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By the middle of his fourth week he's got a pretty good routine down with cleaning the house. Jeno gave him a list of all the duties the cleaning company did and told him he could do it at his own pace. Today with Jaemin at work and Jeno out shopping he's feeling kind of free. He blasts some music and dances around the living room as he dusts it.
He finds himself feeling the music as he sways his hips. His body finding an old rhythm that just comes natural to him. He closes his eyes as he feels his way up his stomach and back down to his hips.

When Jeno walks in and sees him dancing, he pauses to watch. He's beautiful, he thinks as he can't pull his eyes away. His body moves so naturally to each beat in the song. Soon though Renjun looks over and stops out of sheer embarrassment.
"H-how long were you there?" He asks nervously. Jeno smiles.
"Long enough. You're a good dancer." He says before heading to the kitchen. Renjun turns down the music and starts cleaning again. He can't believe he did that in front of him.

He grabs the vacuum and starts cleaning the rug but jumps when he feels a hand on his shoulder.
"Jesus, you scared me Jen." Jeno smiles so wide it makes Renjun's heart do flips. He loves his smile so much. Seeing him happy makes him feel happy and he knows he shouldn't be this way but he can't help himself.

"You called me Jen." Renjun looks confused.
"Is that bad?" Jeno shakes his head still blinding him with his smile.
"It's the first time you've ever called me by a nickname." Renjun chuckles.
"It's just your name though." Jeno giggles.
"I know but I feel like you are more comfortable here now, it makes me so happy." He says before hugging him. Renjun smiles and hugs him back.

"I do feel a lot better now that I'm working I guess." Jeno pouts.
"I liked it better when you were a guest, my friend. Now you're always busy." Renjun smiles softly.
"Whenever you need me to take a break and just be your friend I will, you know." Jeno likes his answer.
"Good, how about now? Will you swim with me?" Renjun giggles at his excitement and figures a little swim would be nice.
"Yes, I'll go get ready and meet you there." Jeno follows him up so he can change too.

When Renjun is ready he heads down the stairs to find Jeno mixing something in the blender.
"What are you making?" He asks as he sees a green slushy substance.
"Blended margaritas!" He smiles.
"Sounds delicious." Jeno nods.
"Oh they are, I make the best." He walks over and hands Renjun a big glass.
"Damn. These are huge!" He says making the other laugh.
"Well, this way we don't have to come back in for a second one."
"Smart." Renjun takes a sip and sighs.
"Wow." Jeno smirks.
"I told you, now come on we have a floaty calling our names." They go out and grab the double floaty and set their drinks on the edge of the pool. Jeno gets on first then Renjun who reaches over to grab their drinks. He only almost fell in once.

They lay back enjoying the sun and the perfectly made margaritas.
"This is so nice." Renjun says softly.
"It is, I could spend all day like this." Jeno replies, equally as soft.

After an hour and two empty glasses of margaritas they decide to play in the water.
"Oh shit, it's cold." Renjun says with a quivering voice.
"I can tell." Jeno says playfully as he points just a bit too close to Renjun's nipple.
"Hard as a rock." Renjun steps back.
"Don't touch it." Jeno giggles.
"Why? We're just a couple of guys hanging out in the pool." Renjun just turns away.
"They're really sensitive, especially when I'm attracted to someone." Jeno freezes.
"A-are you?" He tries to ask.
"What? No, I was just stating a fact. I just don't want you to touch them." Jeno nods.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to violate you or anything, I was just playing around." Renjun takes the opportunity to lunge at him and pull him under the water. The look on Jeno's face is priceless and has him roaring with laughter.
"You little shit." He says as he playfully splashes him.

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