Chapter 14

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At dinner table

3rd person's POV

Everybody was sitting on the dinner table waiting for Fumiko and Fugaku to come.

After their conversation about eye surgery fumiko insisted to help fugaku.

After a few minutes both of them arrived.

Kakashi: (she looks stunning. What is this feeling. I need to forget these feelings they will slack me off)

 I need to forget these feelings they will slack me off)

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Fumiko: *bows* hello everyone

Kushina: oh my god miko you looks so elegant and beautiful.😍😍

Yoshina: Kushina is right. You'll break a lot of hearts huh~~

She said in a teasing tone making Fumiko blush. But there was someone who was getting a little jealous about everyone talking about fumiko dating guys. Any guesses who is that someone ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................and you are right that's non other than our Kakashi Hatake.

Minato: she already broke a lot of hearts 😂

Kakashi clinched his fist. And our No.1 teaser Sakumo Hatake noticed this.

Sakumo: (so my dear son is finally having feelings for my daughter-in-law huh😏😏).

Yoshina: why don't you date someone miko. There are so many guys fanning over you.

Mikoto: yeah !! You should chill a bit miko. Go out do something the normal teenage does.

Kushina: and don't worry we'll doll you up 🤩🤩

Shikaku: how troublesome

Fugaku: hn

Minato: i don't know where this is going

Shikaku/Fugaku/Minato: *long sigh*

Yoshina/Mikoto/Kushina: *glared at their husbands* what did you say🤨

Husbands: 🤫nothing

Sakumo: *laughing*

Husbands: stop laughing 😑😑

Sakumo: but really what's the reason miko

Fumiko: first they all are fanboys and i don't want that. Second i want someone strong where I don't need to worry about his safety. Last and most important I'm very busy to have time for dating.

Shisui: plus nee-chan is too young to date

Itachi: right

Obito: absolutely, they will hurt her

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