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"Are you sure you're ok to go to dinner?" Jaemin asks softly.
"Yes, for all anyone knows, I'm limping because I hurt my foot."
They help him into the front seat of Jaemin's car and head to the restaurant. Renjun finds himself nervous, he really hopes they like their gifts.

They are seated in a booth towards the back that has some level of privacy and Renjun will have to thank Haechan again for requesting the perfect table.
He sits across from them and giggles when they pout.
"You two, you literally just had your dicks in me, I think you can handle this distance for now." Jaemin smiles.
"I really love this new side of you." He says softly. Renjun frowns.
"What new side? I'm just me." He nods.
"You are, but you seem comfortable and it's so nice, plus you're sexy when you are sassy like this." Renjun giggles.
"Let's eat, I'm starving after today's activities." He says with a smile. Jeno and Jaemin both smirk as he just shakes his head with a smile.

When the waiter comes Renjun is still looking over his menu. He doesn't see the man staring at him like he's an angel and his two men ready to pounce. When he finally looks up, he smiles at the man making him get flustered.
He tells him his order then looks expectantly at the other two. They calm down a little and order, not wanting to ruin their evening with bitter jealousy.
"Are you sure you can't sit between us baby?" Jeno asks cutely. Renjun smiles softly.
"There will be plenty of time for that later." They sit in silence for a few minutes before Renjun has to pee.
"I'll be right back." He says softly.

When he gets near the hallway where the restrooms are located he is stopped by the waiter.
"Hey, uh. So I noticed you are here with those two?" Renjun nods with a smile.
"I mean obviously they are a couple, and like since you are alone maybe we could you know get a drink sometime?" Renjun giggles. He thinks it's funny how flustered he is.

"I'm sorry, I just, you are so pretty and I." Renjun holds up his hand.
"Thank you. I'm very flattered that you think I'm pretty but I'm taken and very happy, those two are my boyfriends." He looks down.
"Oh, ok, I'll leave you alone then." Renjun smiles warmly and pats his shoulder.
"They aren't going to kill me are they?" Renjun chuckles.
"I'll see to it, you survive." He goes in and does his business then walks back to the table to see their food has arrived as the two are looking around nervously and he giggles.

"Is something wrong?" He asks as he slides into his seat.
"What? No? We just, you were taking a long time and we were worried." He smiles softly.
"Our cute waiter asked me out on a date." He giggles as both his men choke.
"Cute? Date?" Jeno asks, obviously jealous. Renjun shrugs.
"He's cute because of the way he was so flustered, but I told him I'm happily in a relationship with you two." Jaemin frowns.
"And? Then what happened." Renjun giggles.
"Fuck, you two are so cute. He simply asked if you would kill him and I said I'd make sure you didn't. Then I went to the bathroom and that was that."
They both breathe a sigh of relief.
"Look guys, I love the fact that you want to protect me from everything all of the time but that isn't possible. You have no reason to be jealous though, I love you, only you." They both nod.
"Sorry baby, it's not that we don't trust you either, it's just that we love you so much." He smiles softly.

"I have something for you." Renjun says when they are finishing up their food. They both give him their attention right away. He touches his necklace with a smile then pulls the boxes out of his jacket pockets.

"So I love you two, and the purpose of all of this is not to say sorry. I think we've all said that enough. Instead I want to tell you that I truly love you with my whole heart and soul and I'm going to try to be more confident in us. As you know, I have a tendency to doubt if you want me around sometimes or feel like an outsider. Not because of anything you do but because my conscious is telling me I am not a part of you, that you two are the main, most important people in this relationship. I know I will have days where I slip and start to think something like this, but I trust you."

He pauses and clears his throat as he tries not to cry, but when he looks at them crying he can't help himself.
"I want you to have these as a way to always have me with you. Like when I was gone and felt so far from you, I would touch my necklace and feel like at least a small part of you was with me." He slides them over and watches as they tearfully open them.

"Renjun it's beautiful." Jeno whispers as he pulls it out of the box.
"The three diamonds represent..." he is interrupted as Jaemin finishes for him.
"Past, present and future." He says softly as he eyes Jeno.
Renjun nods with a nervous smile.
"Renjun, baby. These are perfect, just like you." Jaemin says softly.
Renjun leans over the table and helps fasten Jeno's necklace and almost can't finish as his lips are accosted at the same time. He smiles into the kiss.
"I love you." He says onto his lips.
"I love you baby." Jeno whispers. He pecks him once more then slides over a little to help Jaemin. He's not surprised, nor does he mind when their lips are pressed together as well.
"I love you." He says smiling.
"I love you." Jaemin says back softly. Renjun tries to sit back down but the two pull him out of the booth and hold him in their arms. Jeno is placing soft kisses on his face while Jaemin is kissing his neck.
"Guys, we're in public." He says quietly.
"Then let's go home. We want to kiss you and hold you." Renjun smiles brightly and nods.
"Let's go then."

As soon as they get home Jeno picks him up and carries him up the stairs. He giggles the whole time as Jaemin is yelling "wait for me ", behind them.
Renjun throws on a big sleep shirt while the other two are almost completely naked.
"You guys don't like clothes much do you?" They both chuckle.
"They just aren't always necessary." They cuddle Renjun in between them as they place soft kisses here and there, while their fingers trail different spots on his body.

"I really did miss this, sleeping with Nomin just wasn't the same." Jeno giggles.
"Are you both working tomorrow?" Renjun asks with a pout. Jaemin sighs.
"Yes, I'm sorry pookie." Renjun giggles at his new nickname.
"It's ok, I'll find something to do and I'll make you dinner." Jeno coo's.
"Awe baby, you're so sweet. We love your cooking." Renjun chuckles and swats his chest.
"It's not like I'm good at it, I only have a few recipes perfected but I'll keep working at it so one day I'll be a
Really good cook."

"Jaemin can give you lessons, he taught me. I was a shit cook when we first moved in together." Jaemin chuckles.
"All you have to do is read a recipe and practice. Sometimes they turn out bad and sometimes they turn out amazing. And just so you know, I'll even eat your fails with a smile because I appreciate the effort." Jeno laughs and leans over to kiss him.
"He really will do that. One time I tried to make hamburgers on the grill and they were like coal but he tried to eat it anyway. Needless to say I threw them out and ordered in." Renjun smiles as he pecks both of their cheeks.
"You guys are too cute."
They fall asleep tangled together, happy to have each other where they should be.

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