Chapter 18

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(Fumiko's Pov)

It's been over a year since that night. Kakashi has joined the roots. I have been very busy with my plans and mission same goes for him. We haven't had a proper conversation. I have seen him a few time in his anbu uniform with some of his friends or should i say comrades. He has become cold even to me. Last time i tried to talk to him he gave me short and cold replies. I think he is avoiding me. I know he is going through a lot so it's not his fault but it still hurt , afterall he is the man that i love so much.

Right now I'm going to Minato nii-san's home , he said he wants to tell me something.
By the way , Minato nii-san is the Hokage now.

At Minato's house.

Fumiko: *knock knock*

Kushina opened the door with a wide smile.

Kushina: Mikooooo, you are finally here.

Fumiko: my god nee-chan are you high on something or maybe you just had fun with nii-san~~~😏😏


Fumiko: nee-chan why did you hit me

Kushina: don't say something like that, it will affect the baby

Fumiko: yeah right it will affect the b-
Affect what?????? *Shouted*

Minato comes go kushina and back hugged her.

Minato: Kushina is pregnant Miko.

Fumiko: it's happening *teary eyes* how far?

Kushina: 3 months

Fumiko: and you are telling me now

Minato: who was so busy that didn't even visit us huh??🤨🤨

Fumiko: sorry 😅😅 by the way congratulations you both.

Kushina: congratulations to you too God mother of the future child 😁😁

Fumiko: i-i am the god mother of this baby??

Minato: i couldn't find anyone better than you

Fumiko: thanku so much.

We chatted for the whole afternoon.

Fumiko: Minato nii-san can we talk.

Kushina: why not in front of me

Fumiko: nee-chan you are pregnant now, i can't let you take any kind of stress , it will affect the baby.

Kushina: you already loves this baby no?

Fumiko: ofcourse i do. Let's go nii-san

We went to nii-san's room to talk and i activated the silence seal.

Fumiko: nii-san have you prepared what i asked you to.

Minato: yes but why do need to go to this extent miko , somewhere it will not only affect the village but also your reputation.

Fumiko: don't worry nii-san I'll handle everything.

Minato: i trust you more than anyone miko.

Fumiko: thanku nii-san. I'll take my leave now. I promised Itachi and Shisui to train them. Bye

I can't believe it's happening. Naruto is on the way *chuckle* i just remembered the day when mother told me about her pregnancy.


I was in my room working on my seals when father came
*Knock knock*

Fumiko: come in

Father entered the room with mother and Itachi.

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