Chapter 2

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(Fumiko's Pov)

I am 3 months old now.
It was really weird in the beginning because i needed to be brestfeeded , which i declined to do. Whenever my mom tries to do that , i start crying so they come to the conclusion to feed me formula milk. someone else has to clean me, bath me and carry me but now I'm actually alright with it. Maybe because i accept this family as my own , this is my present , this is my home and family now . This is how it is and i accepted it with open arms. For the past months i have been thinking about all these things and i came to the conclusion that i need to prove myself as the uchiha prodigy so that i can save itachi from carrying the burden of being called prodigy and the expectations of others. I need to save my brothers at all costs and now that i have sharingan i think it will be a little bit easier.

After the sharingan incident everyone knows about the uchiha prodigy , not only the clan but also the village and because of this my dad's pride has been kissing the sky *chuckle* not that i mind , i actually feel proud of myself that i made him proud after all he is my father now. Everyday when mom is not nearby dad would hold me and tell me about the cases in the uchiha police force not that a 3 months old can actually understand it but hey! I'm special so i would carefully listen to him and would giggles and clap when he tells the part how they captured the criminal and trust me his happiness is above everything when i clap at his achievements. I know he has been shown as a very strict and cruel father in the show but now i can see and feel it that he actually is like a coconut - hard outside and soft inside. I'm gonna make you proud of me papa just you wait.

Right now we are having a father daughter time in the garden in the back side of the house and I'm enjoying every bit of it.

(3rd person's POV)

Fugaku: and that's how we won the battle. When you grow up a bit i will train you myself and gonna be a lot hard on you , it's not because I don't love you but it is because i want you to be independent in everything so nobody can question you. I don't know if i will every tell you this in future but saying now feels right so listen carefully because it's once in a lifetime thing ok.

Fumiko: * giggles* clap clap calp

Fugaku: *chuckles* it's like you understand everything i am saying hn. So listen carefully now ,
I LOVE YOU MY PRINCESS. You are the best thing happened to me after your mom ofcourse.* Chuckle*

Fumiko: (laughing and clapping)
Suddenly Fumiko hold her father's yukata and tries climbing up.

Fugaku: you wanna go up hm
He lifts his daughter a little while the little girl hold her father's cheek with her soft hands and placed her mouth openly on his cheek as if kissing him and saying that she loves him too which is exactly what she was trying conveying to her father. Seeing his daughter's this action Fugaku froze for a second but then laughed for the first time at his daughter's entiques.
What they don't know is 3 persons were watching this scene from inside totally dumbfolded. Who were none other then Mikoto , Mikoto's best friend Kushina Uzumaki and Minato Namikaze.
All 3 of them thinking - you really are something else hn,  Uchiha Fumiko .

(Fumiko's pov)

After our father daughter time we got inside and saw my mom , kushina and Minato standing there frozen as if they has seen a ghost. On the other side dad was blushing. What the heck! ... Then i realised that they must have seen our small moments. Spying on us hn.....

Actually this is my first time meeting Minato and Kushina. Both of them were teasing my father and gushing over my cuteness resulting in my father going outside and me tired and fall asleep after some time playing with them.

Time skip~

(Fumiko's Pov)age~ 4 months

To prove that I'm a prodigy i need to be advance from my age babies so after so many tries i finally learnt to crawl and now I'm waiting for my father to come home so that i can surprise him *excited to make him proud*

(3rd person's POV)

Fumiko was playing with her toys while waiting for her father to come . Mikoto was making dinner when Fugaku came. When Fumiko saw that her father has came she started to crawl towards him and held his legs which left both the parents speechless. Fumiko lifted her arms upwards to let fugaku know that she wants him to hold her.

Fugaku: When did she learn to crawl?
Asked his wife while lifting his daughter.

Mikoto: i don't know. I never saw her trying it then when did she learnt this. *She replied confused and shocked*

Fugaku: you really are my little prodigy huh *Smirked proudly*

Fumiko : *giggles*

Mikoto: maybe she really prepared this surprise for you *pouted*. Now i really think you are her favourite.

Fugaku: hn *grinning in heart*

After kushina and Minato get to know about this they make Fumiko crawl all around the house with stars in their eyes.

Time skip~

(Fumiko pov) Age~ 7 months

For the past 4 months i have been practicing to speak and walk and let me tell you that i can do both now but not very well. I have been hiding this from everyone from 2 months . Before i was about to surprise my father again but then i heard my mom, Kushina and Minato planning surprise party for dad's b'day which was after i become 8th months old so to surprise my father i hide this from everyone and today is dad's bday so i am very exited for his reaction heheheh.....

Time skip~

Everything is ready and all the guests are present here who are : Kushina, Minato, uchiha clan elders, Shikaku and his wife, Choza and his wife, Hiashi and his wife and his twin brother and obviously 3rd Hokage. Not all of them are friends but some are politically invited like lord 3rd and hyugas not to disrespect any clan leaders.
After some time dad came home. Mom and everyone congratulated him. When it was time for cake cutting everyone gave their gifts and dad was really busy with them that he didn't noticed me so i started crying to gain his attention ( what did you expect from a kid who is jealous 😑). Not only his but i gained everyone's attention my mom tried picking me but but crawled away from her , seeing this dad was about to come to me but stoped on his steps when he saw me trying to stand up on my own . After my 1st failed try i finally got up on my feets and wobbly walked to him and give him the flowers which is a little worn out and said
Fumiko: pa-pa buday jift (baby language)

After this everyone froze there and why not ? It's not everday when you see a 7 monts old walking and talking 😂

Fumiko: (tugging his yukata) papa up - up

(3rd person's POV)

Finally Fugaku came to his senses and picked his daughter with a proud look. Everybody was looking at them with different emotions.

Hokage: so this is the uchiha prodigy

Fugaku: yes lord 3rd. This is my daughter and the next heiress of the uchiha clan, Uchiha Fumiko.

Hokage: she truly is a prodigy. Someday she will make a great shinobi.

Just like this every clan head present there praised the uchiha heiress but there was fear of future in their hearts.

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