Chapter 21

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(Fumiko's Pov)

I have brought an appartment. It has 2 rooms with attached bathrooms, a living room, a combined dining area and kitchen. It also have a balcony. The appartment was already furnished so i just need to buy the necessities. Naruto is currently sleeping so i left him with Toru and went to shopping.

When i came home i saw Naruto still sleeping.

Fumiko: this boy *chuckle*

I went to him started shaking him.

Fumiko: Naruto, wake up honey, look what i brought for you

He slowly opened his eyes and started rubbing them. When he was awake he started looking at his surrounding.

Naruto: where am i?

Fumiko: This is our home Naruto.

Naruto: o-our?

Fumiko: yes , our, from now on we are family. I'm your guardian now.

Naruto: umm

Fumiko: what happened? Is there something you don't like?

Naruto: a-are you my m-mom now

Fumiko: I'm your family Naruto. I'll be whatever you want me to. I'll be the father who will earn money and take you out, I'll be the mother to cook for you , I'll be a brother to train with you , I'll be a sister to spoil you with my love. I'll be anything you want me to.

Naruto was having tears in his eyes when he suddenly hugged me.

Naruto: thanku so much m-mom.

When he called me mom i remembered Kushina. I felt guilty that I'm taking her place

Naruto: you'll be my mom right? Everybody has a mom but i don't so please be my mother.

How can i say no to your innocent pleas Naruto. I'm sorry Kushina I'm not taking yours or Minato's place but I'll make sure to give him your love. I'll be his mother and fullfill my promise to you, I'll take care of him as my own.

Fumiko: ofcourse Naruto
I give him a gentle smile and kissed his forehead.

Fumiko: what do you want for dinner?

Naruto: ramen *shouted*

Fumiko: *sigh* ramen is not healthy Naruto. I'll make something healthy for you.

Naruto: but ramen is healthy too, it has eggs and veggies too

Fumiko: so you don't want to eat mom's food. I thought you will. *Fake sadness*

Naruto: no mom i love your cooking, I'll eat everything you cook.

Fumiko: is that so??

Naruto: yes

Fumiko: okay then I'll make something delicious for you.

I cooked him rice with veggies side dishes, egg rolls and shrimps.

Naruto: woahhhh so much food.

Fumiko: taste it

Naruto tried everything and his reaction was pretty easy to understand. He totally like the food

Naruto: it's very delicious mom.

After dinner i did the dishes and made naruto sleep in his room.

Fumiko: Naruto i have some work so I'm going out. Toru will be here with you okay. I'll come back in a few hours.

Naruto: okay mom good night

Fumiko: good night honey.
*Kissed his forehead*

Now i need to go and meet my family.

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