Chapter 17

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(Fumiko's Pov)

It's been a few months since Obito died. Kakashi had become a little cold. Rin was really devastated but she has come in terms with the truth. I haven't been able to spent time with them due to my secret training. Yes, i have been training secretly with Suho, kuro and kenta. It's almost time when rin dies , i have to save her.

Time skip~

I have secretly followed Rin and Kakashi on their mission. Right now kakashi is facing the ninjas. It's about time when Rin jumps in front of Kakashi's chidori. I have only one chance if i failed then

Fumiko: no-no-no failing is not an option. Kuro are you ready??

Kuro: yes Fumiko sama

We saw Kakashi forming his chidori and Rin about to jump in front of Kakashi's chidori.

Fumiko: kuro now

I activated my mangekyou sharingan and used my new jutsu with Kuro.

Fumiko & kuro : Teleportation jutsu

I teleported Rin to the 3 dimensional space which i have created with help of Suho, Kuro and Kenta while Kuro teleported the the blood clone of Rin in her place. We did this at the same time so it will look that Rin hasn't moved from that place.

Kakashi's hand pierced through the chest of the blood clone.

Fumiko: thank god Rin is safe now. Kuro, we need to leave now, Obito and Black zetsu are coming.

With that we both teleported to where the real Rin was.

Suho and Kenta bowed to me when they saw that i was there.

Fumiko: Suho, kenta, how is she?

Suho: we have healed her physical wounds.

Kenta: the teleportation jutsu has took a toll on her. She'll wake up in a few minutes i think

Fumiko: Thanku and good work everyone. Now you can go to the Royal land i don't want her to become unconscious again when she see 2 wolfs and a dragon

All of them left to the Royal land. A few minutes later Rin wake up.

Rin: M-Miko???

Fumiko: how are you feeling??

Rin: how am i here?? I was-

Fumiko: I'll tell you everything just calm down ok?

Rin: *nodded*

Fumiko: Rin when you were about to jump in front of Kakashi's chidori i switched your body with a blood clone.

Rin: blood clone??

Fumiko: yes, blood clone, unlike shadow clone they don't disappear when hitted. They are basically dead bodied where i place a seal and add the person's blood whose clone i want to make. I have to add chakra accordingly to my need. Like if i want to make that clone work for a day i have to give it half of my chakra.

Rin: ohh

Fumiko: Rin listen to me carefully. For the outer world you are already dead. You can't go to our world for next some years.

Rin: w-what but why

Fumiko: Rin I'm someone who knows the future of this world. And I'm trying to save many people from their cruel fates for that, people should not know that you are alive.

Rin: a-am i one of th-those people you are saving??

I nodded.

Rin: *wishpered* if you knew then w-why didn't you saved O-Obito

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