A Request to Return

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***author's pov***

Alexander took a step closer, his eyes locked onto Valeria’s, hope shimmering within their depths. “Come with us, Valeria,” he said gently, his voice low but resolute. “Come back to the kingdom. Let us protect you, help you understand who you are. We can find a way to face whatever dangers lie ahead, together.”

Kian nodded, his expression earnest. “You belong with us, Valeria. We can start over. Forget the past, the mistakes we made. We can make new memories, better ones. We can give you the life you deserve, away from all the pain and confusion.”

Valeria’s heart fluttered at their words, a wave of emotions crashing over her. Part of her longed to go with them, to feel the warmth of their presence again, the sense of belonging she had once found with them. But another part of her hesitated. The memories of their betrayal were still fresh, the wounds they had inflicted still raw. Could she really trust them again?

She glanced at Jerone, who remained in his corner, his posture stiff, his face a mask of indifference. He had made no move to join his brothers in their plea. His silence felt like a barrier between them, a reminder of the hurt and anger that still lingered.

“What about him?” Valeria asked softly, her gaze never leaving Jerone’s. “What does Jerone think? Does he want me to come back as well?”

Jerone’s eyes flickered, a shadow of pain crossing his features before he quickly masked it. “I think it’s up to you,” he said flatly, his voice devoid of emotion. “You’ve always made your own choices. If you want to come back, fine. If not, it doesn’t change anything for me.”**

His words cut through the air like a blade, cold and sharp. Valeria felt a pang of sorrow at his indifference, a stark contrast to the warmth of Kian and Alexander’s plea. She took a deep breath, trying to steady her racing thoughts.

“I…” she started, her voice wavering. “I don’t know. I don’t know if I can go back, not after everything that happened. I need time to think, to figure out what I want, who I am.”

Asher stepped forward, his presence calm and reassuring. “Take all the time you need, Valeria,” he said, his voice soothing. "We’re not going anywhere. Whether you choose to stay with us or not, we’ll be here for you, supporting you in whatever way we can. Just know that you’re not alone in this. You never were.”

Valeria looked up at him, his words bringing a sense of comfort she hadn’t realized she needed. Asher’s sincerity was undeniable, his loyalty unwavering. It was a stark contrast to the uncertainty and fear she had been feeling.

“Thank you, Asher,” she said quietly, her voice laced with gratitude. “I appreciate that. More than you know.”

Alexander and Kian exchanged glances, understanding that pushing her to make a decision now would only drive her further away. They nodded, silently agreeing to give her the space she needed.

“We’ll be waiting for you,”Alexander said gently. “Whenever you’re ready, just say the word. We’ll come for you.”

Kian smiled softly. “And until then, stay safe. We’ll be watching over you, even from a distance.”

Valeria nodded, her heart heavy with the weight of their words. She knew their intentions were sincere, their love genuine. But the scars of the past couldn’t be ignored. She needed time to heal, to find herself amidst the chaos of her memories and emotions.

As the elemental kings began to take their leave, Valeria watched them go, a mixture of relief and longing filling her chest. They had given her what she needed most—time and understanding. And as she stood there, alone with her thoughts, she knew that whatever the future held, she wouldn’t face it alone. Whether she chose to return to the elemental kings, stay with Emilia, or forge a new path entirely, she was surrounded by those who cared for her, who wanted her happiness above all else.

The decision was hers to make. And for the first time, she felt empowered by that choice.

As the elemental kings turned to leave, a sudden wave of uncertainty washed over Valeria. The thought of being alone, left to face the darkness and the unknown all by herself, made her heart ache. Despite the pain and betrayal, a part of her still longed for the safety and comfort of their presence. Before she could second-guess herself, she called out to them.

“Wait!” Valeria’s voice rang out, halting the kings in their tracks. They turned back to face her, surprise evident in their eyes. Valeria took a deep breath, her decision made in the spur of the moment. “I’ll go with you. For some time, at least. Maybe being with you will help me find some of the answers I’m looking for.”

Alexander’s face broke into a relieved smile, his eyes lighting up with hope. “You will? That’s… that’s all we’ve wanted, Valeria. To have you with us again, to help you remember who you are, and who we are to you.”

Kian nodded, his expression softening. “We’ll take things slow. We don’t expect everything to be perfect right away. We just want to be there for you, like we should have been from the start.”

Even Jerone’s stony façade cracked, a flicker of emotion flashing across his face. Though he didn’t step forward or say anything, his eyes met Valeria’s, and for a brief moment, there was something there—something she couldn’t quite place. Maybe it was regret, maybe hope. But it was enough to reassure her that, despite his anger, a part of him still cared.

Asher stepped closer to Valeria, his expression gentle. “Thank you for giving us this chance, Valeria. We’ll prove to you that we can be trusted. You won’t regret coming with us.”

Valeria nodded, trying to hold onto her resolve. “I just… I don’t want any more pain. No more lies or betrayal. If I go with you, it has to be with honesty and trust.”

Alexander reached out, gently taking her hand in his. “We promise, Valeria. No more lies. No more betrayal. From now on, everything we do, we do together.”

Valeria felt a warmth spread through her at his touch, a small flicker of hope igniting in her heart. Maybe this was the first step toward healing, toward understanding who she really was and what her place in this world could be. She didn’t have all the answers yet, but she knew that with the elemental kings by her side, she stood a better chance of finding them.

“Alright,” she said softly. “Let’s go.”

The kings shared a look of relief and quiet triumph. They had a long journey ahead, filled with uncertainty and challenges. But for now, they had Valeria with them, and that was all that mattered.

With one last glance around Emilia's coven, Valeria turned to the elemental kings, her heart filled with a mix of anxiety and cautious hope. As they led her out of the coven and toward their world, she couldn't help but feel that this was the beginning of a new chapter, one that would bring her closer to the truth of who she was meant to be.

Emilia smiled watching her go,  But she knew that something is going to change soon .

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