Chapter 24

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(Fumiko's Pov)

I got Sasuke's discharge papers and went to the room to get him.

Fumiko: Sasuke, let's go

Sasuke: hn

It was quite between us so i decided to speak.

Fumiko: i have already brought an apartment, that will be yours from now on.

Sasuke: i have to go back to pack my things *whispered*

Fumiko: you don't have to, i already did.

Sasuke: hn

After reaching home i showed him around and told him to rest until then I'll prepare food for him.

Fumiko: Sasuke, food is ready come and eat.

Sasuke: you really don't care

Fumiko: what?

Sasuke: they are all killed just a night ago and here you are acting as if everything is normal. This shows how much of a heartless and worthless daughter and clan heiress you are.

Saying this he locked his room.

Fumiko: *whispered to herself* how should i tell you Sasuke that my love for you is much bigger than then my own grief.

I out all the food in fridge and went to his door.

Fumiko: the food is in the fridge when you feel hungry, eat it. I'm going outside for sometime.

There was no response from his side. I should give him some time.

I opened the door to go outside and saw him, the person i least expected to come and see me.

Hatake Kakashi

Fumiko: what are you doing here

Kakashi: come with me

Fumiko: where

Kakashi: just come

He took me on the Hokage mountain.

Fumiko: why are we here

Kakashi: how are you

Fumiko: fine i guess

Kakashi: don't lie

Fumiko: I'm not

Kakashi: yes you are. Don't act like you don't care

Fumiko: then what should i do , sit in a corner and cry

Kakashi: no, just stop pretending in front of me.

Fumiko: why do you even care

Kakashi: because you are the only one left. I don't want to see you in the same state where i saw my father , luckily you were there for him and i still have my father with me it's because of you.

Fumiko: if you are afraid that i might suicide then you are wrong. I still have a lot to live for. Killing oneself is never the solution. If that's all you are here for, then you can go. Don't waste your time here.

Kakashi: wanna have a drink?

Fumiko: it's late I'm going home, you should too.

Kakashi: it will make you feel better

I never drank in my past life and same with this. Maybe i should try who knows if it can truly make me feel better.

Fumiko: *nodded*

We went to a barbecue.

Kakashi: here you can eat while drinking, come

Fumiko: hn

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