Chapter 27

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(Fumiko's POV)

I was sitting on my bed with my family photo album when i come across a photo of Itachi and Shisui. I miss them so damn much.

(3rd person's POV)

Fumiko was going towards the river for peace but she saw someone sitting there.

Fumiko: (isn't that Shisui. But who is this girl)

She approached them.

Fumiko: Shisui

This startled both of them

Shisui: n-nee-chan

Fumiko: how long?

Shisui: nee-chan i was about to tell yo-

Fumiko: how long shisui??

Shisui: 2 years *whispered with his head hung low*

Fumiko: I don't know who you are but i beg you to keep my brother happy and if you ever dare to hurt him then i will make your life a living hell.

Girl: I'm Amateursu and i promise to never hurt Shisui Fumiko san, please rest assured.

Fumiko: good. I'll take my leave then.

Fumiko turned around to leave but Shisui body flickered and hugged her and said with a cracked voice.

Shisui: I-I'm really sorry nee-chan. I didn't mean to hide it from you. I wa-

Fumiko hugged him back and said

Fumiko: Sui, i accept that i was a little sad that my brother didn't feel the need to share this important news with me but i also understand the fact that everybody needs their own personal space.

Shisui: no no no nee-chan i really di-

Fumiko broke the hug and cupped his face in her hands gently and wiped the tears that left his eyes.

Fumiko: My foolish little brother, I'm not mad at you, how can i. I'm happy that you are happy, that's enough for me.

Shisui: so you approve this relationship??

Fumiko: you don't need my approval Sui, I'm happy with everything if you are happy. And i like your choice.Now enjoy your time okay.

Fumiko kissed his forehead and left.

Flashback ends

With team 7

Its been a weeks since team 7 became genin. All they have been doing is D rank missions.

Naruto: ahhhhhh why does a great ninja like me has to do these stupid housework

Sakura: Naruto.., pipe down a bit

Sasuke: loser

Kakashi: okay the next mission is babys-

Naruto: no no no i want a real mission

Sasuke: hn

Sakura: by the way Kakashi sensei, why doesn't Fumiko sensei join us on missions

Kakashi: she is busy

Sasuke: hnn(when does she have time)

When they were walking on streets they saw Fumiko passing by.

Sakura: isn't that Fumiko sensei

Naruto: ofcourse that's her, nobody is that beautiful other than her.

Kakashi: yes

Sakura, Sasuke, Naruto: 😶

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