Chapter 3

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(Fumiko's pov)

Tomorrow is my bday. I'll be 1 year old tomorrow.
In the last 5 months Father has been teaching me how to read and write so now i can do it very well for my age so i started learning about chakra and all. I started meditation when i was 9 months old and last month i unlocked my chakra system. When father got to know about about it he pat my head and said good job. After his b'day father started being cold with me and told me to call him father not papa. I am not mad or anything because i know that this is his nature and the uchiha are known to be cold so it's okay i guess. Let me tell you some incidents of past 5 months.

*Flashback 1*

Fumiko: Father what is this( referring to the scroll)

Fugaku: It's case we are working on.

Fumiko was starring at the scroll when suddenly she asked

Fumiko: Father can you teach me how to read and write.

Fugaku looked at his daughter and saw how determined she was to learn and there starts her journey of learning.

*Flashback 1 ends*

*Flashback 2*

Fumiko: father

Fugaku: hm

Fumiko: can you get me books about chakra and ninja things.

Fugaku looked up from his scroll to his daughter.

Fugaku: why?

Fumiko: i want to learn a lot of things and become stronger to protect you.

*Flashback 2 ends*

*Flashback 3*

Little Fumiko run towards her father's study and slammed the open with a wide smile on her face.

Fugaku: what's the matter? Why are you here?

Fumiko: Father i think i finally unlocked my chakra system. Can you check it for me?

Fugaku was stunned for a moment but nodded and walked towards his daughter and confirmed her statement.

Fumiko: did i do it or not?

Fugaku : hn

Fumiko: father are you proud?

Fugaku looked towards her and saw the desperation in her eyes. Desperation to make him proud. He just simply patted her head . Just by this simple action of her father she understands that he is proud and smiled softly at her father.

*Flashback 3 ends*

I haven't spent much time with Minato but i will make a plan with him when the right time comes.

It was night time and here i am making notes for future writing all important incidents and important points in Naruto so that I don't forget them with time. I also made my training plan accordingly too.

Time skip~ next day

(3rd person's POV)

Mikoto wake up the little girl with a cake and a bday song while her father was just standing besides her.

Mikoto: happy birthday to you darling.
Said and kissed fumiko's forehead.

Fugaku: hn

Fumiko: *chukle*Thanku mother - father.

Mikoto: so what do want for your birthday present.

Fumiko: first promise that you will not decline.*puppy eyes*

Mikoto: *chukle* i promise sweetie

Fumiko: both of you need to promise that together.

This caught Fugaku's attention.what is it that need promise because Fumiko is not a spoiled child to demand something like toys etc. so what is it.
Mikoto looked at fugaku and elbowed him to signal to make the promise

Mikoto: we promise. Now tell us what is it that you want.

Fugaku: hn

Fumiko: *blushing mess* i want a little brother (said in a low voice. She was actually asking her parents to have sex without any protection😂)

Mikoto: *chocked on nothing*w-whaattt *blushing mess*

Fugaku: *coughed*ahem ahem

Fumiko: please father please mother i really want a sibling please.

Mikoto: why suddenly this darling you can wish anything else.

Fumiko: i know mother but i want to protect him , to show him the world , to care for him , to love him , i love you guys a lot and i know you loves me too. If there is a situation where our life is at risk you will save me without thinking and i want someone too for whom i can die too . A special someone for whom i can die and kill without thinking. I won't ask anything from you but can you please give me a brother please *she begged them desperately*

Hearing these words from their 1 year old daughter Mikoto was having teary eyes and Fugaku was proud that his daughter was mature and understand the value of life, death and family.

Mikoto: okay we promise to give you a brother but not now okay. Right now you are small to take care of someone else.

Hearing this fumiko was full of joy.

Fumiko:*tears leaking from coner of her eyes* thanku mother and father i love you guys a lot.

Later that night part was held wher Kushina, Minato, lord 3rd, sakumo with 1 and half year old kakashi and all other clan leaders plus uchiha clan elders were present.

Minato: where is our birthday girl??

Fugaku: Mikoto is getting her ready.

Kushina: Everybody hold your breath, the uchiha princess has arrived.

Kushina: Everybody hold your breath, the uchiha princess has arrived

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Everybody was shocked at the beauty of the young heiress.

Sakumo: your daughter will surely give you hell with her number of fanboys.
Sakumo teased his uchiha friend .

Minato: No way! I will protect her.

Kushina: ohh Mikoto we will get her ready for her dates okay!! oh my god I'm so excited *her excitement was over the roof*

Fugaku: hell no!!

Everybody: *pin drop silence and looked at Fugaku*

Then everybody started laughing at the protective father.

And just like this the b'day night was over.

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