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Over the next few days things are pretty much back to normal. He continues his cleaning duties but will take a break to hang out with Jeno whenever he wants him to. He really doesn't mind and remembering what Jaemin said about Jeno not liking to be alone makes him want to do it more.

He heads up the stairs to clean the bathrooms and notices Jeno in his room with the door open. He sees his luggage on the bed with clothes strewn about.
"Are you going somewhere?" He asks as he stands in the doorway.
"Huh? Oh yeah, didn't I tell you? We are going to Milan for fashion week. Oh shit, I never thought of this before, are you going to be ok here by yourself?" He asks cautiously. Renjun nods.
"Of course, I can house sit for you. It will be a good chance for you to get some time alone." He says with a shrug. Jeno has a look on his face as if he's struggling.
"I don't want you to be alone though." He waves his hand.
"I'll be fine I promise." Jeno nods, still a little unsure.
"Ok, we will make sure you have everything you need and you can always call any one of our friends if you need something or if there is any trouble." Renjun smiles softly.
"I'm sure I will be fine. Thank you for your concern."

Jeno frowns with his mouth in a straight line.
"I don't want to go." He says surprising the other.
"What? Why?" He pouts and walks over, wrapping him in his arms.
"I don't want to leave you." Renjun secretly loves this.
"Jeno, you need to get away with Jaemin. It will be good for you. A married couple needs time alone and with me here, you don't have that anymore." Jeno looks in his eyes.
"You aren't in the way, at all. Don't ever think that." Renjun smiles and hugs himself back into his chest. He really likes it here.

"I'll be checking instagram for photos for sexy Jeno and his sexy husband." Jeno chuckles.
"You think we're sexy huh?" Renjun feels his face heat up but he responds truthfully anyway.
"Of course, it's a given. You are a model and I've looked up your work, sexy. And if Jaemin ever wanted to change his line of work he could be a sexy model too." Jeno finally pulls out of their hug and walks back over to the bed.
"He could really, but I love being married to a sexy doctor."

Renjun hums as he turns to go finish his cleaning.
"Junie?" He turns back to see Jeno smirking at him.
"This sexy model and his sexy husband will be so excited to come home to our sexy Renjun." He doesn't know where his boldness is coming from at the moment but he walks to the door frame and lifts his leg as if he is going to put it on a pole and leans his upper body back while one hand slides up his shirt.
"I'll just be here working on my routine while you're away." Jeno swallows thickly.
"Good, I can't wait for you to show us." He says lowly.
Renjun giggles and heads to the bathroom.

"Jaemin, I feel awful. I don't want him to be here all alone." Jaemin sighs.
"I know baby, but he is an adult. He can call our friends for help like you said, and I'm very certain his father would not find him here." Jeno gasps.
"No, he doesn't have a phone. He refuses to turn his on so his father can't track him." Jaemin smiles and walks to his husband, he sees Renjun walk by their bedroom door and calls his name.
"Yeah?" He asks as he's headed downstairs with his cleaning supplies.
"What's your favorite color?" He smiles.
"Yellow." Jaemin nods with a smile.
"That's a nice color, it suits you well." He smiles wider and walks out wondering what that was about.
"You see? Problem solved." Jeno frowns.
"Go to the Apple Store tomorrow, get him a 15, they have them in yellow." Jeno kisses his lips.
"I love you." He says softly.
"I love you angel. Now stop worrying. We will make sure he's safe before we leave, and we will call him every day, as many times as you want to." Jeno snuggles into him.

As the day nears they have covered all bases. He knows their security system, knows how to access all the cameras from the laptop and has a list of everyone's number who can help him if needed. Haechan has promised to stop in at least every couple of days to check on him.

The doorbell rings and Jeno jumps up.
"Finally, it's here."
He walks to Renjun and hands him a box that is neatly wrapped. He frowns.
"What is this for?" Jaemin nudges his arm.
"Just open it." He does so carefully and his jaw hits the floor to see a brand new phone in a pretty shade of yellow.
"You didn't have to?" He kind of questions.
"We did. Since you can't use your phone, and Jeno will need to call you at least twice a day to hear your voice, not to mention, how are you going to call Haechan or anyone else if you don't have one?" He looks at it.
"But it's so expensive." He says softly.
"It's a gift and if you don't want to accept this gift then you can think of it as a work expense." He smiles softly.
"You guys are so thoughtful, thank you so much." He hugs Jeno and softly presses his lips to his cheek. He then turns to Jaemin and does the same.

"I'll help you set it up." Jeno says as he takes his hand and pulls him toward the table. He has him put all of the contacts in from the list and already feels better about this situation.

"We're leaving here in the morning, probably around four AM, so we won't be here when you wake."
Renjun just nods. He doesn't want to show it but the reality of them actually leaving is setting in. He is nervous, not so much about his safety, but he will be so lonely.

"By the way, I'm planning to do a deep clean while
You're gone, just to keep me busy. I'm going to clean all the mattresses and I'll be dusting shelves, basically floor to ceiling. I thought I would start in your bedroom so if you have any secrets you want to hide just put them in a box in the closet." Jaemin raises his brow.
"What kind of secrets do you think we have?" Renjun giggles.
"You know, personal items that are none of my business or toys you like to play with that you wouldn't want me to see." He gets another sexy smirk from Jaemin and he's not handling this well.
"We have nothing to hide from you." His heart flips. The fact that they trust him this much means so much to him.

"You two better get some good sleep, you have to get up early. Good night." He says softly but Jeno holds onto his hand so he can't leave.
"We are going to be alone together for a whole week. Tonight we need Renjun cuddles." He smiles and pulls his hand away.
"I'll go change for bed then, I'd like some cuddles too." He says shyly.
They fall asleep quickly. This time Jaemin spoons him from behind while Jeno gets to hold him in his arms. He loves this too much.

When Renjun wakes in the morning, he feels cold. He looks around and sees that all of their things are gone, this makes him feel even colder. He tries to wrap himself in the blankets and snuggle into the pillows for
Comfort but the fact that they didn't say goodbye breaks his heart and he can't help the tears that fall.
He tries his hardest to fall back asleep and is almost there when the bedroom door swings open.
He doesn't look up, he doesn't want them to see his tears.
He feels the bed dip on both sides and knows they are right in his face even before the blankets are pulled down.

"Why are you crying? Are you hurt?" He rolls his eyes and looks away.
"I'm fine, don't you have a plane to catch?" He asks with a pout. Jaemin touches his cheek to pull his attention to him.
"We would never leave you without saying goodbye." He says softly before he slowly leans forward and kisses the corner of his mouth. He's too shocked to even gasp.

"I thought you left." He says softly. Jeno gets his attention now and kisses the other corner of his lips.
"We were just loading the taxi baby." He nods, his heart is beating out of control. He really wants to kiss them both senseless at the moment but he's able to restrain himself.
"I'm going to miss you so much." Jeno whispers.
Renjun smiles softly and pecks his nose.
"It's a week. Please enjoy yourselves, have a lot of sex and don't think about me, I'll be fine." Jeno catches Jaemin staring longingly at Renjun's lips and touches the back of his head.
"Honey, it's ok." But to him it's not. He leans over Renjun and softly kisses Jeno's lips, he has to distract himself from the other's.
"I said have a lot of sex in Milan, not on top of me." Jeno groans as Jaemin decides he needs to leave this situation. Renjun has no idea how tempting he is being to both of them right now.

Renjun pops out of bed and follows them downstairs, against all of their arguing to stay in bed and rest.
He gives each one a big hug.
"Have fun." He says softly.
"Hey Junie?" Jaemin says just before he shut the door.
"Yeah?" Jaemin touches his cheek.
"We love you." His heart is caught in his throat.
"I love you, now go be romantic and shit." He says cutely.

When he watches their taxi drive away he feels alone and broken. He wasn't going to tell them how bad it hurt that they were leaving him. He knows they aren't his to have anyway but he loves being with them, even just knowing they are home or will be home makes him happy. He thinks he may have grown a little too dependent. He goes back up to their bed and snuggles into their scents and falls asleep easily.
The next few days will probably be hard but he will manage.

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