a cold blooded ruler !

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Jerone's pov

I was feeling good after cutting their heads . Their blood satisfied me . How dare they !

" Admit that u also like her jerone" Kyle grinned happily in my mind .. aish!! He started again !!

" I don't" i replied him . He is countiuosly chanting mate mate in my head from the moment he saw her ..

" Jerone!!" Kyle replied.
" Now what !!" I spat feeling irritated.

" She is - she is in danger " he said shuttering.

" What !! How can this be possible!! She is in my Kingdom. No one can touch her , infact no one can dare to look at her , I think u are missing her that much and imagining things to get close to her , but I won't listen u !" I said and cutted him off .

He is really doing that on purpose to make me ho to her .

" I am not lying!! Go to her please!!" He shouted in mind making my head ache in immense pain..

" What the hell u are doing Kyle!! "  I pulled the hairs of  my head with my both hands !! It's aching too much ..

" Go !! Otherwise u won't be able to forgive urself!" Kyle screamed in my mind increasing the pain .

" Ok ok hold it ! I am going!!" I said and the headache stopped..

I came out of the changing room and saw that Knox and zester were sitting on the chairs ..
Knox was calm but I can see zester is pulling his hair like he is fighting with his dragon like I am doing with my stubborn harpy .

" Are u going or should I start again !!" Kyle warned and I cursed myself.

" I am going to my Kingdom now , for some affairs. I will meet u both later "

" But Kyle !!" Zester said but I ignored him and moved towards the window fastly.. and opened my wings and flew ..

I reached to Kyle Kingdom in mintues as Kyle flew with his best energy and speed to see her ..

" I will kill u if she is sleeping alright.. as u said she is in some danger .. " i spat harshly

" U better not . Go and see . My instincts are saying that she is in trouble" Kyle said confidently.

I moved towards the room in which I made her sleep.

I held the door knob twisting it to open the door.

"See she is sle- no way !?? Where the heck is she ? I myself kept her in this room !! How could she gets out .

" I told u !! I fuking told u that she is trouble!! But u don't believe me !! Now find her!!" Kyle gritted.

My mind went Blank. Where is she !! I came out and looked the guards.

" Where is the woman whom I brought this night ." I asked gaining my posture and covering my sweat and panic state.. 

" She left towards the corridor " they replied staring down.

" Why did u allowed her!?" I shouted making them flinch !.

" We didn't allowed her my lord, she ran by herself saying that she i going to meet the man who saved her , so we thought that she will directly to u only as u saved her " they said looking down.

" Did she returned? "

" No-no my lord " they trembled.

" U are all fools!!! Tell me where she went ? In which direction?" I spat clenching my fists in order to calm down my anger

" We-  west corridor my lord, forgive us " they failed on the ground trembling..

" Just get lost" I said and turned to the west corridor.

" You  are a jerk jerone!!" Kyle said ..

" Stop the fuck up Kyle !?" I said and he moved in the corner ..

As I moved forward talking long steps, the west corridor was quite long and dark as it was located at the back side of my castle. 

" Noo! " I heard a voice from a far .. is it Valeria!! ? No ! What is happening here !! I ran in the direction of the voice .

I froze at my spot after seeing the scence in front of me ..

A man ! No it's my man !! My finance minister who was like my father's age was tearing a girl's cloth and rubbing his filthy body and mouth on her face and body ... And she was helpless screaming for help.

My blood boiled ..

" What the hell is happening here " i shouted making the rascal who was upon Valeria froze ..

" I marched forward and pulled him apart ..from her..  kyo was trying to take control and i was so shoked that he took control.. my eyes changed colours from blue to white.

Author s pov .

The moment Kyle took control he bent down and looked at Valeria who was crying her state was devastating, it broke his heart..

" Hii sweetheart" he called and Valeria looked at the person who saved her ..

Her breath got hitched at the sight .. the man was breathless handsome .. a spark erupted in her body the moment Kyle carried her in his arms

He took her into his bedroom which was larger than the previous one.

He kept and made her sleep by using his snowflakes power..

He got up and clenched his fists . His eyes glowed half blue and half white indicating that how angry he is ..

" Now it's time to show that motherrfuker whom he touched" he gritted and loked  the room from outside.

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