Chapter 19

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(Fumiko's Pov)

From past few months i have been training with my personal summonings. And it's very hard. Right now I'm training for sage mode. When kenta came running to me

Kenta: Miko *huff huff* i have *huff* something to tell you.

Yeah now they call me miko because it's too formal to call me Fumiko sama all the time. But they said that when we are with someone else they will still call me Fumiko sama otherwise it will be disrespectful or something.

Fumiko: what news?

Kenta: your mother is giving birth

Fumiko: w-what

Sasuke is about to born. My-my little brother.

Fumiko: i want to meet them i am-

Kenta: kuro has gone to human land you can see everything with his eyes.

Fumiko: but i want to hold my brother i-

Suho: you should listen to kenta miko. Once you go back and if anyone saw you how will you explain the orders given by Hokage as your mission. Everything will be at risk just because of your one mistake. Can you take that?

Fumiko: you are right. I'll just see him with Kuro's vision

I made a mind link with kuro.

Fumiko(in mind): kuro can you hear me

Kuro: yes miko now connect our subconscious mind and I'll let you control my vision for now.

(3rd person's POV)

When Fumiko did as per Kuro's instructions she get to see what really was happening.

Kuro approached the room where the Uchiha family was. Fumiko could see her mother lying on bed tiredly with a small bundle in her arms while her father took a defensive position seeing a uninvited guest. The same goes for her brothers Shisui and Itachi.

Itachi: f-father it's nee-chan

Fugaku looked at the wolf's eyes after hearing Itachi and there it was, Uchiha fumiko's EMS glowing proudly.

Shisui: is nee-chan sharing your vision?
Shisui asked the wolf.

Kuro: yes , Fumiko sama is watching everything. She didn't wanted to miss her little brother's birth.

Mikoto: Fugaku can you show Sasuke to her. I'm sure she is very eager to see her little brother.

Fugaku took little Sasuke from her arms and showed him to the wolf.

Fumiko was in tears watching her little brother sleeping like this.

Fumiko: (he looks so peaceful. So cute and so beautiful.) 😍 😍

Fumiko to Kuro: Kuro come back that's enough. I'm happy that i got to see all of them.

Kuro: it's time for me to go.

Itachi: wait, how is she?

Kuro: she is making a great progress. You should be proud that she is your sister.

Shisui: we totally are.

Kuro: then i shall leave now.

Kuro teleported himself back to his land.

Time skip~ day of Naruto's birth

(Fumiko's Pov)

Fumiko: Suho it's time.

Suho: yes hime.

I have to save Minato and Kushina and for that i do have a plan I'll do the same thing which i did with Rin.

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