Chapter 23

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(3rd person's POV)

Itachi: Shisui, what happened

Shisui: D-Danzo stole my eye. Before he could get my other eye too , i escaped. He doesn't want me to use my "Kotoanmatsukami" to cancel the coup d'etat. Itachi this was all i can do i leave the rest to you.

Shisui gave me his other eye.

Shisui: i trust you with this.

Itachi: but shisui

Shisui: take care of yourself and nee-san, also give my love to Little Sasuke.

Shisui started walking backwards towards the end of clif.

Itachi: n-no shisui don't do this. What will i tell nee-san when she asks about you. What about Sasuke. What about me.

Shisui just smiled gave his sweet smile that he always give.

Shisui: I'm sure she will understand. I'm very proud of you Itachi, please save the king.

Saying this he jumped into the Naka river.

He jumped.....

Itachi: ( I lost you, can i even save anyone. You sacrificed yourself for this village,i promise to look after your goal. I promise to protect the village.)

That's when Itachi got his mangekyou sharingan.

Time Skip ~~

(Sasuke's POV)

Nii-san is behaving very odd from last few days. Father and nii-san get in a lot of fights. I wish nee-san was here with us she would surely do something but she is very busy. Right now nii-san was about to go outside when 3 of our clan ninjas came and started arguing with nii-san. They even blamed him for Shisui nii-san's death this made nii-san more mad that's when father came. This is not good situation. I have never seen nii-san like that.

Itachi: this pathetic clan has no future

Nii-san took out one of his kunia and throws it towards the clan symbol but before it could touch the symbol another kunai deflected it.

Fumiko: Itachi, go to your room

Itachi: nee-s-

Fumiko: now *angry*

I haven't seen nee-san angry until now. Nii-san went to his room.

Fumiko: father and dear comrades I'm sorry on behalf of my brother. It won't happen again.

Person 1: Fumiko sama he is not even attending the meeting

Person 3: this kind of behaviour can't be tolerated hime

Person 2: Fugaku sama we should arrest him

Fumiko: no

Fugaku: he is under the direct command of hokage, we cant arrest him without him knowing.

Fumiko: i assure you,it won't happen again.

The men left.

Fugaku: Fumiko, come in my office and bring Itachi.

Fumiko: father he is just a child please let him out of the hook this time

Fugaku: he is not a child Fumiko. He knows exactly what he is doing. You can't always protect him.

Fumiko: i know father but just this time

Fugaku: either you call him or you take his punishment.

Fumiko: I'll take whatever the punishment is

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