles softly as he sees it's a FaceTime call from the two in Italy.

"Why are you calling me? You are supposed to be having all that sex remember?" He jokes. Jeno is sitting with his head laying on Jaemin's shoulder, both shirtless in bed. Jaemin peeks under the sheet that's covering them and smirks.
"Don't worry about that, I just hope Jeno can walk properly for the show tonight." Renjun giggles.
"Why are you so cute tonight?" Jeno asks him.
"You are a Renjun burrito." He says cutely.
"I've worked hard today, then Mark and Haechan came and fed me since you didn't think I would feed myself." Jaemin smiles.
"Did you have a good time? Haechan can be a lot sometimes." Renjun laughs.

"He asked a lot of questions, in the end I just told them everything. They were very nice." Jeno smiles softly as he stares at his cute face poking out of the blankets.
"We miss you, wish you were here." Renjun doesn't really know what to say. So he just offers a sweet smile.
"I miss you too, the house is really quiet. It's too quiet." Jaemin hums.
"Prop your phone up on the table so we can see you and close your eyes. We will be with you when you fall asleep." He smiles and does like Jaemin suggests. He closes his eyes as they talk softly to him and to each other. It really doesn't take long for him to pass out completely.

By the third day, Renjun is pretty much done with all of his deep cleaning jobs so he tries relaxing. He swims for a while then decides to go in so he can cook himself some dinner.

After dinner he wanders the house until he happens into Jeno and Jaemin's room. He misses them like crazy. He goes to their closet and finds one of Jaemin's white button up shirts and puts it on with nothing on underneath. He lays on their bed and wonders if it would be that bad if he slept here while they are gone.
He's restless as he gets off the bed in search of something to do.

He finds their full length mirror in the bathroom and starts dancing. By the time he's done he's created a whole new routine. He goes back in their closet and finds a tie and places it loosely around his neck. He stands in front of the mirror and takes a selfie, then before he can put too much thought into it he sends it to Jeno and Jaemin. He captions it with "I hope you don't mind that I borrowed some of your things. I made a whole new routine, now if only I had an audience."

As the pair had been awake for a few hours now, unable to keep their hands off each other for another minute, their phones ding at the same time. As much as they don't want to stop, they need to make sure it's not Renjun in trouble.
Jeno gets to his phone first and gasps at what he sees.
"What is it angel?" Jaemin asks as he goes to grab his own.
"He, wow. I want to be his audience." Jaemin chuckles until he sees the picture.
"Fuck, that's my shirt. He looks, damn." Jeno nods.
"I know." He quickly FaceTimes Renjun. When he answers he's sitting on their bed cross legged still only in his shirt and tie. His bare legs showing just a bit when he moves the phone certain ways.

"Hey, I hope you aren't mad. I just, I miss you guys and I thought if I wore something of yours I'd feel closer to you." He admits self consciously.
"Not mad, you look hot. You should wear my clothes more often." Jaemin says lowly making him blush. Jeno pouts.
"But he has to wear something of mine too." Renjun giggles.
"Tomorrow, I'll send you a picture." He smiles happily.
"Junie, we'll be your audience anytime. Will you show us?" Jeno asks. He giggles again.
"Maybe when you come home. What are you doing today?" He asks wanting to know about the luxurious model lifestyle.
"My sexy Jeno here has a runway show, then we have an after party, it will be fun but I plan to fuck his brains out first." Jaemin says with a certain look in his eyes.
"Oh, sorry if I interrupted by texting you." Jaemin smirks.

"This was a very acceptable interruption, trust me."  He talks to them for another half hour. By now he's laying on his stomach, leaning up on his elbows with his feet kicking behind him. He doesn't realize he can be seen from the mirror on the other wall. The view of his little bottom poking out is doing something to the other's as they've both noticed. Jaemin takes a screen capture and Renjun gasps.
"I was making a weird face, why did you do that?"Jaemin chuckles.
"Sorry, I wasn't looking at your face." Renjun grins and looks back, that's when he notices the mirror and what they can see. His face heats up instantly.
"Sorry." He says as he changes position." Jaemin shakes his head.
"Don't be, I needed a new wallpaper for my phone." This does nothing for his warm cheeks.
"Ok. Good night boys, I'm going to sleep off my embarrassment."
Just as he hangs up the phone he hears a quiet, "I love you Junie" his heart flips in his chest as he whispers "I love you too."

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