chapter 1

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Huh! What the hell is this damn place .....(after a long silence) ....,a- am i ... am i ... r- relly in someone's fucking vagina being born againnnnn....... WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS HAPPENING HERE....

So let me tell you about myself , my name is Sami or should i say it was my name.I was an indian girl from a middle class family. Last night i died in a car accident while going to my house after my friend's b'day party. I was 22 years old . And now here i am being born again. Not that i am not happy or something but the process of being born is just yuckkk....

After a long time of playing push and push i am finally born . Thank God.

After bathing and covering me the nurse handed me to a beautiful woman who i assume is my new mom. Well atleast my mom is a beauty but why does she looks familiar *thinking hard* hmmmmm......

(3rd person's POV)

A beautiful woman holding a pretty baby girl in her hand with teary eyes and looked at her husband and said with a soft laugh "Isn't she a beauty Fugaku. You're gonna have trouble dealing with her fanboys in future "
Fugaku look at the baby's face and felt warm in his heart even though his face is expressionless.
Fugaku : (kissed his wife's forehead) thanku very much Mikoto. Thanku for everything.
Mikoto:* chuckle*" love you too~~" *in a teasing tone*" what should we name her ?hmmmm ...............what about Fumiko
Fugaku + Mikoto " said grinning like an idot .
Seeing his wife so happy and the his daughter who is the reason of their happiness Fugaku felt proud to have such lovely ladies in his life.
Fugaku : Fumiko it is then . Fumiko Uchiha The next hier of the Uchiha clan.

Fumiko's Pov

and I AM A FUCKING UCHIHAAAAAAAAAAA.......oh my god ! Oh my god! oh my god!
Okay!i need to calm down deep breaths*inhale* *exhale*let's calm down and think about it. So first thing is that i am an uchiha that too the hier which means that i am the eldest . While thinking and freaking out i started feeling sleepy because I'm still a baby who doesn't have energy . Let's sleep now and think what to do next later.

(Time skip)

When i woke up i observed my surrounding. Hmmmm so this is my house i think , not bad , not bad .
So now i need to think how am i going to survive in this ninja world . I believe that everything happens for a reason and now that i am here it surely does have a reason too which i don't know for now but that doesn't mean that i can't create my own reasons. To go on in life everybody needs reason and i have decided mine not one but many which are:
~ to save as many people as i can like Asuma, jiraiya, shisui, itachi, Minato and many more.
~to support Naruto
To accomplish these goals i need to get stronger. This world and the people here are hoing to suffer a lot but i will lessen their sufferings with my existence. I will continue the legacy of a true Shinobi. I have given a chance and i will take full advantage of this to bring happiness and peace to these people. Don't worry everyone i will save you and bring peace this is the promise of "FUMIKO UCHIHA - THE UCHIHA HEIRESS"
I will do everything and anything in my power to do so.
Suddenly i felt a sharp pain in my eyes , this is really bad , i think my head is gonna blast . What the heck is happening to me ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..........

(3rd person's POV)

Hearing Fumiko's cry both Fugaku and Mikoto run to see what actually happened. When they reached to the room they saw the little girl was crying while rubbing her eyes hardly with her small hands. Both the parents got worried for their 1st born . When Mikoto held the baby in her arms and Fugaku softly held the baby's hand in his and deattached from her face in fear that she might hurt herself.Mikoto was continuously trying to make the baby stop crying but nothing worked.

Mikoto: Fugaku what's happening to our princess. Do s- something please I'm getting scared (said with teary eyes and shuttering)

Fugaku: let me try holding her you go and make milk for her , maybe she is hungry.
he said calmly to his wife but inside he was worried too, after all she was his princess. He tried calming down the baby but it was of no use , the baby only cried harder . After some time Mikoto came with milk and tried feeding her but the baby didn't drink that.

Mikoto: Fumiko darling you are scaring mother and father please open your eyes baby please let mama see what's making you cry.

As if the baby understand her , she opened her eyes slowly which were glowing red with three commas(,) like thing in them. Seeing her red eyes both Fugaku and Mikoto gasp

Mikoto: Fugaku is it really-Cutting her in middle he said

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Mikoto: Fugaku is it really-
Cutting her in middle he said

Fugaku: yes it is " THE SHARINGAN"
we will talk later right now we need to take her to the uchiha medics to ease her pain , she cannot shut off her sharingan by her own. Hurry , let's go.

Mikoto: you are right. Let's go.

Both took the baby to the medic but one question was there in both of their mind which is- how can a baby have 3rd level developed sharingan. It surely isn't normal and neither is their baby. Where Mikoto was worried about that the little girl have to carry a huge burden in the future Fugaku was worried but mostly proud that his daughter is not only a beauty but also a prodigy.

Medic(Eric): Fugaku sama, Mikoto sama is everything alright? You look worried

Fugaku: The uchiha heiress has already unlocked her sharingan with 3 tomas. we need you to stabilize and shut it for now , she cannot do it on her own.

Eric: w-what h-ho-how is this even possible.
After looking at the baby's eyes he was beyond shock but started the procedure immediately.

Mikoto: thanku eric for the help we were really worried.

Fugaku: Hn

Mikoto and eric : sigh

(Fumiko's pov)

I was very tired with all this crying and stuff so i was about to loose my conscience but before this i heard them saying me getting sharingan and all and after that i was deep asleep.

Time skip~

After waking up i have been thinking about the sharingan thing . How come i have already unlocked it . This question has been running in my mind non stop. After a lot of thinking i came to the conclusion the maybe my desire to protect everyone and changing the fate of this world have triggered the unlocking of sharingan but i am glad that i unlocked it . Now i am one step closer to getting stronger. Let's see what the future holds for me.

Author's note:-
I know that this chapter is small but don't worry the upcoming chapters won't be this small.
Keep supporting guys. Thank you ❤️❤️❤️

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