Chapter 20

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Time Skip ~~ 3 years

(Fumiko's pov)

It's been 3 years after my crowning. It took me 2 years and 4 months to open gates and for past 8 months i have been training my new power.


I was still meditating when someone said "you did it miko". I think it's Suho. I slowly opened my eyes and saw there was hundreds of dragons and wolfs in front of me.

Kenta: you did it.

Kuro: They all wanted to see you and thank you for opening the gates to their home.

Fumiko: nobody needs to thank me for anything i just did what i had to.

For a while i talked to all of them then we went to my home in the Royal Land.

Fumiko: Suho i can surely feel a new power in me but i don't know what it is.

Suho: it's Moukton

Fumiko: w-what

Kenta: when you were meditating your surroundings started growing flowers and trees.

Fumiko: how is this possible

Kuro: your most wished power is provided to you

That's right i have always wanted wood style. But i never thought that an Uchiha can have it.

Suho: both Uchiha and Senjus are descendents of sage of six path which means that you all share same blood so it's not that impossible.

Fumiko: if you think that way it truly makes sense. And now that i have wood style i want to learn how to use it as soon as possible.

Flashback ends

Today I'm leaving for the village again. Rin, Suho, Kuro and Kenta are here to see me off.

Rin: take care of yourself miko and if you want to talk then know that we are always here for you.

Fumiko: i know Rin, thanku so much

Rin: go and date Kakashi 😏😉

Fumiko: You know very well that i can't be distracted otherwise I'll fail again

Rin: don't try to do everything on your own miko. You have your comrades and us.

Fumiko: i know Rin.

Kenta: I'll come with you s-

Fumiko: no

Kuro: but it's for your safety an-

Fumiko: i know you guys just want best for me but i have other duties for you. Suho will be the caretaker for the dragon while kuro will be for wolf under my absence. As for you Kenta , you will be in my dimension with Rin.

Suho: what about you

Fumiko: Toru will be coming with me.

Kenta: Toru?? But he is still not th-

Fumiko: kenta i know you are worried about your son but he needs experience too.

Kuro: she is right kenta. He needs to see how the outside world works.

Fumiko: i promise to keep him safe Kenta. Trust me

Kenta: then from today onwards my son is in your responsible hands. I'll go and bring him.

Fumiko:you don't have to ,he is already here

Toru: *bows* Fumiko sama you called?

Fumiko: yes Toru. You'll be coming with me to Kohana. It will be a good experience for you.

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