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"What has you so happy?" Jeno asks as he gets home after work. Renjun smiles brightly.
"I had an amazing day." He says dreamily. Jeno frowns playfully.
"Without me?" He asks pretending to be offended.
"No, it started with you, then I surprised your husband at work and we had a little office fun." Jeno walks to where he's sitting on the couch and kisses his lips softly.
"I really like office fun." Renjun nods.
"If only you had an office." He says with a sigh.
"Well, I don't have one of those but I do usually have a trailer." He says wiggling his brows. Renjun pulls him in for another kiss.
"I'll keep that in mind." Jeno sits beside him and rests his head on his shoulder.

"I bet Jaemin was happy to see you." Renjun smiles shyly.
"I was skeptical at first, my name wasn't on the approved list to wait in his office. I almost left but Ten talked me into staying. He, he even called me his second husband." He says shyly as Jeno smiles brightly.
"That's so cute. You got that title as soon as Jaemin started telling people about you. He couldn't shut up about how happy he is." Renjun frowns.
"That doesn't bother you?" He shakes his head no.
"I'm the same way." He says softly.
"Really?" Jeno laughs.
"Of course really, we love you so much Junie, baby. At what point will you believe it?" He asks as he plays with his fingers.
"I believe it, don't get me wrong. I just didn't think you would want to talk about a third party coming into your lives like that, you know, since you are married." Jeno kisses his cheek.

"Aside from the day Jaemin and I said I do, you are the best thing that happened in our lives. We love telling people about how lovely you are, how pretty you are and how much we love you. And if there are people who are bothered by it, we pay them no mind because we are proud to have you. You always think that we chose you, that you are happy because we fell in love with you but it goes both ways. We are so happy you chose to be a part of our lives. We are so happy you chose us." Renjun wipes his eyes and crawls onto Jeno's lap, bear hugging him.
"I love you, both of you so much." They stay in this position for a long time before Jeno decides they should make some dinner.

There are a lot of hugs and kisses shared between the chopping and stirring. They take cute selfies to send to Jaemin, telling him they are cooking him some food.
They are currently dancing in the kitchen when the doorbell rings.
"I'll get it." Renjun says with a kiss to Jeno's cheek.
He walks up and looks out the hole to see a police officer, initially he's a little freaked out but quickly realizes he can't be hurt by him anymore. When he opens it fully, he sees his mother standing there.

"Can we talk?" She asks softly. He nods and gestures for her to come in. She sends the officer away.
"It took a little digging to find where you were living, the police helped, that's the only reason I brought him." He just nods in understanding.
"This is a nice place, I'm assuming you live with your boyfriends?" He nods as he ushers her to sit on the couch.
"Would you like something to drink?" He asks just as Jeno walks in.
"Honey, who's here? Oh, hi. I'll make some tea." He suggests. Renjun smiles at him and sits beside his mother.

"I'm not sure if you've been keeping track of your father or not, but he'd been in a rehabilitation home for quite some time now. Yesterday he passed. I know, you probably don't care and I completely understand." She looks in his eyes.
"I didn't want to believe you. That wasn't the man I married. Your father used to be so sweet and kind. Then we had you and for most of your early years he doted over you, like you were the most precious gift. Then I think his desire for you to do well in life made him harden over the years. I was digging through some of his things at home, trying to make sense of it all and I found a journal. You were probably fifteen when he had his first affair. It was with a man and all he wrote about was how much shame he felt for wanting to be with him. He never once mentioned that he felt bad for cheating. He assumed it wasn't if it was with the same sex." Renjun scoffs.
"Yeah, that's what he said to Jaemin when they met, when he was trying to seduce him." She frowns.

"I think somewhere in his struggle with his sexuality, he lost himself, he turned into this monster that I couldn't see. I'm so sorry I didn't believe you. You are my son and I failed you and I'm so sorry."
Jeno walks in with two cups of tea and kisses Renjun's head before walking out again. His mother notices the soft smile on his face after.

"I'm so happy for you, that you found this love. I hope you feel every bit wanted and cared for, unlike when you were growing up. I know you struggled emotionally because we were so strict and trust me, if I could take it back I would." Renjun takes her hand.
"I can't say that I understand why it was like that but I can say, that I can try to." She smiles and pats his cheek.
"Is it ok if I talk with your boyfriends?" She asks looking around. Renjun nods skeptical.
"Jen, can you come in here? Jaemin is in the middle of working a double shift at the hospital." He explains.
"Yeah, what's up?" He asks putting his arm around Renjun.

"I just wanted to thank you, both of you for saving my son's life. For taking care of him when he needed it and for loving him as genuinely as you do. And I'm sorry that Jaemin got hurt at the hands of my husband too." Jeno shakes his head.
"You don't have to apologize for him. What he did is not on you." She nods with tears in her eyes.
"Thank you for allowing me this time. I'm going to go now. I just wanted to tell you that his funeral service is this Friday if you want to come. And believe me, I understand if you don't. It's only going to be a small burial. I'll probably be the only one sending him off. I just feel like it's my duty." She walks toward the door.
"Mama?" She turns when she hears Renjun call her something he hasn't in years.
"Can I hug you?" She opens her arms as tears pour down her face.
"Thank you." She whispers as he hugs her tightly.

Jaemin walks in the house around ten hoping to see his boys but the house is dark. He goes to the kitchen and reads a note that tells him to heat his plate. He sighs. He was really hoping they would at least stay up to say good night.
He eats his food quickly and heads upstairs. What he sees endears him to no end. Renjun is laying on top of Jeno with his face on his chest. He is sound asleep with Jeno lying there awake and rubbing his back.
"Angel, I'm so happy to see your face." Jeno frowns softly as Jaemin strips off his clothes and crawls in beside them.
"Did something happen?" Jaemin shakes his head no as he leans in and kisses his lips, he then kisses Renjun's cheek gently.
"I was just excited to come home and see my love's and was disappointed when you weren't there to eat with me." Jeno makes a pouty face.

"I'm sorry. Renjun's had an emotional afternoon. He's ok. Don't worry. But his mother stopped by, his father died in a rehab facility." Jaemin frowns as he listens to the whole story then touches Renjun's cheek.
"Did you tell him that no matter what he decides we will support him? And how much we love him?" Jeno nods with a soft smile.
"I did." Jeno kisses the top of Renjun's head.
"I love you too." Renjun says softly.
"Oh baby, how are you feeling?" He smiles as he places his hand on Jaemin's cheek.
"So much better, I'm sorry you had to eat alone." He says softly.
"Well, luckily I didn't have to eat my lunch alone. The appetizer alone was delicious." Jeno chuckles.
"Well, I had an amazing breakfast before work today." Jeno says making Jaemin giggle.
"You guys are something else, my something else. I wouldn't want you any other way."

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