Chapter 7

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I finally saved Sakumo which proves that i can still make changes. But kakashi has been affected by this incident and has become like the series , taking rules seriously but atleast he has his father by his side now. While some people apologized to Sakumo too. For Kakashi's sake Sakumo has taken break from being a ninja and requested to get retire but the Hokage declined his request and made him ninja acedmy's one of the top trainers now he will teach the kids the importance of life and mission.
I'm glad that he is becoming a trainer. Students will learn many wise things under his wings. After coming in this world it's the first time I'm proud of myself. After that day me and uncle Sakumo has this father daughter like relationship which is great but he teases me a lot *sigh*


Sakumo: so why did you helped me.
Sakumo asked the little girl who was eating her ice creem.

Fumiko: For Kakashi.
She said without thinking

Sakumo: for Kakashi huh, 😏 do you like my son

Fumiko finally realised what she said

Fumiko: w-whaattt n-n-nooo i-i just w-want to

Sakumo laughed and here started his teasing

Flashback ends

Sakumo uncle has become my sensie too he teaches me taijutsu plus how to use a katana. Seeing sakumo alive is a huge motivation to me. Today Minato nii-san and Kushina nee-chan is coming back from their mission i need to tell them about this. Right now I'm going to the Hokage's office.

At Hokage's office

Fumiko: *Bows* Hokage sama

Hokage: oh Miko it's you. Minato and Kushina are about to return then we can start the meeting.

Fumiko: yes Hokage sama

Hokage: how many times i should tell you to call me jiji

Fumiko: ah, i forgot about it again,sorry.

*Knock knock*

Hokage: come in

Both Minato and Kushina entered the room and bowed to the Hokage and submitted their mission reports in the mean time Shikaku Nara also joined them.

Kushina: Miko we are happy to see you happy now.

Fumiko: huh

Shikaku: troublesome kid

Minato: when we left for the mission you looked very stressed and pressured but now you look alive again. We are glad 😊

Fumiko: thanku Minato nii-san. I think it's safe to disclose why I'm happy because that incident already happened. So you all know what happened to Sakumo Hatake right.

All 4 nodded their heads.

Fumiko: this incident would have taken a toll on him that he would have committed suicide but I'm glad that i changed that. I'm truly happy today. Now I'm sure that i can save people from their cruel fate. * Tears pouring from her eyes*

Minato hugged the little girl

Minato: you did great Miko. We are proud of you.
Hearing Minato saying this fumiko started to cry harder. After some time she calmed down.

Fumiko: thanks a lot everyone. And Hokage sama i want to inform you that in the next 6 months i will return all the money with interest.

Hokage: that means your business is doing great hm

Shikaku: yes Hokage sama.we are even getting order from different villages too. Fumiko's business will grow in no time.

Kushina: that's great Miko. Now you have to design our cloths too for our anniversary.

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