chapter 4

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Time skip ~

(Fumiko's Pov)Age~ 2

From the past 1 year i have only focused on my chakra training. I can walk on trees and water without any problem , i can create a chakra sheild too in short i have somewhat mastered chakra control. It took me a whole year to do so with daily 6 hours of meditation and 6 different hours of practicing it. Meditation has helped me in improving my chakra reserves too. So i can say that i have chakra on same level as sasuke when he was a genin.
If i go on this pace and on my own it will take a lot of time to get stronger. I surely need help. with only books i may not be able to learn everything. I need a teacher but who.

(3rd person's POV)

Fumiko was deep in thought while walking on the road what she didn't noticed was the person in front of her and bumped into him.

Minato: Miko is there something bothering you?

Fumiko: Minato nii-san i need your help( said in a serious tone)

Minato: what is it little miko?

F:can we talk somewhere private it's very important.

M: sure. Hold my hand .

Minato teleported both of them in his room.

F: nii-san can you place a silence seal.

Minato was beyond shocked that she knew about silence seal but did as she asked him to.

M: now tell me miko what is that you want to hide so bad.

F: first you have to promise me that you will not tell anyone about it not Kushina nee not anyone untill i say so. And first hear me out and then you can ask your question later all together.

M: ok i promise.

F: I was from a different world before getting reborn into this world and i remember everything from my past life. I was 22 when i died. My world was very different and advanced from this one , there was no ninjas or shinobis there. Now what i am gonna tell you can maybe hard to trust but i swear I'm not lying. In my world there was a show or manga where this world's story was told and shown. So basically i know this world's past and future. I don't know what my purpose is for being born here but i have made my own reasons to live here. There are going to be many deaths which can be prevented without changing the future much and that is my goal. Over the time of these 2 years i have come to accept my life here as Fumiko Uchiha and i want to save as many as i can, i want to help the shinobis to bring peace and for that i need to become stronger which I can't do by my own so i need your help. Will you trust me? Will you help me? *Her eyes was glistening with tears which tolds the story and pain which can't be told*

Minato was shocked after hearing her. He knows for a fact that she was telling the truth he can see it in her eyes. She was carrying the burden of knowing the future on her small shoulders. She may have remember her past life but right now he can see a little girl crying for help.

M: so you want me to train you?

F:*shocked* won't you ask any questions? Will you really help me?

M:* laughing* look at your face you look like a lost puppy

F: hump!!!

M: ok ok I'm sorry but yes, i will help you and no I'm not gonna ask you any questions because i know that if there is anything for me to know you will tell me. I trust my little imouto.

For a few seconds Fumiko just stare at his face, she saw how much trust he had put in her.

F: you know i have always wanted a big brother but didn't had in my past life but I'm glad that i have you now. I love you nii-san.

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