Chapter 8

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(Fumiko's Pov)

Right now we are in the Hokage's office. The village elders, all the clan heads are also present here.

Hokage: Uchiha Fumiko is announced as the Chunin of the hidden leaf village. But for next 2 years she will be on break due to her clan duties as the next heiress after 2 years she will be tested again to announce her future position. But during these 2 years in times of crisis she have to fulfill her duties as a shinobi of Kohana.

Murmurs were all around the rom but nobody disobeyed the Hokage's order.

Now i have 2 years to do everything.


Time skip~

~~ 2 years later ~~

About Fumiko
age : 6 and half

Jutsus score out of 10

Taijutsu : 7

Genjutsu : 7.5

Fūinjutsu (sealing jutsu) : 9

Sensory skills : 7

Strategic skills : 8

Ninjutsu :Fire : 9
• wind : 8
• lighting : 9
• water : 6.5
• earth : 5

Weapons : kunai, shuriken (8)

Medical ninjutsu : 4

• Plus Minato's Flying Thunder god jutsu too.

• Charka reserves are equal to what sasuke has during war.

• Charka reserves are equal to what sasuke has during war

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(Fumiko's Pov)

From the past 2 years i have been training like crazy and i can finally say that I'm a jonin level. In past 2 years i have mainly focused on sealing jutsu because only Kushina can teach me that if something happens to her nobody can teach me that so this was my logic on giving priority to fūinjutsu.
I have created few of my own jutsus too and have mastered Minato's teleportation jutsu too that will come in handy.

Kakshi has already became a Chunin by now. Not that i stalk him, Sakumo invited me to celebrate this with them. His teasing is increasing day by day.


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