Chapter 16

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(Fumiko's pov)

We have been traveling from past 3 days and ofcourse my luck is never with me 😭😭😭 i got my periods last night during our rest and now my stomach and back is hurting. I want to eat chocolate 🤤 but i don't have any😭😭😭.

Kakashi: what's wrong?

Fumiko: huh??

Kakashi: your pace has become slow. The others have moved farward if you have any problem then we can take a small rest.

Fumiko: no-no everything is fi-ahhhh fuckk..

I was about to say that I'm fine but suddenly a wave of cramps hit me. Kakashi ran to me and held my face in his hands. He is surely worried.

Kakashi: are you hurt?

Fumiko: n-no it's j-just umm i-it's that m-my s-stomach you know

Kakashi: are you on your periods??

How can he ask so casually 😳😳 goshhh!!!!! This is so embarrassing

Kakashi: there is nothing to be embarassed about.

Did he just read my mind 😳😳

Kakashi: no i didn't read your mind *chuckle* it's all written on your face.

Fumiko: 😯

Kakashi: then let's take a rest shall we

(Kakashi's pov)

Kakashi: then let's take a rest shall we

Fumiko: but I'm fine now

Kakashi: no you are not

Fumiko: kakashi this mission is really important. We are at war , we can't lag behind.

She is stubborn 🤦🏻. Wait, i have an idea😏. I quietly approached her scooped he in my arms.

Fumiko: h-heyy w-what are you doing, put me down

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Fumiko: h-heyy w-what are you doing, put me down

Kakashi: no

I really like making her shy.

Kakashi: just calm down okay.

Fumiko: *nodded* thanks

Kakashi: just rest.

It's been a few minutes of me carrying her and now ahe is sleeping suddenly she clinched my tshirt tightly on my chest area. I think it's her periods acting up.

In a small amount of time i caught up to the others.

Obito: why are you carrying my sister?? *Screamed*

Rin: look at her Obito she doesn't look good.

Minato: what happened kakashi

Kakashi: it's her umm, you know that..

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