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"Shopping? Now?" Haechan asks incredulously.
"Yeah, I want to buy something for them and I want all of your help." Chenle frowns suspiciously.
"And they are just going to let you go? Just like that? After all you guys have been through?" Renjun sighs.
"Ok, they are busy. They had a tough time too when I wasn't here. It wasn't all about me, and they were in the kitchen talking it through and they need to be alone now." Haechan nods.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. If Jaemin wasn't being such an ass, Jeno never would have gotten drunk and tripped over that chair." Renjun frowns.
"What do you mean being an ass?" He asks cautiously.
"He was upset and spending all his time at work. Poor Jeno was left here to deal with the hurt himself so after a while Jaemin hurt him too." He looks down.
"Oh." Haechan side hugs him.
"None of that was your fault." He nods with a small smile.
"Maybe, but you have to admit I'm responsible in some way." Haechan sighs.

"Come on, this is the first time we get to have a hang out day with you outside the house. Let's have some fun." Renjun smiles wide.
"Yeah, this will be fun. I have to go get my wallet though, hold on." He runs up the stairs and just when he's about to open the door he stops himself when he hears the moans coming from the bedroom.
He tip toes down the stairs.
"Could someone maybe borrow me money? I'll pay you back when we get done." He asks sheepishly.
"Damn, ok." Mark says with a chuckle.

When they get to the mall Renjun is lost.
"I don't know what to get them, they probably have everything they need." He whines to Haechan who stops abruptly.
"What about panties?" He says pointing to a Victoria's Secret. Renjun frowns.
"I wanted to get them something special you know?" Haechan nods.
"Yes, we can do that too but you can't tell me they didn't like you in panties?" Renjun smiles shyly.
"They did."

Haechan grabs his hand and drags him in. With only a look, Mark and Jisung decide to sit this one out while Chenle shyly follows.
"Ooh, look at these pink ones. Jaemin will love these." Haechan says excitedly. Renjun looks them over and grabs them. In the end he grabs one in every color and a few different textures.
"I think I have plenty now." He says with a giggle as Haechan walks up with more.
"I only wear them on special occasions, it's not an everyday thing." Haechan pouts but puts them away. As they walk to the counter they see Chenle finishing up his purchase and look at each other with surprise.
"What did you buy?" Haechan asks with a smirk making his cheeks turn bright red.
"Something I hope Jisungie likes." He says softly. Haechan takes renjun's things to the counter and pays and Renjun is quick to grab the receipt to keep track of what he owes him.

"Ok, now we have to get serious. I want to buy something special, that when they look at it they know how much I love them. They bought me this beautiful necklace when they were in Italy and i haven't taken it off since. I want it to be special like this." He says showing the necklace.
"Ok, let's head over to the jeweler and see what we can find."

Renjun struggles a little at first but he finally happens upon the perfect thing. It's a white gold circle pendant with three diamonds.
"Ooh, that is a good one. The diamonds represent past present and future." The jeweler says. Renjun smiles.
"I'll take two." The man returns his smile.
"I'll wrap them up for you." He goes to the cashier and shows her what he purchased before going to the side to put them in boxes.
Haechan whips out his card and pays and again, Renjun takes the receipt.

"Thank you so much for doing this. I'm still not comfortable with being in public alone even though I know he can't hurt me." Renjun says softly.
"Any time. Now, do you think they are done fucking?" Renjun laughs.
"I should think so." He says with a giggle.

"Do you know any good restaurants? I've never really been to fancy ones. Maybe once when my dad got an award for something but I don't really remember where it is and I've never done this kind of thing before?" He says in a small panic.
"It's ok. I'll look into a few of my favorites and make a reservation for you guys, don't worry." Renjun nods with an appreciative smile.
"Thank you but also remember, I don't have a budget like theirs so nothing too out of my league." Haechan chuckles.
"I don't have their kind of budget either, not many do actually." Renjun feels much better now knowing the whole group isn't super rich. He feels like a failure when he thinks about how he couldn't make it far and he's glad they look past that but he still feels self conscious about it.

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