Chapter 5

845 17 4

(Fumiko's Pov) Age 4

It's been 1 and half year with my talk to hokage and other 2. I have improved a lot under their supervision. My skills out of 10 be like:

Seals - 7
Taijutsu - 6
Sensory skills - 6
Strategic skills - 6
Ninjutsu -
Fire - 8
Wind - 6.5
Lighting - 7
Water -4 ( i have recently
started learning water
style and it's tough
because it's not my
base element)
Sharingan - mastered the 3 toma
Weapons - kunai, shuriken

Over all I'm chunin level according to my sensies. Taijutsu and sensory is both taught by Minato nii-san along with ninjutsu He also taught me Rasengan and currently teaching me Flying Thunder god jutsu. This year I'm gonna join the acedmy because Father and many other people got to know about my abilities and suggested to enter me in the acedmy.


Fumiko was playing shogi with shikaku when an uchiha ninja came.

Uchiha ninja: Fumiko sama , Fugaku sama has asked for your presence as soon as possible.

Fumiko: Alright I'll be there.

Shikaku: looks like you are in trouble huh

Fumiko: it's troublesome day *sigh* I'll see you tomorrow shikaku-san.

At uchiha house

When I reached the house i sensed the elders of uchiha clan and my father in his study.

Knock knock

Father: come in

Fumiko: *bows* Father , respected elders.

Elder 1: our heiress sure is respectful, calm and strong, a perfect prodigy.

Elder 2: she surely is. It's good for the clan.

Fumiko: *bows* thanku for your support and praises elders sama.

Fugaku: Fumiko i have heard from multiple people that your are hanging out with multiple elite ninjas out of the clan.

Fumiko: i heartily apologise if i have caused you or the clan any problems and yes i have been training with multiple ninjas to be a strong leader for our clan.

Elder 2: but why go to other clans?

Elder 1: why Nara Shikaku ?

Fumiko: these people i have been training with are great ninjas with high experiences , father has been training me in fire style ninjutsu and my sharingan but he also have police force to lead resulting in him being busy most of the time and as you know that i am the heiress so i have to be strong, I can't laze around so i decided that i will gain knowledge and experience from the experts like Kushina has been teaching me about seals and basic medical ninjutsu, Minato taught me taijutsu and ninjutsu which is why i have almost mastered fire, wind, lighting sty-

Elder 1: w-what

Elder 2: you have mastered 3 elements already *they were bewildered, even if she is a prodigy but mastering 3 elements at the age of 4 was someone unbelievable*

Fumiko: yes and i already started my water style training,if you want i can do a demo test too plus Nara clan is known for their intelligence and in war or simple battle strategy plays a vital role and to improve my strategic skills i approached Shikaku Nara.

Elder 2: that's amazing, Fugaku your daughter is born to be a leader one day.

Fugaku:*smirked* hn she surely is.

Elder 1: why don't you send her to the academy when she turns 4 this year.

Elder 2: yes, other clans should know it too that uchiha's are not to be underestimated.

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