Chapter 15

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(Fumiko's Pov)

After my talk with Suho i came back to the secret room using my eternal mangekyou sharingan. I saw my dad waiting for me.

Fugaku: where have you been

Fumiko: i was summoned by the land of wolfs and dragons.

To say that father was shocked , that's an understatement.

Fugaku: that's the highest level summoning plus that's the only combination summoning too.

Fumiko: yes father. They told me that i have to be crowned at 15 and for that i need to go their land to train. I don't know how much time it will take.

Fugaku: we'll discuss it after you come from your next mission.

Fumiko: ok

Fugaku: now let's go Minato asked for you , your clones have disappeared as soon as you went to the Royal land.

Right now I'm searching for Minato nii-san. It's time to take the next step of my plan.

Fumiko: found him

I quickly teleported to where he is. He looked slightly panicked.

Fumiko: Minato nii-san i-

Minato: where have you been Miko, your clones suddenly disappeared, we were worried. Are you okay?

It feels good to know that there are so many people to care for you.

Fumiko: I'm fine nii-san but its time to take the next step of my plan. For that i need your help.

Mikoto: i will help however i can Miko

Fumiko: i need to talk to the Kurama can you help me

Minato: kurama??

Fumiko: sorry, that's the name of the nine tails inside Kushina

Minato: you knew

Fumiko: nii-san did you forget that i was from a different world befor i was reborn here

Minato: 😅😅 i forgot

Fumiko: * sigh*

Minato: heyyyy!!!!

Fumiko: *chuckle* so let's go and talk to Kushina nee about it.


Kushin: oh Miko, it's good you are here i need your help. You are the only girl available right now you know and i kinda have a date with Minato tonight so can you help me choose what to wear you know hehe...

Fumiko: ofcourse i will hina nee-chan

Minato: kushina, before that we need your help

Kushina: is it about Miko's plan

I nodded. Kushina become serious

Fumiko: i want to talk to the nine tails.

Kushina: *shocked* but it's very dangerous miko

Fumiko: i know but it's very important. Please trust me

Kushina smiled and nodded. I activated my sharingan and entered Kushina's subconscious mind where i saw the same large gate and Kurama behind those gates.

 I activated my sharingan and entered Kushina's subconscious mind where i saw the same large gate and Kurama behind those gates

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